
jīng shén miàn mào
  • Mental outlook;spiritual outlook;mental attitute
精神面貌[jīng shén miàn mào]
  1. 但人们的精神面貌将是另一个样子。

    But our spiritual outlook would be different .

  2. 律师和被告、婚姻和生育,但人们的精神面貌将是另一个样子。

    Lawyers and defendants marriages and births & but our spiritual outlook would be different .

  3. 教师的精神面貌不佳。

    Morale among teachers is at a low ebb .

  4. 大多数教育是在他们的精神面貌上增长了唯物主义。

    The majority of the educated grew materialistic in their mental outlook .

  5. 拼搏进取是企业的精神面貌。

    Struggling for success is the spirit of our company .

  6. 他以知识分子生活为题材,表现他们的精神面貌。

    He took the intellectual life as theme and shew their spirit .

  7. 他的思想符合他那年纪的精神面貌。

    His ideas are in tune with the spirit of his age .

  8. 喝茶可以帮你提高注意力,保持良好的精神面貌。

    Tea can help you improve concentration , maintain a good mental outlook .

  9. 从而以充沛的精神面貌投入新的一轮工作中去!

    Thus puts into the new round work by the abundant mental outlook !

  10. 不同年龄、不同的个体会表现出不同的心理特征及其精神面貌。

    The individuals at different ages will display different psychological characteristics and spiritual state .

  11. 社会的精神面貌正在发生巨大的变化。

    The social appearnce is changing tremendously now .

  12. 新的生活改变了她的精神面貌。

    The new life changed her mental outlook .

  13. 第六,人们的精神面貌变化了,犯罪行为大大减少。

    People 's ethical standards had risen , and the crime rate had decreased .

  14. 运动员应当保持乐观积极的精神面貌。

    Competitors should maintain a positive mental outlook .

  15. 而且她希望向世界展示自己民族积极向上的精神面貌和强壮的体魄。

    Also it hopes to show the upward outlook and physical fitness of its people .

  16. 他概括了自己的精神面貌。

    He sums up his mental condition .

  17. 园林绿地设施能够反映出一个城市的形象、精神面貌。

    The green space facilities can reflect the image and spiritual feature of a city .

  18. 我们所到之处民众的精神面貌非常积极向上。

    The spirit of the people wherever we have been seems to be very favourable .

  19. 他表现出正确的精神面貌。

    He shows the right spirit .

  20. 从中华民族精神面貌看中华文明

    Viewing Chinese Civilization through Chinese Ethos

  21. 图像之中的图像以及图像之间的关联,折射出不同时代背景下人们的思想意识和精神面貌。

    Images and the correlation between them can reflect the ideology and spirit of different generations .

  22. 使精神面貌焕然一新苦难的渲染与精神的剥离:底层写作的精神追问

    Renew the heart and mind The Suffering and Vigorous Stripping : Bottom Writing Spirit Is Cross-examined

  23. 使精神面貌焕然一新这是创新与进取精神。

    Renew the heart and mind Indeed , they stem from the spirit of innovation and initiative .

  24. 校园文化反映了一所高校的学风和精神面貌,优良的校园文化为教育思想和观念的创新;办学思想和办学模式的创新;

    The campus culture can reflect the atmosphere of the learning and mental outlook situation in universities .

  25. 她赋予柳以人格,赋予弱柳以不同的精神面貌,她笔下的柳超越了我国传统文化中柳的一般意蕴。

    She characterized the willow with personality , also featured the weak willow with different spirit aspects .

  26. 应该选一首大家喜欢的并能表现出你们班全体同学的精神面貌的歌曲。

    It should be a song that everybody likes and that shows the spirit of your class .

  27. 使精神面貌焕然一新

    Renew the heart and mind

  28. 经济发展进入新常态,精神面貌要有新状态。

    China 's economic development has entered a new normal , meaning we must adopt a new attitude .

  29. 茅盾笔下的农村妇女形象反映了30年代农村妇女的思想状态和精神面貌。

    Some rural women characters in Mao Dun 's novels reflect the mental state of women in 1930 's.

  30. 大学校史馆不仅是大学展示自身历史、文化、教育理念及精神面貌的窗口,也是对青少年进行爱国主义教育的重要基地。

    The university history museum is the window of a university to show its own history and spirit .