
jīng shén jì tuō
  • spiritual sustenance;meat and drink;Inner Sustenance;spiritual ballast
  1. 首先,主人公通过回忆过去的点点滴滴来寻找自己的精神寄托。其次,主人公借助亲情、友情、爱情以及同处异国流散状态下的同类人的怜悯之情,来实现身份的确认。

    Firstly , he finds spiritual ballast by recalling the past dribs and drabs . Secondly , he realizes the identity confirmation by the help of family , friendship , and the sympathy of same kind of people .

  2. 读书成了我唯一的精神寄托

    Reading has become my only meat and drink

  3. 这种用茶祭祀的遗风,实是一种精神寄托。

    This custom of tea fete is actually a sprit bailment .

  4. 解决方法是找点精神寄托。

    The trick was to get your mind on something else .

  5. 我相信你觉得是一种精神寄托罢了。

    I am sure it was a consolation to you .

  6. 他没有内在的精神寄托,因而害怕孤独。

    He has no inner resources and hates being alone .

  7. 福禄寿喜图形表达了中国民众特殊的思想意识和精神寄托。

    Fortune in graphics express Chinese people 's special ideology and spirit .

  8. 你是我手中的宝,你是我未来的精神寄托。

    You are my treasure hands , you are my future spiritual sustenance .

  9. 琼喜爱各种各样的书。读书是她的精神寄托。

    Joan loves all kinds of books . Reading is her meat and drink .

  10. 不得志文人的精神寄托和价值重构之所。

    The second is the unsuccessful scholars ' spiritual sustenance and restructuring of the value .

  11. 宠物在家庭中的地位逐渐提高,甚至成为人们的精神寄托。

    Pets in the family played an increasing role , and even become the spiritual sustenance .

  12. 对我来说,写作不仅仅是一种职业,更是我的一种精神寄托。

    For me , writing is not just a profession , it 's my meat and drink .

  13. 躺在病榻上的我我苦不堪言,《圣经》便成为我唯一的精神寄托。

    I lay on the bed I suffer ," the Bible " has become my only spiritual sustenance .

  14. 形式借鉴、遗产保护与精神寄托&论福建土楼的当下价值及其保护

    Form reference , heritage protection and spiritual sustenance : the current value and protection of Fujian earth building

  15. 第二章,大同矿区民众的精神寄托&窑神爷及其社会功能。

    The third part , Datong mining area people spiritual & God Kiln , and its social functions .

  16. 当面对社会的巨大变化时,人们失去了对生活的精神寄托。

    So when they are faced with the social changes , they lose their spiritual niches in life .

  17. 而另一方面,对神仙,他赋予了一种精神寄托,这与他当时所处的境况有关。

    On the other hand , fairy was a kind of sustenance , which had relation with his times .

  18. 开始认为只是把他作为精神寄托,但后来发现情况并非如此。

    Once he thought he was just as spiritual sustenance , but later found out is not the case .

  19. 形上追求是人类与生俱来的一种求知冲动,更是一种寻找精神寄托和灵魂安顿的渴望。

    Metaphysical pursuits represent an innate cognitive impulse of man and his quest for spiritual gratification and refuge of the soul .

  20. 美国的20年代是历史上最绚丽,最会享乐的年代,也是旧的传统道德被抛弃,人们失去精神寄托,思想陷入混乱的年代。

    This is the most gorgeous and pleasure-seeking decade in which the traditional moral was abandoned and people felt spiritually disorientated .

  21. 当一个精神寄托的地方离我越来越远一直在我的脑海里慢慢的模糊直到消失。

    When a spiritual sustenance place has been going farther and farther away from me in my mind slowly disappear until fuzzy .

  22. 山水画自魏晋南北朝形成以来便成为了中国人最厚重的情思积淀、最隐晦的精神寄托。

    Landscape painting formed since Wei and Jin Dynasties has been the most solid emotional precipitation and the most obscure spiritual hope .

  23. 但在应对负性压力时,倾向于联合使用各种应对方式,且更倾向于采用精神寄托、行为解脱等非适应性应对方式。

    But coping with the negative stress , they tend to adopt maladaptive coping ways , such as Mental Disengagement , Behavioral Disengagement .

  24. 为寻求精神寄托,民间祭祀就以心理补偿的方式大量出现。

    As a result , folk sacrifice appeared in a great deal as a kind of " psychological compensation " for spirit comfort .

  25. 其中个人特质是影响高校青年教师最显著的因素,较少采用精神寄托而多是积极认识、直接集中资源行动将有益于青年教师的心理健康。

    The most important factors that influenced mental health of young teachers were their characters . Positive coping is benefit to mental health .

  26. 清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。

    The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world .

  27. 地震一年后的山西,失去孩子的夫妇为了寻找精神寄托都在努力开始重新孕育新生命。

    A year after the tragedy in Sichuan , couples who lost an only child are rebuilding their families for emotional and economic reasons .

  28. 在这样的日积月累中,这些动漫形象成为了人们日常生活中的友好伴侣,成为日本人民不离不弃的精神寄托。

    In this long-term commitment , these cartoon characters into the daily life of friendly companion , abandoned to the Japanese people to become spiritual .

  29. 而苦难的人民需要精神寄托,这装饰在锁链上的虚幻的花朵给予他们朦胧的希望和慰藉。

    The suffering people need spiritual sustenance , the " decorated in chains of flowers on the illusory " to give them hope and consolation hazy .

  30. 城市地铁作为一种虚拟的媒介,为人们提供了交流的场所、发泄情绪的空间、寻找精神寄托的地方。

    City subway as a virtual " media ", providing people with a place for exchange , venting space , looking for the place of spiritual sustenance .