
jīnɡ shén wén mínɡ jiàn shè
  • Spiritual civilization construction;the construction of mental civilization
  1. 加入WTO与精神文明建设

    Join WTO and the Construction of Mental Civilization

  2. 今人如能批判地继承这一文化遗产,必将有利于社会主义的精神文明建设,有益于社会的健康发展。

    If we can inherit this cultural legacy , it will be advantageous for the construction of mental civilization and the healthy development of our society .

  3. 革命文物承载党和人民英勇奋斗的光荣历史,记载中国革命的伟大历程和感人事迹,是党和国家的宝贵财富,是弘扬革命传统和革命文化、加强社会主义精神文明建设、激发爱国热情、振奋民族精神的生动教材。

    Revolutionary cultural relics hold the glorious history of the heroic struggles of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) and the people , and are records of the great course and touching and invigorating the Chinese ethos .

  4. 机遇,挑战与措施&加入WTO与精神文明建设

    Entry into the WTO and Spiritual Civilization Construction

  5. 北京精神文明建设委员会(CommitteefortheConstructionofSpiritualCivilisation)表示:公民素质和城市文明程度已经有了跳跃式的提升。

    Citizens ' quality and the city 's level of civilisation have been raised in leaps and bounds , says Beijing 's Committee for the Construction of Spiritual Civilisation .

  6. 建立爱国主义教育学是社会主义精神文明建设、公民道德建设、中国加入WTO的迫切需要。

    It is urgent to establish patriotism Pedagogy with which we are building a society , an advanced culture and ideology , citizen morals , and which will help us join WTO .

  7. 反封建主义与21世纪中国的精神文明建设

    Anti-feudalism and Spiritual Civilization Construction of China in the 21st Century

  8. 文化保证是加强精神文明建设;

    Culture guarantee is to strengthen the construction of culture life ;

  9. 福州沿海农村精神文明建设的思考

    On the Cultural Progress in Coastal Rural Area of Fuzhou Region

  10. 精神文明建设与当代大学生

    The Construction Spiritual Civilization and the College Students of our Time

  11. 城市社区发展与精神文明建设略论

    A Study of the City Community History and Inspirit Civilization Construction

  12. 试论社会主义精神文明建设与可持续发展

    On the Relationship between Socialist Spiritual Civilization Construction and Sustainable Development

  13. 设计和运用载体,开展精神文明建设

    Design and Application of Carrier Development of Spiritual Civilization Construction

  14. 优化商品包装也是社会主义精神文明建设的需要。

    Optimizing commodity packaging can meet the demands of socialist civilization construction .

  15. 论社区服务与社区精神文明建设

    On community service and the construction of spiritual civilization in urban communities

  16. 增强高校精神文明建设实效

    Enhancing Practical Results of the Construction of University Spiritual Civilization

  17. 西部地区社会主义精神文明建设的重要性

    The Importance Of The Construction Of Socialist Spiritual Civilization In West China

  18. 加强高校精神文明建设的对策思考

    How to Reinforce Spiritual Civilization Construction in Colleges and Universities

  19. 文字规范化与精神文明建设

    Formalization of Chinese Characters and the Building of Spiritual Civilization

  20. 论建国初期我国的精神文明建设

    On the building of spiritual civilization in the early days of PRC

  21. 加强德育工作和精神文明建设;

    Strengthening ethical work and the building of spiritual civilization ;

  22. 消除城市贫困加强精神文明建设

    Eliminate Urban Poverty and Strengthen the Construction of Spiritual Civilization

  23. 诚信:社会主义精神文明建设的道德源泉

    Sincerity and Credit : Moral Foundation of Socialist Spiritual Civilization

  24. 试论推进精神文明建设法制化

    Trial Discussion About Advancing Legal System of Mental Civilization Construction

  25. 精神文明建设取得新成果。

    Fresh achievements have been made in promoting spiritual civilization .

  26. 强制性规范:精神文明建设的助推器

    Institutional Standard : the Promotive Apparatus of Intellectual Civilization Construction

  27. 精神文明建设规律运用机制的探讨

    On the Ultilization Mechanism of the Rules of Culture and Ideological Progress

  28. 加强高师院校精神文明建设做先进文化前进方向的代表&我校精神文明建设工作回顾与展望

    Construction of the Spiritual Civilization in Retrospect and Prospect

  29. 论加强高等院校社会主义精神文明建设

    On Strengthening the Construction of Socialist Culture and Ethics in Universities and Colleges

  30. 人民群众是精神文明建设的主体;

    The masses are the main body of the construction of spiritual civilization ;