
  • 网络nineteen eighty-four;Nineteen Eighty Four;Orwell
  1. 作为一部小说,《一九八四》很难被列为杰作。

    As a novel , Nineteen Eighty-four hardly ranks with the greats .

  2. 乔治·奥威尔的小说《一九八四》被誉为二十世纪最有影响力的文学作品之一。

    George Orwell 's political satire Nineteen Eighty-Four has been regarded as one of the most influential literary works in the twentieth century .

  3. 他在一九八四年被任命为牧师

    He was ordained in 1984 .

  4. 斯诺登在国家安全局的上司在片中被称为科尔宾•奥布赖恩(CorbinO’Brian),显然得名于奥威尔(Orwell)《一九八四》(1984)中的那个反派。

    Snowden 's N.S.A. boss is unsubtly named Corbin O'Brian , after the antagonist in Orwell 's 1984 .

  5. 经济发展比较快的是一九八四年至一九八八年。

    The years from 1984 to 1988 witnessed comparatively rapid economic growth .

  6. (一九八四年一月十日国务院发布)

    ( Issued by the State Council on January 10 , 1984 )

  7. 第十一条本规定从一九八四年二月一日起实施。

    Article 11 These Provisions shall go into effect on February 1,1984 .

  8. 一九八四年的总统选举中,里根是胜算在握。

    Reagan was a shoo-in in the1984 presidential election .

  9. 一九八四年重点转入城市改革。

    In1984 the focus shifted to urban areas .

  10. 一九八四年贵州省女性初婚表分析

    Analysis of the 1984 Year 's First Marriage Table for the Women of Guizhou

  11. 一九八三&一九八四年新疆石河子降水酸度及其成因的研究

    A Study of Precipitation Acidity in Shihezi Xinjiang

  12. 那两个国家在一九八四年的奥运会上平分秋色。

    The two countries had equal shares of honor in the 1984 Olympic Games .

  13. 就《动物农庄》和《一九八四》看奥威尔政治小说的艺术性

    On the Art of Orwell Political Novels from Animal Farm , Nineteen Eighty Four

  14. 一九八四年我来过广东。

    I was here in Guangdong in1984 .

  15. 你很久以前就认识奥利福了吗?我在一九八四年的时候就认识他了。

    Have you known Oliver long ? I knew him as long ago as the year .

  16. 一九八四年,艾尔敦先生获委任为沙特英国银行驻利雅德的助理董事总经理。

    In1984 Mr Eldon was appointed Deputy Managing Director of The Saudi British Bank , based in Riyadh .

  17. 旧火车站大楼采用中国式建筑设计,于一九一三年建成,并于一九八四年列为法定古迹。

    The station building , in Chinese style , was built in 1913 and declared a monument in 1984 .

  18. 比方说现如今,是一九八四年,大洋国跟欧亚国打仗,跟东亚国结盟。

    At this moment , for example , in1984 , Oceania was at war with Eurasia and in alliance with eastasia .

  19. 中国早在七十年前已派出第一支队伍参赛,另在一九八四年洛杉矶奥运会获得了第一金牌.

    China sent its first team nearly 70 years ago and won the first gold medal in the 84 Los Angeles Games .

  20. (一九八四年一月三十日公布)考试日期将在年底向所有学校公布。

    ( Promulgated on January 31 , 1984 ) The date of the examination will be announced to all schools later in the year .

  21. 一九八四年第四季度到一九八五年,发展速度比较快,但也带来一些问题。

    In the last quarter of 1984 and throughout 1985 our economy grew at quite a rapid rate , and that caused us some problems .

  22. 在其作品《一九八四》中,他预测了一个现代科技被用来束缚个人的世界“老大哥在看着你”。

    In his book 1984 he foresaw a world in which modern technology would be used to enslave individuals " big brother is watching you " .

  23. 一九八四年离开出生地伊朗时,安努榭。沙利仍少不更事,但在此之前很久,她就常仰望星星,并梦想能和星星近距离旅行。

    Since long before leaving her native Iran as a teenager in1984 , anousheh Ansari stared at the stars and dreamed of traveling closer to them .

  24. 在《一九八四》中,奥威尔主要从三个方面来探讨了人性的问题:首先是自由,包括行为的自由和思想的自由;

    In Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell dealt with the problem of humanity mainly in three aspects : first , freedom , including freedom of action and of thinking ;

  25. 《动物农庄》和《一九八四》寓真实于寓言与虚构中,体现政治小说的艺术性,使读者产生惊讶。

    Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four combine historical truth with the fable and fiction novels , which show the art of political novels , to make readers feel surprised .

  26. 本文关注世界文学中一个流派&反面乌托邦小说,并通过对两部经典作品《美丽新世界》与《一九八四》的分析,探究当今人类的生存处境。

    This thesis focuses on dystopian fiction in world literature . By analyzing two classical works named Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-four , the author tries to explore the situation of mankind today .

  27. 作为二十世纪英国最重要的文学家和思想家之一,乔治·奥威尔以其代表作《动物农场》和《一九八四》两部小说而为世人所熟悉。

    As one of the most important writers and thinkers in Britain in the 20th century , George Orwell is well-known around the world for his most celebrated novels Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four .

  28. 期货:规定在一定日期接收或交割某商品或金融票据的合同。这座工厂的交工验收期将在一九八四年四月六日。

    Futures : An agreement to take or make delivery of a specific commodity or instrument on a particular date . The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth , nineteen eighty-four .

  29. 该小说最终被读者评为描绘了20世纪的十部小说之一,入选的还有乔治奥威尔的《一九八四》,安妮弗兰克日记等名作。

    The original book was eventually voted by readers as one of the 10 novels that defined the 20th century , side by side with Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell or Anne Frank 's own diary .

  30. 这座工厂的交工验收期将在一九八四年四月六日。合同项目的保证期为合同项目验收通过之日起的个月。

    The date of acceptance of this plant will be April sixth , nineteen eighty-four . The Warranty Period of the Contract Plant shall be ________ months from the date of Acceptance of the Contract Plant .