
jí duān pài
  • Extremist;hugger;whole-hogger
  1. 他们的观点属于欧洲政治中的极端派。

    Their views belong to the wilder fringes of European politics .

  2. 极端派于1917年脱离其该政党。

    This extremist faction broke away from the main party in1917 .

  3. 当然,这对于左的和右的极端派都是一次挫折。

    Certainly it was a rebuke to extremism on both the left and right .

  4. “裁军论者”中的极端派声称,稳定的威摄是一种危险的骗局。

    An extreme school of " disarmers " pronounced stable deterrence was a dangerous deception .

  5. 那位中庸派的候选人使两位极端派候选人互相竞争而自己却赢得了选举。

    The moderate candidate played the two extremists one against the other and won the election .

  6. 他表示目前对于中东问题上,在温和派与极端派势力之间有一场较量,被他称作“意义深远的斗争”,他还表示这可能会影响这里未来的发展。

    He said there is what he called a " profound struggle " in the Middle East between the forces of moderation and extremism , which he added could affect the region 's future .

  7. 去年,一名极端正统派以色列人在耶路撒冷的年度“同志骄傲大游行”(GayPrideParade)中刺伤了6名游行者。

    Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .

  8. 现在,很容易找出Facebook对你的归类——极端自由派、极端保守派,或者介于两者之间。

    And now , it is easy to find out how Facebook has categorized you - as very liberal or very conservative , or somewhere in between .

  9. 今年1月,一家极端正统派报纸将德国总理默克尔从一张照片中删除。

    In January , an ultra-Orthodox newspaper removed German chancellor Angela Merkel from a photo .

  10. 那些全是极端保守派的反对者刊登的,他们只知道写讽刺文。

    Those are run by ultraconservative reactionaries , who only know how to write diatribes .

  11. 因为一些错误已经让安倍不得不依靠自民党内不断聒噪的极端保守派(另见他文)。

    Other blunders have left Mr Abe dependent on his party 's noisy ultra-conservatives ( see article ) .

  12. “内观”是一种极端正统派、直探内心、集中密集的佛教禅修法,基本上就是“静坐”。

    Vipassana is an ultraorthodox , stripped-down and very intensive Buddhist meditation technique . Basically , it 's just sitting .

  13. 耶路撒冷一年一度的同性恋游行一直遭到极端正统派犹太人的强烈反对,每年都是在严密安保措施下举行。

    The annual gay pride march in Jerusalem has raised strong objections from ultra-Orthodox Jews and is held under heavy security .

  14. 以色列持中间立场的前进党同极端正统派的沙斯党签署了一项联合协议,从而扫清了获得议会多数的道路。

    Israel 's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party , clearing the way for a parliamentary majority .

  15. 警方逮捕了一名被控在周四耶路撒冷同性恋游行中刺伤6人的极端正统派犹太人,其中2人伤势严重。

    Police arrested an ultra-Orthodox Jew accused of stabbing and wounding six people on Thursday in a gay pride march in Jerusalem - two of them seriously .

  16. 3月12日,以色列议会决定逐步废除极端正统派犹太男子的免服兵役特权。

    Am 12 . M ä rz beschlie ß t das israelische Parlament die schrittweise Einf ü hrung der Wehrpflicht f ü r ultraorthodoxe M ä nner .

  17. 以色列极端正统派犹太新闻网站已将金·卡戴珊一个世界上出镜率最高的女性从一张本周拍摄的她在耶路撒冷的照片中抹除。

    An Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jewish news website has cut Kim Kardashian one of the world 's most photographed women from a photo taken of her in Jerusalem this week .

  18. 以色列极端正统派少数一直在与这个犹太国家的最高法令多一些虔诚的犹太人说,他们的宗教生活方式干预司法权威的赔率。

    Israel 's ultra-Orthodox minority has long been at odds with the Jewish state 's highest judicial authority over edicts which some devout Jews say interfere with their religious lifestyle .

  19. 早些时候,内塔尼亚胡与极端正统派的神谕党达成交易,要求对方加入其联盟,使利库德集团赢得更多的席位,以组建4月3日之前必须成立的政府。

    Earlier , Mr. Netanyahu reached a deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas party to join his coalition , getting Likud more seats that it needs form a government by an April 3 deadline .

  20. 反劫持小组的特别突击队员已经乘飞机进入孟买。他们包围了纳里曼大楼,这个商住两用楼是一个极端正统派犹太教外联组织的总部,一些武装分子在里面劫持了以色列人。

    Special rangers of an anti-hijacking squad , who were flown into Mumbai , surrounded Nariman House , a residential and office building serving as the headquarters of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish outreach group .

  21. 在更广层面上,它反映出以色列日益严格的极端正统派宗教权威与国外很多犹太人对于“谁是犹太人”这个古老问题日益严重的分歧。在过去几十年里,这个问题让以色列与犹太侨民之间的关系变得复杂。

    More broadly , it illustrates a growing divide between Israel 's increasingly strict ultra-Orthodox religious establishment and many Jews abroad over the age-old question of " who is a Jew " that has complicated Israel 's relationship with the diaspora for decades .

  22. 根据对犹太教传统信仰、习俗、律法等遵循程度的差异,以及对现代社会、变革等态度的不同,犹太教正统派又可以被大致划分为现代正统派、极端正统派、哈西德派三个支派。

    According to the differences of the degree of compliance on traditional Judaism beliefs , customs and laws as well as the differences on their attitudes towards modern society and reformation , Orthodox Judaism can be roughly divided into Modern Orthodox Judaism , Ultra-Orthodox Judaism and the Hasid .

  23. 刻划成哲学家中,极端不妥协派的例子,像是社会中的激进评论者或提问者。

    As presenting the most intransigent case for the philosopher as a radical critic or questioner of society .

  24. 特别是大地主阶级和大买办阶级,他们始终站在帝国主义一边,是极端的反革命派。

    The big landlord and big comprador classes in particular always side with imperialism and constitute an extreme counter-revolutionary group .

  25. 《阿拉伯经济周刊》也将阿尔格拉指认为三名男子中的一员,该报刊指出,在极端保守的逊尼派穆斯林社会中,女子被禁止与无关的男子接触。

    Arabian Business , which has also fingered Al Gala as being one of the trio , points out the strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males .

  26. 在美联储公开市场委员会成员中,莱克尔的观点属于极端强硬的一派。目前在未来的正确道路问题上,该委员会中存在非常严重的分歧。

    His view is at the hawkish extreme of the federal open market committee , on which there is now an unusually large divergence of views as to the right way forward .

  27. 问题是他的政治观点非常极端,与之相比,极端保守派广播脱口秀主持人拉什•林堡也只能算是一个思想开明的人。

    The problem is his political opinions , which are so extreme they make Rush Limbaugh look like a flaming liberal .