
  • 网络Extreme Weather;Weather Extremes;extreme event
  1. 如同大多数极端天气状况一样,其剧烈程度是由于几种气象条件反常地汇集在一起造成的。

    Like most cases of extreme weather , its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events .

  2. 那个国家不常出现极端天气。

    Extreme weather is a rare occurrence in that country .

  3. 报告还显示,海冰仍持续缩小,而且这些变化正在加剧更南边地区的极端天气模式。

    The same report revealed that sea ice continues to shrink , and that changes are fuelling extreme weather patterns further south .

  4. 极端天气等不可控因素增加了安全管理工作的复杂性,因此组织者应该有更强的责任意识,为各类突发情况做好应急预案。

    Uncontrollable factors , such as the extreme weather , also make safety procedures more complicated . That 's why organizers should have a stronger sense of responsibility and better contingency plans for all emergencies .

  5. 在上述NAS研究报告的作者们看来,证明极端天气事件归因需要满足以下几个标准:

    In the view of the authors of the NAS study , to justify attribution requires :

  6. 美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)一项重要的新研究着眼于气候变化的影响和天气条件,并探索了极端天气事件归因这个棘手难题。

    A new and important study from the National Academy of Sciences in the US focuses on the impact of climate change and weather conditions and explores the vexed question of event attribution .

  7. 虽然DavidZhang的研究没有分析暖周期的情况,但他认为极端天气事件,无论是变冷还是变暖,对地球生态系统都会造成灾难性影响。

    Although Zhang did not analyse any warming periods , he believes extreme climate events ― both cold and hot ― could have a disastrous effect on the earth 's ecosystem .

  8. MSU及AMSU亮温资料在极端天气气候应用中的研究

    Research on Extreme Weather and Climate Events using MSU and AMSU Brightness Temperature Data

  9. 如果石油卡特尔欧佩克(opec)拒绝向以色列的盟国出售石油,或者极端天气条件侵袭欧洲,会发生什么?

    What happens if members of OPEC , the oil cartel , refuse to sell oil to allies of Israel or if extreme weather conditions hit Europe ?

  10. OrmenLange天然气田位于极端天气条件下的挪威大陆架地下800至1100米的地方,是迄今为止最深的天然气田。

    Located at depths of800 to1,100 meters in the extreme weather conditions of the Norwegian continental shelf , Ormen Lange is the deepest natural gas field ever exploited .

  11. WMO秘书长MichelJarraud表示,世界许多地方都经历了洪涝,严重且持续的干旱,暴风雪,热浪和寒流等极端天气。

    WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud said climate extremes , including devastating floods , severe and persistent droughts , snowstorms , heat waves and cold waves , were recorded in many parts of the world .

  12. 宾夕法尼亚的Pocono的雷电击中了停车场,极端天气现在已经好转。

    And the Pocono Raceway in Pennsylvania , a fan struck by lightning in the parking lot has been upgraded from critical condition to stable .

  13. KNMI气象中心警告称,继早晨结冰路况导致一连串事故之后,东北省将出现极端天气。

    The KNMI weather centre is warning of extreme weather in the north east provinces following icy conditions that led to a rash of accidents during the morning .

  14. 中国正与极端天气作战,包括旱灾和洪灾。

    China is battling weather extremes , including drought and floods .

  15. 典型极端天气现象的遥感监测方法研究

    Study on Monitoring the Typical Extreme Weather Phenomenon by Remote Sensing

  16. 北京奥运期间极端天气气候事件背景分析

    Extreme Weather / Climate Event Background in Beijing during Beijing Olympic Games

  17. 适用于极端天气对温室系统的控制,实现了温室控制的无人化、自动化。

    It is suitable for realizing automated control of greenhouse .

  18. 这可以解释形成这种极端天气的原因。

    It would explain what 's driving this extreme weather .

  19. 该项目旨在防止在极端天气情况下出现供需缺口。

    It 's aimed at preventing gas of supply during severe weather .

  20. 气候变化和极端天气现象更使情况雪上加霜。

    Climate change and extreme weather events will further complicate the picture .

  21. 气候变化是极端天气事件的元凶吗?

    Is climate change the cause of extreme weather events ?

  22. 这并不是美国这周唯一的极端天气。

    That wasn 't the only severe weather around U.S. this weekend .

  23. 2003年的极端天气和气候事件及其他相关事件

    Some Extreme Events of Weather , Climate and Related Phenomena in 2003

  24. 近39年海南岛极端天气事件频率变化

    Change of Extreme Weather Events in Hainan Island for Last 39 Years

  25. 中国极端天气气候事件对传染性疾病的影响

    The impacts of extreme events of weather and climate on infectious disease

  26. 伊犁河谷春夏季极端天气气候的变化分析

    Extreme Weather and Climate Change over Yili Valley in Spring and Summer

  27. 美国继续遭遇极端天气的侵袭。

    Extreme weather is continuing to re-havoc across the US .

  28. 去年,极端天气使美国损失了990亿美元。

    Extreme weather cost America last year 99 billion dollars .

  29. 德州与德里的相同点——极端天气

    What Do Texas And Delhi Have In Common ? Extreme Weather !

  30. 节假日和极端天气电力负荷特征的萃取模型

    Holidays and extreme weather Power load feature extraction model