
  • 网络kevin tsai;Kevin;Cai;Tsai Kang-yung;blog
  1. 在蔡康永的感染下,导师金星也黯然抹泪。

    Under Kevin Tsai infections , tutor Jin Xing sadly wipe tears .

  2. 说到明星出柜,很多人的第一反应无疑是早在2001年便自曝性取向的蔡康永。

    Speaking of stars out of the closet , the first reaction of many people is undoubtedly early in 2001 will be Kevin Tsai exposes sexual orientation .

  3. 蔡康永在新书中阐述了自己对于爱情的界定。

    In the book , Tsai describes his standard of love .

  4. 都是蔡康永害的!

    It 's all Cai Kang yong 's doing !

  5. 尽管工作日程十分繁忙,蔡康永却在短短数月内便完成了这部八万字的小说。

    Despite a busy work schedule , Tsai finished the 80,000-word novel in just a few months .

  6. 蔡康永正在开展自己的新书《蔡康永爱情短信——未知的恋人》的全国巡回签售活动。

    Tsai is currently on tour , promoting his new book Tsai Kang-yung 's Love Message-Unknown Lover .

  7. 蔡康永因和搭档小S联手主持热门脱口秀节目《康熙来了》而家喻户晓。

    Tsai is most well known for hosting the popular talk show Kangxi Comes with fellow hostess Dee Hsu .

  8. 2012年12月22号,蔡康永在深圳进行新书签售会时曾表示:当我在新浪微博上发布了一些爱情短信后,收到了许多的回应。

    When I began to write some love messages on my Sina Weibo , I got a lot of feedback .

  9. 但是不要以为这本书仅仅收录了他全部的微博内容,相反蔡康永打造了一个全新的完整故事。

    But don 't think the book is just a collection of his micro blog posts-Tsai has created a whole new , coherent story .

  10. 这本书的最初构想源于蔡康永的新浪微博,他会定时在微博上发布一些简短精炼的对于恋爱与情感的思考。

    The original idea for the book came from Tsai 's Sina Weibo , on which he routinely posts short and refined thoughts on romance and relationships .

  11. 谈及这段经历,蔡康永自我调侃那我倒霉嘛,谁让我是唯一一个出了(柜)还健在的人,戏谑中不乏几分无奈。

    Talked about this experience , Kevin Tsai self-deprecatingly , that I had bad luck Well , Who I was the only one out of the ( cabinet ) was still alive , man , banter lacking a bit helpless .

  12. 在过去的几个月里,范冰冰,姜文,郭敬明,蔡康永,张柏芝等一众明星,分别指导、制作或出演了各自的微电影。

    In the past few months , Fan Bingbing , Jiang Wen , Guo Jingming , Kevin Tsai , Cecelia Cheung and so on , have all had their micro films made , either directing , producing or playing a character .

  13. 过去几周,成千上万的热情读者在深圳、南京、杭州以及成都的书店外排起长龙,手中拿着书,等待同台湾知名作家兼电视主持人蔡康永见面。

    For the past few weekends , thousands of enthusiastic readers have stood in long queues outside book stores in cities like Shenzhen , Nanjing , Hangzhou and Chengdu , holding books in their hands and waiting to meet Kevin Tsai Kang-yung , a popular writer and television host in Taiwan .