
  • 网络Actuarial;actuarial science
  1. 在国外,精算学领域的赌徒破产概率已有了一定程度的研究。

    In the field of foreign actuarial science has a certain extent achievement .

  2. 所以,有人把信度理论誉为现代精算学的基石。

    Therefore , credibility theory known as the cornerstone of modern actuarial science .

  3. 本文首先对Pareto分布的发展作了简单的介绍,并介绍了Pareto分布族在经济学、社会学、环境学、保险精算学中的广泛应用。

    This paper introduces the development of Pareto Distribution Family and it 's application in Economics , Sociology , Euthenics and Actuarial Statistics .

  4. 保险Bonus-Malus系统是现代精算学中的一个重要研究课题。

    Bonus-Malus System is an important research project in modern actuary .

  5. 多重生命函数在精算学中占有非常重要的地位,连生状态和最后生存者状态是多重生命函数的两种特殊情况。

    Multiple life insurance is very important in actuary .

  6. 关于《保险精算学》的几个问题

    Several Questions about the Actuarial Science of Insurance

  7. 保险精算学与保险经济学中保险产品定价之比较

    Pricing Comparison of Insurance Products between Actuarial Science of Insurance and Economics of Insurance

  8. 香港大学统计与精算学系,香港;

    Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science , The University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong ;

  9. 本文主要属综述性论文,在期望效用假设的框架下,总结概括了近期精算学中关于风险研究的许多前沿研究成果。

    This paper is mainly a survey of some new results in recent research on risk theory .

  10. 从经济学和精算学的角度对洪水保险债券进行分析,揭示了洪水保险债券定价机制。

    From the view of economics and actuarial science the price mechanism is delineated by analyzing flood insurance bond .

  11. 根据保险精算学原理推导了随机利率模型下的寿险产品的精算模型;

    Actuarial models of life insurance products with stochastic interest rate are deduced according to the actuarial insurance theory .

  12. 得出了各自准确的转移矩阵,应用精算学理论和方法,得出达到稳定状态下的稳定概率分布以及平均保费水平。

    Applying of actuarial theory and methods , we achieve stability under steady-state probability distribution and the average premium level .

  13. 运用精算学原理预测基金收支平衡,涉及人口预测、个人账户预测、基金收入和支出预测、收支缺口预测等。

    Forecast for the funds payment balance with actuary principle encompass population , personal account , funds payment and gap forecast .

  14. 主要教学和研究领域:精算学、风险管理、个人财务策划、资产负债管理、养老金。

    Research and teaching : actuarial science , risk management , personal financial planning , asset / liability management , pension etc.

  15. 进一步的,现在有一种金融风险管理领域和运用精算学进行定量分析的协议。

    Further , there has been a convergence from the financial fields of risk management and quantitative analysis with actuarial science .

  16. 保险精算学是一个围绕生与死的统计学科而心碎现象的统计也变得非常引人注目。

    Actuarial science is the study of the statistics surrounding life and death and the statistics surrounding the broken heart phenomenon were striking .

  17. 风险理论是保险精算学的重要组成部分,它是对保险所面临的各种风险进行数理分析的理论。

    Risk theory is the system of mathematical statistics analysis on all kinds of risk , which is the main part of insurance .

  18. 来自重庆的安芯说,她之所以选择精算学专业,是因为她父亲曾研究过数学。

    Anxin , who hails from the southwestern municipality of Chongqing , said she chose the actuarial science course because her father studied mathematics .

  19. 随后,着重于在精算学的范畴内,深入与全面地介绍了基于期望效用假设的风险排序理论。

    Secondly , we give a full description of the ordering of risks under the expected utility hypothesis in the context of actuarial sciences .

  20. 从拉瓦尔大学毕业后,他进入多伦多附近的滑铁卢大学学习保险精算学。

    After graduation from Laval , he enrolled at a new university , Waterloo , near Toronto . He would now be studying actuarial science .

  21. 保险精算学是运用数学、概率统计学原理以及多种金融模型对保险业中各种风险因素进行分析预测的学科。

    Insurance Actuarial theory is a analysis and forecast subject to all kinds risk of insurance industry by mathematics , probability statistics methods and finance models .

  22. 然后,本文对CreditRisk~+模型用精算学的分析框架来推导信贷组合的损失分布,并将模型从固定的违约率状态扩展至可变的违约率状态,由此得出信贷组合的风险贡献和违约相关性。

    Then according to the CreditRisk + framework , this paper calculates the loss distribution of loan portfolio and educes the risk contribution and pairwise correlation .

  23. 风险理论是金融学和精算学的基础,而其核心问题是破产理论的研究。

    The risk theory is the basic discipline of learning financial mathematics and the actuarial mathematics of insurance and its core is the study of the ruin theory .

  24. 保险精算学是精算师、应用数理统计学的专业人士所研究和应用的一门学科,它基于概率理论,主要研究金融和保险。

    The Actuarial science is applied by actuaries and the specialists of application statistics . Based on the theory of probability , it mainly concentrates on finance and insurance .

  25. 在保险精算学中,他的方程能充分抓住双重结果,如生或死,但在混乱的抵押贷款和经济学世界里,他的方程不再有效。

    In actuarial science , Li 's formula could adequately capture binary outcomes such as life or death , but in the messy world of mortgages and economics , it faltered .

  26. 运用保险精算学方法对海洋灾害保险进行费率厘定,确定海洋灾害的损失分布、信度保费的确定并给出最优定价,以期为海洋灾害保险的开展提供有益的帮助。

    And then it determines the loss distribution of marine disasters , reliability premium and optimal premium pricing in order to provide some useful help to the marine disaster insurance carrying out .

  27. 本文利用保险精算学中生命表理论得到现收现付制下的缴费率精算模型,分析了在人口老龄化到来之际实行现收现付制的潜在危机;

    Using the theory of life table , we establish the actuarial model of contributing rate under pay-as-you-go system , and analyze the potential crisis based on the coming of old age population .

  28. 借助于他在精算学和保险学以及对心碎症状的知识,他试图解决华尔街定量金融家最棘手的问题:违约相关性。

    Borrowing from his work in actuarial science and insurance and his knowledge of the broken-heart syndrome , he attempted to solve one of Wall Street quants ' most intractable problems : default correlation .

  29. 国内专家学者已从不同的角度对农村养老保险进行了研究,也有许多学者从精算学的角度对农村养老保险进行过研究。

    Domestic experts and scholars from different angles , old-age insurance in rural areas were studied ; there are many scholars , actuarial science from the perspective of rural endowment insurance of the issue .

  30. 针对中国目前关于个人账户中‘中人’的过渡性养老金给付不规范的现状,利用保险精算学中生存年金理论得到过渡性养老金给付的精算模型。

    According to the condition of having no specific provision about the mid-person 's transitional pension under the individual account in China , we derive the actuarial model of transitional pension benefit using the life annuity theory .