
hé dà guó
  • nuclear power
核大国[hé dà guó]
  1. 这些问题不是核大国所独有的。

    These problems are not unique to nuclear power .

  2. 法国是一个核大国。

    France is a nuclear power .

  3. 43年前,在当时的5个核大国签订第一个禁止核试验条约时,约翰•肯尼迪(JohnF.Kennedy)曾预言,在10年之内,拥有核弹的国家可能达到25个。

    Forty-three years ago , as the then five nuclear powers signed the first test ban treaty , John F. & # 8201 ; Kennedy predicted that , within a decade , up to 25 states might have the bomb .

  4. 核大国不会友好地看待这种发展。

    The nuclear powers would not look kindly upon such a development .

  5. 这是我们作为全世界两个核大国需要承担的责任。

    That is our responsibility as the world 's two leading nuclear powers .

  6. 世界上共有7个国家被证实认为核大国,也就是说他们拥有核武器。

    Seven countries are recognized as nuclear powers , meaning they have nuclear weapons .

  7. 印度的核大国梦想

    The dream of Indian nuclear - power

  8. 作为世界核大国,中国已为全球核裁军做出不懈努力。

    As a world nuclear power , China has made unremitting efforts toward global nuclear disarmament .

  9. 然而,核大国的命运变化突出了铀的起伏。

    But the changing fortunes of nuclear power have accentuated the ups and downs for uranium .

  10. 目前,世界上的几个核大国都保存有大量的核武器。

    Now , some nuclear powers in the world are holding a great number of nuclear weapons .

  11. 人们越发认识到这个国家再也不能承担当核大国了。

    There 's a growing recognition that this country can no longer afford to be a nuclear power .

  12. 如果仍保留一两个核大国,欺骗和保留核武器的动机将无比强大。

    When only one or two nuclear powers remained , the incentive to cheat and keep weapons would be enormous .

  13. 这是五角大楼官员第一次公开发布信息表明两个核大国有可能爆发冲突。

    This is the first public officials in the Pentagon released information shows that the two nuclear powers is likely outbreak of the conflict .

  14. 世界或许不再为两个超级核大国之间可能发生战争而颤栗,但核扩散可能会增加发生巨大灾难的危险。

    The world may no longer shudder at the prospect of war between two nuclear superpowers , but proliferation may increase the risk of catastrophe .

  15. 至少在这里,在我们这些人中,不应对世界上仍然存在其他核大国这样一个事实漠然置之。

    And at least here in this group we should not pass over in silence the fact that there do exist in the world other nuclear powers as well .

  16. 印度对周边地区稳定不可或缺,这个区域既包括其他核大国(中国和巴基斯坦),也包括试图实现复苏的失败国家(阿富汗)。

    India is essential to the stability of a neighbourhood that includes other nuclear powers ( China and Pakistan ) and a failed state trying to recover ( Afghanistan ) .

  17. 中国是世界主要的核大国,但核电对我国的电力贡献还很少,仅占全国发电量的1.43%。

    China is a major big nuclear country , but the contribution of nuclear power to power industry is still less , accounting for only 1.43 % of national electricity generation .

  18. 民众骚乱似乎使伊朗政权变得更加偏执。在西方寻求遏制伊朗成为核大国的公开野心之际,这是一种令人担忧的迹象。

    The popular unrest seemed to make the regime even more paranoid , a troubling sign as the west seeks to contain Iran 's declared ambition to become a nuclear power .

  19. 第二,我们应该提供保护,如果一个核大国威胁一个国家的特权,和我们联合或一个国家的生存我们都要考虑这是关系我们的安全。

    Second , we shall provide a shield if a nuclear power threatens the freedom of a nation allied with us , or of a nation whose survival we consider vital to our security .

  20. 这个机构包括五个核大国的代表。它们是美国、中国、俄罗斯、英国和法国。该机构还有来自南非、印度尼西亚和德国的代表。

    The new body includes representatives from five nuclear powers - the United States , China , Russia , Britain and France - as well as other countries , including South Africa , Indonesia and Germany .

  21. 《新削减战略武器条约》是这两个核超级大国之间现存的最后一项核武器控制条约。

    New START is the last remaining nuclear arms control pact between the two nuclear superpowers .

  22. 成为核武器大国是朝鲜的基本国策,朝鲜不会轻易放弃核武器。

    Becoming a nuclear power is North Korea 's basic national policy , and North Korea will not easily abandon its nu-clear weapons .

  23. 北韩在今年已经好几次宣布这些会谈“死亡”,并且说,它只愿意和美国以核武器大国的对等身份会谈。

    North Korea has declared those talks " dead " several times this year , and says it is willing to deal only with the United States as a fellow nuclear weapons nation .

  24. 英国和法国签署了条约,两个核武器大国将在国防方面进行合作,包括组建联合军事部队及共享航空母舰。

    Britain , France Sign Historic Defense Pacts France and Britain have signed treaties that will see the two nuclear-armed powers cooperate on defense , including a joint rapid deployment force and shared use of aircraft carriers .

  25. 伊朗核问题与大国关系

    Iran 's Nuclear Issue and Great Power Relations

  26. 冷战时期,苏联作为核武器超级大国之一,对核不扩散问题的态度对国际核不扩散事业有着深刻影响。

    The attitude of the Soviet Union towards the problem of nuclear non-proliferation had a profound impact on the international nuclear non-proliferation undertakings .

  27. 在核阴霾下,大国之间实际上已经丧失直接交战的权利。

    In the nuclear shadow , in fact among the major powers have lost their right to direct the war .

  28. 启动铀浓缩活动的决定,被许多西方外交官视为一个迹象,表明德黑兰方面无意就其核计划与西方大国谈判。

    The decision to start enrichment was seen by many Western diplomats as a sign that Tehran had no intention of negotiating with Western powers over its nuclear programme .

  29. 它表征了原子核的大主要核大国如期实施现有核裁军条约并进一步大幅度削减核军备;

    The major nuclear powers should implement existing nuclear disarmament treaties as scheduled and further substantially reduce their nuclear weapon stockpiles ;

  30. 1996年,中国在第51届联大明确提出核裁军五点主张:第一,核大国放弃核威慑政策,拥有最大核武库的国家继续大幅度削减其核武器;

    At the51st session of the UN General Assembly in1996 China clearly put forward a five-point proposal on nuclear disarmament : 1.the major nuclear powers should abandon the nuclear deterrence policy , and the States having the largest nuclear arsenals should continue to drastically reduce their nuclear weapons stockpiles ;