
  1. 但是从发展趋势和满足消费者需求的层面来看,以茶叶企业为核心的茶产业链是未来茶产业发展的主要方向。

    But from the perspective of development trends and the demand of consumer , tea industry chain with a core of tea enterprises is the main direction of development of tea industry of today and tomorrow .

  2. 并探讨了生态产业链的设计技术方法:即优选出以关键种企业为核心的主导产业链,进行工业代谢分析,引入补链项目,拓展主导产业链,构建其生态产业链;

    Secondly the technique for designment of eco-industrial chains is discussed : dominant industrial chains that centered on " keystone species " corporation are selected , which industrial metabolism is analyzed , then introducing chains-matching project and extending dominant industrial chains , finally designing eco-industrial chains ;

  3. 并且,以节约交易费用为核心的传统产业链机制研究框架主要针对以沿上下游业务关系形成的纵向一体化产业链为主要形式的制造业,作为知识经济典型代表的现代服务业与其有所不同。

    Few of them chiefly focus on industrial chain . Moreover , traditional mechanism of industrial chain with the core of saving trading fee mainly applies for the manufacturing industry with vertical integration as main form . However , modern service industry is the representative for knowledge economy .

  4. 公共旅游资源作为旅游产业的核心要素和旅游产业链的核心环节必须在发展模式与结构上进行创新,在发展水平上实现突破。

    As the core elements and areas in tourism industry , the public tourism resources must be innovated in mode and structure to get a breakthrough .

  5. 主要取得以下成果:(1)构建了两条体育产业价值链,它们分别是以竞技赛事为核心的体育产业价值链,以健身锻炼为核心的体育产业价值链。

    The main achievements are shown as follows : ( 1 ) Two value chains of sport industry are established . They are value chain of sport industry centred on competition and value chain of sport industry centred on fitness .

  6. 经济发展方式的转变:核心技术链和核心产业链

    Transformation of Economic Development Mode : Core Technical Chain and Core Industrial Chain

  7. 产业链控制力是企业参与产业链分工中利用自身的核心能力或核心优势而控制产业链中关键资源和关键节点的程度大小。

    Industrial chain controlling power is the capability that the enterprise could control key resources and critical node with their core strengths in the industry division .