
  1. 对蔡京书法史地位的再讨论

    Reconsideration of Cai Jing 's Place in Calligraphic History

  2. 蔡襄与蔡京是中国书法史上两个具有比较典型反照意义的人物,两人都有很高的书法造诣。

    As two people of typically comparative significance in the history of calligraphy , Cai Xiang and Cai Jing both made excellent calligraphy accomplishments .

  3. 蔡京的经济思想上承法家思想的特点,又受到时代环境因素和王安石理财观的影响。

    The economic thoughts pile on Cai Jing legalists ' thought characteristic , and by the age environmental factors and the effect of Wang Anshi financial management concepts .

  4. 蔡京在为官期间多有经济举措,而作为北宋末期的执政者,其对北宋的灭亡负有不可推卸的责任。

    When he was in office promulgating economic measures , and as the governor late northern Song dynasty , he beared an unshirkable responsibility for the perished of the dynasty .

  5. 第一节历史人物,首先考察了笔记所涉及的五位宋君的逸事,然后重点考察了秦桧和蔡京两位显宦的轶事。

    The first section is about the historic characters . Some anecdotes of five kings were given firstly , and then two dignitary eunuch Qin Hui and Cai Jing were investigated carefully .

  6. 蔡京是历史上有名的奸臣,他从王安石变法的支持者到徽宗朝的宰相,在仕途上几经沉浮。

    Cai Jing is the history of the famous treacherous court official , his supporters of reform from Wang Anshi alternated to the prime minister , in official several on the ups and downs .