
  • 网络Extreme weather event
  1. 随着这些保险适应性解决方案的广泛应用,由极端天气事件所导致的经济破坏程度能够降到最低。

    With broader application of these insured adaptive solutions , economic disruption following an extreme weather event can be minimized .

  2. 针对短期集合预报中集合平均等方法对极端天气事件预报能力低下的缺陷,提出一种定量降水预报集合方法,简称两步法。

    A method of quantitative precipitation forecasts for short-range ensemble forecast is presented aiming at inability of ensemble average method to extreme weather event .

  3. 在上述NAS研究报告的作者们看来,证明极端天气事件归因需要满足以下几个标准:

    In the view of the authors of the NAS study , to justify attribution requires :

  4. 美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)一项重要的新研究着眼于气候变化的影响和天气条件,并探索了极端天气事件归因这个棘手难题。

    A new and important study from the National Academy of Sciences in the US focuses on the impact of climate change and weather conditions and explores the vexed question of event attribution .

  5. 虽然DavidZhang的研究没有分析暖周期的情况,但他认为极端天气事件,无论是变冷还是变暖,对地球生态系统都会造成灾难性影响。

    Although Zhang did not analyse any warming periods , he believes extreme climate events ― both cold and hot ― could have a disastrous effect on the earth 's ecosystem .

  6. 气候变化是极端天气事件的元凶吗?

    Is climate change the cause of extreme weather events ?

  7. 近39年海南岛极端天气事件频率变化

    Change of Extreme Weather Events in Hainan Island for Last 39 Years

  8. 但是极端天气事件的影响将是突发的,让人感受强烈的。

    But the effects of extreme weather events will be abrupt and acutely felt .

  9. 辽宁省2007年极端天气事件分析及防御措施研究

    Analysis and preventive measures research for extreme weather events in Liaoning Province in 2007

  10. 然而,如今,极端天气事件归因的科学正在改变这一情形。

    Now , however , the science of event attribution is changing that position .

  11. 极端天气事件明显增多,气象灾害突发频发重发。

    Extreme weather events increased dramatically with climate disasters occurring suddenly , frequently and repeatedly .

  12. 去年,极端天气事件的记录被打破的次数创造了新的纪录。

    Last year , records for extreme weather events were broken a record number of times .

  13. 近年来,随着全球气候的不断变化,各种极端天气事件不断发生。

    In recent years , more and more extreme weather events existed with constant climate change .

  14. 北京气候变暖与极端天气事件的格兰杰检验

    The relationship between the Extreme Events of Weather and Climate warming in Beijing with Granger causality test

  15. 气候变暖对黑龙江省气候和极端天气事件的影响及防御对策

    The Effect of Climate Warming on the Extreme Weather Climate Events in Heilongjiang Province and Defensive Countermeasures

  16. 最近的极端天气事件,已引起争论的影响,人类活动对全球气候的影响。

    Recent extreme weather events have prompted the debate about effects of human activity on the world 's climate .

  17. 这些亚洲超级城市现在都面临来自极端天气事件的风险增大,罪魁祸首是气候变化。

    These mega Asian cities are now facing greater risks from extreme weather events , thanks to climate change .

  18. 几名入围者的行程因发生项目所针对的极端天气事件而受到影响。

    The journeys of several finalists were interrupted by the very kinds of extreme weather that projects are targeting .

  19. 第二,更频繁的极端天气事件意味着暴风雨和洪水造成的死亡与伤害可能更多。

    Second , more frequent extreme weather events mean more potential deaths and injuries caused by storms and floods .

  20. 而纽约州州长安德鲁·库莫表示他的州必须适应现在越发频繁的极端天气事件。

    New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said his state must adapt to the reality of more frequent extreme weather events .

  21. 随着极端天气事件趋向增多,城市管理者应该立即对这些影响做出计划,而不是留待以后。

    With the trend toward more frequent and extreme weather events , city managers should plan for these impacts now rather than later .

  22. 他们曾警告,世界上将出现更频繁和强烈的极端天气事件,而这正是我们现在所看到的。

    They have warned the world to expect more frequent and intense extreme weather events , and this is what we are seeing .

  23. 物理风险:气候变化将带来两个平均的状况,以及频率和极端天气事件的规模调整。

    Physical Risk : Climate change will bring adjustments in both average conditions and in the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events .

  24. 假如这场争吵当时能以一种战略性的方式展开、而且能在接下来的一起极端天气事件之前而不是之后展开,那么本会有更好的效果。

    It would have been better had this happened in a strategic way , and before rather than after the next extreme weather event .

  25. 本项目旨在通过提高天气预报能力最大限度地降低气候变化和极端天气事件对地方经济的威胁。

    The Project aims to minimize the threat to local economies from climate variations and extreme weather events through improvements in weather forecast capacity .

  26. 加强卫生系统,应对气候变化造成的健康威胁,包括与极端天气事件和海平面上升有关的紧急情况。

    Strengthening health systems to cope with the health threat posed by climate change , including emergencies related to extreme weather events and sea-level rise .

  27. 加州近期的大干旱和欧洲的洪水提醒我们,极端天气事件正变得越来越严重,越来越频繁。

    Extreme weather events appear to be getting more severe and more frequent , as the recent drought in California and floods in Europe reminded us .

  28. 而上述近30年冷事件频次和强度的变化特征符合极端天气事件与气候变化的关系,因此我国强冷空气爆发事件特性的改变可能也是气候增暖的结果和反映。

    The features of strong cold change accord with relationship between extreme event and climate change , according it maybe result and reflect of the globe warming .

  29. 但是该报告指出,容易受到伤害的人群应对极端天气事件的能力较低,这让增加的风险变成了一种广泛的威胁。

    But vulnerable populations will have a low capacity to cope with extreme weather events , making the increase an extensive threat , the report points out .

  30. 一些极端天气事件不能证实或否证气候变化,把个别天气事件直接归结为气候变化常常是错误的。

    A few extreme weather events don 't confirm or refute climate change and it is usually wrong to attribute individual weather events directly to climate change .