
  • 网络elites;elite class
  1. 下个星期,couttsandco将成为最新提供相关课程的一家私人银行,这个正式课程旨在帮助精英阶层的年轻富豪管理财富。

    Next week Coutts and co becomes the latest private bank to launch a formal course designed to help an elite class of the young rich to manage their money .

  2. 书中设定了一个生产基地,名为B-Mor,位于以前的巴尔的摩。这个生产基地为精英阶层提供未受污染的鱼类和蔬菜。

    One of the conceits of the book is that there is a production facility called B-Mor in the former Baltimore , and this production facility is a facility that provides pristine fishes and vegetables for an elite class of people .

  3. 在法国,大牌政客非社会精英阶层出身的几乎闻所未闻。

    It 's almost unheard of in France for a top politician not to come from the social elite .

  4. 从软性威权主义(softauthoritarianism)过渡到极权主义需要3个先决条件:民众支持、精英阶层的默许,同时经济没有出现过快恶化。

    The transition from soft authoritarianism to totalitarian rule depends on three preconditions : popular support , the acquiescence of elites , and an economy that is not deteriorating too quickly .

  5. 我们周围的很多学生都来自中国城市的精英阶层,他们富裕、谙熟世事、使用iPhone手机、拥有航空公司的里程卡,而且对《哈利·波特》(HarryPotter)和《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)有详细的了解。

    Many of the students around us were members of China 's urban elite , wealthy and worldly young adults armed with iPhones , frequent-flier cards and a nuanced understanding of " Harry Potter " and " The Big Bang Theory . "

  6. 此时,第三位贸易商,一位法裔阿尔及利亚人PierreFalcone加入进来。PierreFalcone长期与安哥拉的精英阶层,特别是总统JoséEduardodosSantos保持着良好的关系。

    They were joined by a third trader , Pierre Falcone , a French Algerian who has long enjoyed close links with the Angolan elite and particularly the president .

  7. 他的家庭关系有助于确保他在精英阶层中的地位。

    His family connections helped ensure his position among the elite .

  8. 其中,结构变化最突出的结果就是精英阶层的逐步显现。

    Its most outstanding result is the fade-in of the elite stratum .

  9. 这意味着商品化精英阶层在商务层次。

    That means the commoditization of elite class at the business level .

  10. 最终的造型让撒切尔夫人在男性主宰的政府精英阶层如鱼得水。

    The resulting silhouette identified Thatcher with a predominantly male ruling elite .

  11. 但那些不是那么著名或者非精英阶层的人也会犯同样的错误。

    But so do their less distinguished , non-elite brethren .

  12. 这个案件表明,统治精英阶层不再顾虑后果。

    This case shows that the ruling elite do not fear repercussions .

  13. 这些群体的精英阶层都是隔离政策实施的既得利益者。

    The elites of each group had a stake in enforcing separation .

  14. 但是,它是在中产阶级和精英阶层当中迅速传播的。

    But it is spreading rapidly among the middle classes and the elites .

  15. 希腊的精英阶层承受着巨大的压力,正努力保持镇定。

    The Greek elite is struggling to keep its nerve , under enormous pressure .

  16. 即便是在精英阶层,偶尔也会爆发出这种挫折感。

    Even at the elite level , the sense of frustration occasionally bubbles over .

  17. 但与希腊精英阶层的谈话使我既同情又气愤。

    Yet talking to the Greek elite left me feeling both sympathetic and exasperated .

  18. 《对话》栏目的目标受众是实业界的精英阶层。

    Aims at a social stratum which is consisted with industrial and commercial elite .

  19. 但这需要精英阶层认识到它的重要性,并投身其中,努力实现它。

    But it requires elites to recognise its importance and commit themselves to its achievement .

  20. 漂亮的酒店是有影响力的目标,酒店里满是富有的外国人和当地的精英阶层。

    Smart hotels are prestige targets , full of rich foreigners and the local elite .

  21. 印度精英阶层反对为贫穷阶层提供网络,有一些表面看似正当的理由。

    The elite Indian condemnation of Internet for the poor is cloaked in righteous objections .

  22. 有些新来者的确打破了精英阶层,并坚持下来,有些画廊取代了老画廊。

    Newcomers do break into the elite ranks and stick around , sometimes replacing veteran galleries .

  23. 这是一个橱窗城市,是有关系的、想必忠诚的精英阶层的家园。

    This is a showcase city , the home of the connected and presumably loyal elite .

  24. 精英阶层的软弱性使辛亥革命只是一场精英革命;

    Revolution of 1911 was " elite revolution " because of the weakness of the elite ;

  25. 他成功地利用了民众对政治正确、特别是精英阶层(包括主流媒体)的政治正确的愤怒。

    He brilliantly exploited anger about political correctness , especially among elites , including the mainstream media .

  26. 大学教师历来受到社会的关注,他们被誉为社会的精英阶层。

    College teachers , known as the social elites , have always been the focus of the society .

  27. 多年来,这套制度还算奏效,。但现在,就连精英阶层也开始抱怨腐败和不平等问题。

    It has worked for years , but now even the elites are complaining about corruption and inequality .

  28. 公共部门的雇员已成为一个特权阶层、一个比私营部门雇员生活得更滋润的精英阶层。

    Public workers have become a privileged class – an elite who live better than their private-sector counterparts .

  29. 这场主要针对富有精英阶层的打黑运动,在当地老百姓当中极受欢迎。

    The anti-mafia campaign , which mostly targeted the wealthy elite , was hugely popular among ordinary people .

  30. 这种体制导致了各课程权力主体间发生了较严重冲突。冲突既在草根阶层与精英阶层之间上演,同时也在精英集团内部展开。

    This system caused serious conflicts between the grassroots level and elites , simultaneously also in the elites interior .