
  • 网络polar research
  1. 我国极地考察组织管理机制优化研究

    A Research on Optimization of the Polar Research Organizational Management Mechanism of Our Country

  2. 本研究运用理论研究和对比分析的方法,从整体、部分与局部三个层面上探讨中国极地考察工作的组织管理运行机制。

    With methodologies of theory research and antithesis , this paper analyzes the organizational management mechanism in polar research as a whole and partially .

  3. 极地考察项目组织缺乏灵活性。

    Flexibility is missed in project management .

  4. 极地考察各部门职责分工不明确;

    Duties are ambiguous among departments ;

  5. 在此基础上,借鉴国外极地考察组织管理的成功经验对我国极地考察组织管理模式进行了系统的优化分析,并给出一套完整的改革方案。

    On this base , using foreign successful experience for reference this paper systematically optimizes the polar research organizational management mode .

  6. 雪龙号全长167米,是1993年在乌克兰建成的,具备较强的破冰能力。从1994年开始,雪龙号就一直为中国极地考察执行航行任务。

    Built in Ukraine in 1993 as an ice-strengthened cargo ship , the 167-meter-long Xue Long has been making polar research voyages for China since 1994 .

  7. 最后考察了改革的内外部环境,证明目前对极地考察组织管理机制的改革具有可行性。

    At last , both external and internal environments are investigated to witness the feasibility of reform in polar research organizational management mode of our country .

  8. 我国自上世纪80年代以来,先后组织了21支南极考察队和3支北极考察队执行各项极地考察任务,取得了一系列的科研成果。

    Since the 1980s , twenty-one Antarctic expeditions and three Arctic expeditions have been organized to fulfill the research task which achieved a series of research outcomes .

  9. 极地考察关系到我国的政治、经济和军事利益,有效的极地考察组织管理模式保障了极地考察工作的顺利开展。

    Polar research is of great importance to countries ' political , economic , and military benefits . Efficient organizational management mechanism insures the development of polar research .

  10. 国家海洋局极地考察办主任曲探宙表示,建造计划已得到正式批准,目前正在进行设计。

    Qu Tanzhou , director of the State Oceanic Administration 's Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration , says designs for the vessel were in the process after gaining official approval .

  11. 中国计划建造一艘新破冰船,将用于极地考察,目前中国现役破冰船“雪龙”号在成功营救俄罗斯船只遇险乘客后被困于南极。

    China plans to build a new icebreaker for polar expeditions as its veteran Xuelong , or Snow Dragon , remains stuck in Antarctica after rescuing passengers from a Russian vessel .

  12. 从1999年7月到9月作者与中国极地考察队合作,从北半球中纬度到北极圈地区进行了大规模的气体样品采样。

    Intensive samples have been collected from mid latitude to polar region in the Northern Hemisphere from July to September in 1999 cooperating with the Chinese Third Antarctic Inland Ice sheet Traversal Party .

  13. 实时航迹图使我国南极考察与社会公众的沟通能力得到提高,并为进一步建立中国历次极地考察航线显示系统做好了技术准备。

    The real-time tracking map improves the communication ability that the public understand polar exploration , and it is the technology preparation to establish " the course express system of all previous expedition ships " .

  14. 然而,随着极地考察规模的不断扩大,现有的考察队队员管理机制已经越来越不适应当前工作的需要,对现有管理机制进行改革成为极地考察工作中亟待解决的关键性问题之一。

    However , with the expansion of the polar research scale , the existing management mechanism for expedition members can no longer satisfy the current requirements . It is the crucial problem to carry out a further reform to this mechanism .

  15. 极地科学考察船载ADCP资料处理

    Data processing of shipboard-adcp in polar scientific expeditions of China

  16. 通过对影响海流信息提取的干扰因素分析,本文给出了针对极地科学考察船载ADCP资料处理的解决思路。

    Based on disturbance factor analysis , the approach of data processing of Shipboard-ADCP in polar scientific expeditions of China is presented .

  17. 极地科学考察对一个国家来说具有十分深远的政治和经济意义。

    The polar scientific research has the extremely profound political and economical significance to a country .

  18. 根据极地科学考察的业务现状及功能需求,分析了系统的组成及其功能。

    Firstly , analyzed the makeup and the functions of the system based on researching the operation status with function requirements .

  19. 第四次南极考察长城站越冬队极地海洋气象考察报告

    Marine meteorological investigation report of the china 's 4th Antarctic scientific expedition at Great Wall Station 1987-1988

  20. 极地系统科学考察&大科学系统工程管理探索

    A Review of Development and Management of Systemic Engineering for a Giant Science Expedition in the Arctic and Antarctic System

  21. 她还发现了另一个可以借鉴的东西,在参观的末尾处有几个自动照相棚,可以为参观者生成极地场景下的数字图像——照片中远处是中国的雪龙号极地考察船,近处则是北极熊和企鹅。

    She found another in the photo booths at the end of the tour that offered digital pictures of the visitors in a polar setting - the Chinese research vessel Xue Long , or Snow Dragon , in the background , polar bears and penguins in the foreground .