
shí xí jiào shī
  • student teacher;trainee teacher;practice teacher
  1. 实习教师数学课堂教学初探

    Primary Thinking for Practice Teacher Teaching of Mathematics Class

  2. 促进实习教师专业成长的教学反思研究

    The Studies of Teaching Reflection for Promoting Student Teacher 's Professional Growth

  3. 实习教师对任何针对他们表现的批评意见都异常敏感。

    Student teachers were hypersensitive to any criticism of their performance .

  4. 我们的目标就是让实习教师熟悉课堂。

    Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom

  5. 第四点,实习教师本来的热情应该得到保持。

    Fourthly , the natural enthusiasm of the student teachers should be maintained .

  6. 读完此书,她便能将从书中所得传授给实习教师。

    Having read the book , she will be able to pass on the acquired knowledge to trainee teachers .

  7. 电工实习教师素质的培养和提高

    The cultivating and improving of quality for electrician experimental teachers

  8. 紧张心理是困扰实习教师教学实习的一大难题。

    The nervous psychology is the major difficulty for the practice teachers .

  9. 发挥好实习教师的主导性作用;

    Practice good play the leading role of teachers ;

  10. 实习教师的角色转换与紧张心理

    The role change and tense mentality of novice teacher

  11. 对外汉语实习教师职业认同发展现状研究

    Research on Teacher Professional Acceptance of TCFL Student Teachers

  12. 实习教师的关注研究及其对教师教育实习的意蕴

    A Study on Intern Teachers ' Concerns and its Inspiration for Teachers ' Internship

  13. 我是实习教师,本周将教你们英语。

    I 'm a teacher trainee and I 'll be teaching you English this week .

  14. 摘要语言实习教师常面临该选用何种教材之问题。

    The instructor in a language laboratory course confronts the problem of what materials to use .

  15. 并且运用该测量工具对实习教师职业认同的特点进行了研究。

    With this new scale , we investigated the characteristics of the student teachers ' professional identity .

  16. 在每个人的教学实践结束时,实习教师需对自己的表现作出鉴定。

    At the end of each teaching practice , trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance .

  17. 实习教师的数学教育观念具有潜意识性、表面性以及不确定性等特点。

    The features of student teachers ' mathematics education views are interrelated , subconscious , superficial and uncertain .

  18. 专业发展学校的发展历程为我们提供了许多有益的启示:实习教师的临床实践是其完成教师角色转变的必经之路;

    Firstly , students ' clinical practice is an inevitable way for their role transition from students to teachers .

  19. 实习教师的反思:理论研究与来自美国教师教育实习项目的探讨

    The Reflection of Student Teachers : A Theoretical Research and a Probe into the Teacher Internship Programs in the USA

  20. 我是实习教师,本周将教你们英语。我将给你们上五节课。

    I 'm a teacher trainee and I 'll be teaching you English this week . I 've got five lessons with you .

  21. 本文拟对“正当程序”权利的一般适用进行介绍,再结合两个法律判例具体分析实习教师和学区主管该权利的适用。

    Firstly , this paper will introduce the application of " due process " right to teachers , then it reviews two legal precedents ?

  22. 其次,具有不同学习背景的两组实习教师在引导者、组织者和控制者这三个角色的实施上存在一定的差异。

    Secondly , when those two groups of student-teachers with different educational background functioned as director , organizer and controller , some differences were found between them .

  23. 2002年,纽约大学作为私立大学第一个认可博士实习教师工会的合法地位,但3年后就取消了。

    In 2002 New York University was the first private university to recognise a PhD teachers " union , but stopped negotiating with it three years later .

  24. 我们的学生在那里建立了3个文化中心,帮助当地人保护少数民族文化,并且帮助喀什的实习教师提高英文会话。

    Our students have set up three cultural centres to help preserve the ethnic cultures there , and also helped trainee teachers in Kashgar on their conversational English .

  25. 他是以进入我的办公室,当时我正作为国际劳力联席委员会的领域研究实习教师。

    Crawford , an aging teamster , limped into the office where I worked as a field examiner intern for the National Labor Relations Board ( NLRB ) .

  26. 在美国,博士生实习教师联盟的出现结束了之前大学与博士生群体之间不清晰的责任关系,自那以后工资就丰厚多了。

    In America the rise of PhD teachers " unions reflects the breakdown of an implicit contract between universities and PhD students : crummy pay now for a good academic job later .

  27. 在师资培训中,反思性教学提倡由教师和实习教师共同收集有关教学过程、教学或学习态度、对语言教学的认识等诸多方面的数据,并用以进行教学研究。

    In teacher education , reflective teaching suggests that both teachers and student teachers collect data about teaching , examine their attitudes and beliefs , and use the information to reflect on teaching .

  28. 以过程管理与指导促进大学与中小学的合作关系,实现实习教师、学校合作教师与大学指导教师共同的职业发展。

    And advance the cooperation between universities and the primary schools and middle schools through process management and instruction to realize the professional development of practice teachers , co-teachers and supervisors in universities .

  29. 作为一名实习教师,我本以为学生是友好的,很矜持且恭敬的。当时的狐狸戴维斯还是个无忧无虑、稍带矜持、风流潇洒的人物。

    As a student teacher , I had expected the students would be friendly , yet very reserved and respectful . Then Foxy Davis had seemed a debonair remotely superior , and glamorous personage .

  30. 随着伙伴关系的不断发展与成熟,实习教师、中小学教师对职前教师教育伙伴关系模式持肯定态度,职前教师教育规模不断扩大,教师教育的质量显著提升。

    With the development of partnership , the trainee teachers , school teachers hold positive attitudes towards partnership in Initial Teacher Education , the scale of which is increasing and the quality of teacher education is rising .