
  • 网络real time display;Live View;live display;RTD
  1. LED显示屏可实现压力、温度的实时显示。

    LED can live display pressure and temperature .

  2. 一种基于Web的三维实时显示飞行仿真的实现方法

    Realization of Real-time 3-D Display of Flight Simulation Based on Web

  3. AUTOCAD环境下大幅面点阵图像实时显示的方法

    The Method of Large-sized Raster Image Real-time Display with Auto CAD

  4. 微机图像与LED大屏幕实时显示的设计

    The Design of Real Time Display for CRT Image and Big LED Screen

  5. LED图文实时显示系统的设计

    The Design of LED Text Real-Time Display System

  6. 近年来,嵌入式GIS系统上的地图实时显示一直是GIS领域研究的热点。

    The real-time map display in embedded GIS system is a research hotspot recent year .

  7. 另外在该硬件平台上,还设计出了人机界面接口电路,能以LED方式实时显示温度的最大值并能实时报警。

    At the time this system can display the highest temperature through LED and real-time alarm .

  8. 基于FPGA的数字X线实时显示处理系统

    A FPGA-Based Display Processing Sub-System for Digital X-ray Imaging

  9. 譬如:在WINDOWS界面下,实现了力标准机的工作状态以及试验数据的实时显示。

    For example , the working state and test data are displayed real-time under the windows interface .

  10. 基于VB和单片机下实时显示的温度曲线

    Temperature Curve Shown in Real Time under VB and One - chip Computer

  11. 仿真软件中的三维图形实时显示采用Visualc++和OpenGL共同完成。

    The 3D graphic display in the software is accomplished using Visual C + + and OpenGL .

  12. 采用NI公司的LabView软件和DSP通信完成对焊接过程中的数据实时显示和分析。

    Use the software Lab VIEW of NI to communication with for completes the welding process of real-time display and analysis .

  13. 针对工业应用环境,用VISUALBASIC和Matlab开发出了一套数据分析系统,实现了浑浊度数据分析和实时显示。

    The data analyzing system of turbidity is designed by Visual Basic and Matlab , the function of data analysis and real-time display is implemented .

  14. 同时采用5.6寸的LCD作为图像的实时显示设备,更好的还原图像。

    At the same time using 5.6-inch LCD display device as an image display in real time .

  15. 铸造CAE系统前置处理模块中三维实体截面实时显示技术

    Technique of Real-time Display of 3-D Solid Section in Pre-process Module of Foundry CAE System

  16. 它由光学系统、线阵CCD像机和帧存储实时显示系统三个部分组成。

    It consists of three parts : optic system array CCD camera and frame storage & real time display system .

  17. VR技术中地形场景的实时显示

    Displaying Landscape in Real Time for VR Technology

  18. 实现了田间车辆在电子地图上的实时显示,建立了基于GPS和GIS的田间车辆实时监控系统,达到了对田间车辆实时监测的目的;

    Realize real time display of field vehicles in the Electronic Map ; Realize real time monitoring system of field vehicles based on GPS & GIS ;

  19. 采用Visualc++开发了一套信号采集、信号处理、实时显示的焊接电信号测试分析软件。

    This paper designs a welding arc information testing and processing system , which can deal with data acquisition , signal processing and real-time display in Visual C + + .

  20. 在该系统中,利用网络编程语言Java、VRML等实现网上产品模型的实时显示;

    In this system , real-time display of products model on the net can be carried out with Java and VRML language .

  21. 为满足试验中伏安特性曲线的实时显示,用循环结构实现了XYGraph的实时趋势显示;

    By using loop structure , the real-time trend of volt-ampere characteristic curve is shown in XY Graph display mode .

  22. 提出了使用ActiveX控件技术实现基于Web的三维实时显示飞行仿真的实现方法。

    This essay presents a new way of realizing real time 3 D display for flight simulation based on web with the technique of ActiveX control .

  23. 因此,建立在此基础上的SAR图像实时显示系统是解决以上矛盾的一个比较理想的方案。

    As a result , a Synthetic Aperture Radar 's real-time image displaying system based on PCI is a good way to solve the problems above .

  24. 为了给我们研制的便携式急救心电监护仪配上监视器,实现心电波形的连续、实时显示,我们试用了两种LCD显示模块。

    To display real-time ECG graph continuously for our portable ECG monitor , we tried to use two models of LCD and its controller .

  25. 为满足某型飞机辅助领航的需要,对GPS和库伯系统的飞机定位信息如何在数字航图上实时显示进行了研究。

    To satisfy the requirement for one assistance navigation system , an investigation was conducted on how to display the positioning information from GPS and Kubo system in electronic chart .

  26. 提出一种采用FPGA内置RAM存放字符点阵库实现动态字符显示的新的设计方案,该方案只需要将待显示字符的码值写入FPGA内部RAM中,FPGA程序就能实现对这些字符的实时显示。

    This paper presents a new way of realizing real time dynamic character display using RAM in FPGA to store dot matrix library and character indexes .

  27. 该仪器能同时输出三相波形,其波形的频率、相位和幅值可程控,并且其波形、频率、相位可在LCD液晶显示器上实时显示。

    The waveform , frequency and voltage were controlled by MCU . The waveform , frequency and phase position was displayed on LCD real time .

  28. 采集到的信号经软件处理,可在屏幕卜实时显示样品的A、B、C型幅度像或相位像。

    The undemodulated signal is processed by system software ; the real-time C scan of phase or amplitude image is displayed on the screen of PC terminal , as well as its A or B scan .

  29. 地形的三维实时显示技术是虚拟现实(VR)的一项关键技术,也是地理信息系统(GIS)的重要组成部分。

    The real displaying technology of 3D topography is a key technology for Virtual Reality ( VR ), but also is a important element of Geography Information System .

  30. 利用C函数实现报表打印等功能,并对激振系统的重要状态参数以数字或趋势的形式实时显示,为故障诊断提供了依据。

    The print function of report was achieved by C function , and the vital state parameters of mold oscillator were displayed real time in numeric or trend 's ways , which can contribute to its fault diagnosis .