
jí zuǒ
  • Extreme left;ultra-Left
极左[jí zuǒ]
  1. 他所支持的政策是极左政策。

    The policies which he supports are ultra-Left policies .

  2. 如果不坚持这四项基本原则,纠正极左就会变成“纠正”马列主义,“纠正”社会主义。

    If we do not uphold them in our effort to correct ultra-Left thinking , we shall end up " correcting " Marxism-Leninism and socialism .

  3. 她是这个党的极左分子。

    She is on the far left of the party .

  4. 他第一次代表极左政党参加总统竞选。

    He first ran for president on a far-left ticket

  5. 将出现极左或极右的情况。

    There will be a radical swing to the right or the left .

  6. 他毫不隐讳自己极左的观点。

    He made no bones about his extreme leftwing views .

  7. 极左路线是一条祸国殃民的路线,亡党亡国的路线

    The Ultra-Leftist line was a line that would have wrecked a country , ruined the people , and led to the destruction of the Party and national subjugation .

  8. 他的父母年轻时是工人斗争党(LutteOuvrière)的托派武装分子,但他们在皮凯蒂出生前退出了这一极左政党。

    In their youth his parents were Trotskyist militants with the Lutte Ouvri è re but they quit the far-left party before he was born .

  9. 评逻辑研究中的极左干扰

    On the ultra - " Left " interference to the logic research

  10. 极左思潮对中国社会主义现代化建设的影响

    Affection on the China socialism modernization of the ultra left trend thought

  11. 一些人批评了极左势力的人的团体,这些人中的大部分人曾经都擅自占用过别人的土地。

    Some blame communities of far-leftists who are mostly ex-squatters .

  12. 但麦凯恩应该牢牢坚守极左立场,而不是中间偏右路线。

    But McCain should be hammering on the far left versus centre-right argument .

  13. 我了解到这个人是一个极左和极端社会主义者。

    I have come to know he was a extreme leftist and socialist .

  14. 他的极左观点使得他在极端保守党人眼中成了魔鬼的化身。

    His strong left-wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives .

  15. 反欧情绪依然高涨,并且不仅仅来自极左和极右派势力。

    Anti-European feelings are still vocal and not only on the extreme left and right .

  16. 第一章主要是介绍极左思潮产生的原因、内涵、特点及影响。

    The first chapter introduces the causes , meaning , characteristics and impact of the ultra-leftist though .

  17. 大约25%的希腊人已经开始支持极左或极右政党。

    Something like 25 per cent of Greeks already vote for parties of the extreme left or right .

  18. 苏联的文化政策曾经历了一个由极左滑向极右的过程,先是对“持不同政见”的作家采取高压政策,制造了不少冤假错案。

    The former Soviet Union 's cultural policy underwent a process from the extreme left to the extreme right .

  19. 但在极左政治文化氛围中,想要坚守个人主义绝非易事。

    But in the " leftist " political culture atmosphere , want to hold the individualism is not easy .

  20. 对教育功能的重视是中国文学的传统,这种传统在极左思潮泛滥的时期被强调到极致,文学因而沦为政治教化的附庸和工具。

    In China , it has been a consistent tradition to attach much importance to the educational function of literature .

  21. 在这两个五年计划制定的过程中,吸取了此前经济建设中的经验教训,因此在受到极左思想干扰的情况下,没有出现大的国民经济困难。

    In the course of drawing up the two five-year plans , the lessons of former economic construction were been drawn .

  22. 在法国,三分之一的选民投票支持极右或极左的总统候选人。

    In France , a third of the electorate recently voted for a far-right or a far-left candidate for the presidency .

  23. 如盲目学外国,极左思潮干扰,理论脱离实际,不重视普及工作等。

    Among them are learning from foreign countries blindly , looking down upon popularization work , and separating theory from practice .

  24. 这可能很危险:这是在邀请极左和极右势力兜售他们带骗人的确定性。

    That could be dangerous : it is an invitation to the far left and right to peddle their beguiling certainties .

  25. 另一方面颠覆与解构貌似庄严实则龌龊的极左政治、伪崇高以及自恋式的自我神圣化,以勇敢地逼近严酷的现实,反叛传统的逃避于温柔敦厚的审美境界的懦弱心态。

    Meanwhile , the writers rebel the tradition aesthetic psychology by deconstructing the false lofty and closing in on the grim reality .

  26. 从右翼的民兵组织到左翼的反全球化示威者,政党派别中的极左和极右两派显然都存在这种愤怒的情绪。

    The anger is apparent at both ends of the political spectrum - from militias on the right , to anti-globalization demonstrators on the left .

  27. 可以说,从一九五七年开始我们的主要错误是左,文大革命是极左。

    I would say that since 1957 our major mistakes have been " Left " ones . The " cultural revolution " was an ultra-Left mistake .

  28. 实际上,两位极左阵线的参议员反对意大利出兵阿富汗的军事政策;更加出人意料地是,两位终身议员投了弃权票。

    In fact it was two senators from the radical left who mutinied over italy 's military presence in afghanistan ; two life senators unexpectedly abstained .

  29. 由于极左思潮的影响,七月派在中国现代文学史上一直没能得到合理的评价。

    Because of the influence of ultra-left ideological trend ," July School " had been failing to receive reasonable appraisal in the history of modern Chinese Literature .

  30. 那么我们不可能做任何事,我们就会被那些极左分子驱赶到奴隶制度中,而他们的意识形态许诺要在地球上建立一个天堂!

    Then we can 't do anything , and we shall be driven into slavery by those of the extreme left whose ideology promises a paradise on earth !