
  • 网络Precision Guide Weapon;PGW;PGM
  1. GPS的发展及在精确制导武器中的应用

    Development and application of GPS in the precision guided weapon system

  2. 本文着重针对GPS/INS组合导航系统的实现及其在远程精确制导武器中的应用进行了研究。

    The thesis is mainly concentrated on some problems of GPS / INS integrated navigation system and its applications in the long-distance weapons .

  3. 精确制导武器系统作战效能的LMBP神经网络评估

    Assessment of Operational Effectiveness on the Precise-Guidance Weapon System by LMBP Neural Network

  4. 将合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)技术应用于精确制导武器,不但可以有效提高其全天时、全天候的工作能力,而且增加了探测隐蔽和伪装目标的能力。

    The precision guided weapon , which makes use of synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) technology , not only improves the all-weather and all-day capabilities , but also increases the capabilities of detecting concealed and camouflage targets .

  5. 同时,弹载新体制SAR也是未来精确制导武器发展的重要内容,其中合成带宽SAR体制和双基地SAR体制是最具前途的发展方向。

    Meanwhile , the new missile-borne SAR systems are also an important part of the future development of precision guided weapons , among those , synthetic bandwidth SAR system and the biostatic SAR system are the most promising directions .

  6. 成像制导已成为精确制导武器的主要发展趋势,越来越受到重视,它包括红外成像制导、可见光图像制导、SAR图像制导等形式。

    Imaging guidance has been a primary development trend of precise guidance weapon , and been thought to be more and more important . It contains infrared imaging guidance , visible light imaging guidance and SAR image guidance and so on .

  7. 图像导航已成为精确制导武器的主要发展趋势,包括可见光图像导航、红外图像导航、SAR图像导航等形式,它和其它导航方式组成的组合导航系统具有更高的精度和可靠性。

    Image navigation has been a primary trend in precise weapon guidance , including the visible light image navigation , infrared image navigation , SAR image navigation and other forms , navigation system integrated image navigation and other navigation methods posses higher accuracy and reliability .

  8. 精确制导武器作战对抗系统模型架构分析

    Model System Analysis of the Antagonism System of Precision Guided Weapons

  9. 地形起伏效应对精确制导武器的影响分析

    The analysis that the terrain undulate affect the precision homing weapon

  10. 对精确制导武器的各种精确制导模式进行了比较。

    The various guided modes of precision guided weapon are analyzed .

  11. 从精确制导武器的发展看惯性技术的新贡献

    Contribution of inertial technology to the development of precision guided munitions

  12. 精确制导武器的克星&激光防空武器

    Laser Air - defence Weapon - Precision Guided Munition Killer

  13. 卫星系统支援下精确制导武器的战斗效能分析

    The Combat Effect of Accurate-attacking Weapons Under the Support of Satellite System

  14. 从伊拉克战争看精确制导武器的发展

    Analyzing the Development of Precision-Guided Weapons after the Iraq War

  15. 步进频率雷达在精确制导武器中的应用

    Application of A Stepped - frequency Radar to Missile Guidance

  16. 美军精确制导武器及其对抗技术的分析

    Analyzing US Military Precision Guided Weapon and Its Countermeasures Technique

  17. 精确制导武器的数量和质量将得到进一步提高;

    The quantity and quality of precision control and guide weapon will improve ;

  18. 精确制导武器及其支持系统中的信息融合技术?

    Technique on information fusion for accurate guidance weapon and its supporting systems ?

  19. 精确制导武器发展趋向

    The Development Tread of the Precision Guided Weapon

  20. 目前GPS/INS制导已成为精确制导武器的核心。

    Now GPS / INS guidance has become the core of precision guidance weapons .

  21. 而红外成像仿真技术可为解决这类问题提供一种极为有效、经济的途径,对现代精确制导武器的开发和研制来说具有十分重要的意义。

    IR imaging simulation is an effective and economical solution for the previous problem .

  22. 抗精确制导武器技术研究

    The Study of Precision Guided Weapon Countermeasures Technique

  23. 精确制导武器的发展现状和趋势

    Actual State and Trend of Precision Guided Weapon

  24. 图像制导导引头信息处理是当今精确制导武器的关键技术之一。

    Information processing of imaging seeker is one of key technologies in precision-guided weapons .

  25. 该方法对于精确制导武器的目标识别研究具有一定的实用价值。

    The method has definite practical value to target recognition study of precision guided weapon .

  26. 未来的高技术战场,必将是各种精确制导武器相互角逐的战场。

    Precision-guided weapons will Compete with each other in the high-tech battlefield of the future .

  27. 典型目标的检测识别是精确制导武器的关键技术之一。

    Recognition of the interesting targets is the key technology of precise guide weapon system .

  28. 摘要随着精确制导武器的发展,单脉冲探测技术得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Monopulse detection technology is being widely used with the development of precision guidance weapon .

  29. 红外成像制导已成为当今精确制导武器的重要技术手段。

    Today , infrared imaging guidance has been one of the most precise guidance techniques .

  30. 稀土被用于精确制导武器和混合动力汽车等高科技产品。

    Rare earths are used for high-technology products such as precision-guided weapons and hybrid cars .