
  • Sheffield;Shepherd;Gary Sheffield
  1. 他在谢菲尔德大学的课程要到明年才能继续。

    His course at Sheffield University will not recommence until next year .

  2. 这项活动将按计划于明年夏天在谢菲尔德举行。

    The event will go ahead as planned in Sheffield next summer .

  3. 昨晚罗兰·尼尔森打赌谢菲尔德周三队会捧得欧洲联盟杯。

    Roland Nilsson last night backed Sheffield Wednesday to win the UEFA Cup

  4. 约翰·史蒂文森是谢菲尔德大学的历史学高级讲师。

    John Stevenson is Reader in History at the University of Sheffield .

  5. 11月28日,这两支乐队将携手在谢菲尔德剧场举办一场演唱会。

    The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28

  6. 在鲍里斯·福特的支持下,她去了谢菲尔德大学讲课。

    She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer , under the aegis of Boris Ford .

  7. 仍保留原始票根的球迷请于7月3号前和谢菲尔德体育馆联系。

    Fans who still have their original ticket stubs should contact Sheffield Arena by July 3 .

  8. 从诺丁汉到谢菲尔德大约30英里。

    It is about thirty miles between Nottingham and sheffield .

  9. 《人生的赛事》(TheGameoftheirLives,2002)由来自谢菲尔德的丹尼尔戈登(DanielGordon)执导。

    The Game of their Lives ( 2002 ) was directed by Sheffield-based Daniel Gordon .

  10. 英国谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)管理学院职场心理学研究所(InstituteofWorkPsychology)的塞缪尔•法利(SamuelFarley)正在研究这个问题。

    Samuel Farley of the Institute of Work Psychology at Sheffield University management school in the UK , is researching the issue .

  11. 它的开幕展览是关于出生在谢菲尔德的抽象画家约翰·霍伊兰(JohnHoyland,1934-2011)。赫斯特曾是英国青年艺术组织(YoungBritishArt)的超级明星,所以他的这个选择令人意外。

    The inaugural show will focus on the Sheffield-born abstract painter John Hoyland ( 1934-2011 ) , a surprising choice for the former superstar of Young British Art .

  12. 与该研究无关系的英国谢菲尔德大学妇产科学教授WilliamLedger如此说。

    William Ledger , a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Britain 's University of Sheffield , who was unconnected to the study .

  13. BenevolentAI正与谢菲尔德大学(Sheffielduniversity)的研究人员合作,以研究治疗运动神经元疾病和肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)的新方法。

    Benevolent is working with researchers at Sheffield university to investigate new pathways to treat motor neurone disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) .

  14. 同样来自谢菲尔德大学工程材料系的JohnHarding教授说,这个发现还可以有其它用途。

    John Harding , a professor also in the same department of the university , said that the discovery may be applied in other ways .

  15. 他现在已经将谢菲尔德联队50%的股份出售给了沙特阿拉伯的阿卜杜拉.阿勒沙特王子(PrinceAbdullahal-Saud)。

    He has now sold 50 per cent of Sheffield United to Prince Abdullah al-Saud of Saudi Arabia .

  16. 来自英国谢菲尔德大学的研究人员正在研究利用新的探测器(roboticferrets)帮助海关检验非法进出境物品。

    Researchers at the University of Sheffield are developing cargo screening ferrets to aid in the search of cargo for illegal substances .

  17. 使用精确的计算机模型,谢菲尔德团队已经洞悉了一种称为Nostoc的细菌的新陈代谢过程。

    Using mathematical computer models , the Sheffield team have mapped the metabolism of a type of bacteria called Nostoc .

  18. 直到上周,人们才知道NHS(国家卫生服务)谢菲尔德分处印发了传单,提醒年轻人性的享乐本质及其健康的好处。

    Only last week it was revealed that NHS Sheffield has produced leaflets reminding youngster of the enjoyable nature of sex and its health benefits .

  19. 英国谢菲尔德大学(SheffieldUniversity)认知发展和心理学教授汤姆o斯塔福德表示,俄罗斯方块长盛不衰的原因是,这款游戏能够把玩家带入一个完全不同的领域。

    Tom Stafford , a professor of cognitive development and psychology at Sheffield University in the U.K. , says that Tetris has been around so long because it transports gamers into a different realm when they play .

  20. 英国财政部宣布,中国新疆华凌工贸集团(HualingIndustryandTradeGroup)已同意投入资金“启动曼彻斯特、利兹和谢菲尔德的3个大型房地产项目,项目总价值为12亿英镑”。

    The Treasury announced that a group based in Xinjiang , the Hualing Industry and Trade Group , had agreed to invest money " to unlock three major property projects in Manchester , Leeds and Sheffield with a gross value of 1.2bn . "

  21. 与此同时,在美国,24小时新闻巨头CNN的智囊之一瑞茜?谢菲尔德开始考虑开设美食频道。

    Meanwhile , in the US , Reese Schonfeld - one of the minds behind the 24-hour news giant CNN - started to simmer over the idea of a food-only TV channel .

  22. “他们喜欢健康活泼的双胞胎,”WilliamLedger说道。他是英国谢菲尔德的生育专家,也是专家组的成员。

    " They have this picture of healthy , bouncing twins ," says William Ledger , a fertility specialist at the University of Sheffield , UK , and a member of the expert group .

  23. 谢菲尔德大学(universityofsheffield)营养生物化学教授希拉里j鲍尔斯(hilaryjpowers)大体上认为,好的膳食应有丰富的水果和蔬菜,高纤维,低脂肪。

    Professor Hilary J powers , Professor of nutritional biochemistry at the University of Sheffield , believes in general that a good diet is one rich in fruit and vegetables , high in fibre and low in fat .

  24. 谢菲尔德博物馆(MuseumsSheffield)正通过一个名为GoingPublic的展览项目和10月12日在谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(SheffieldHallamUniversity)举办的会议,来探讨缺乏资金的公共画廊和富有的私人藏家如何更有效合作的问题。

    Museums Sheffield is using the exhibition project , called " Going Public , " and a conference at Sheffield Hallam University on Oct. 12 to examine how cash-strapped public galleries and wealthy private collectors can cooperate more effectively .

  25. 毫无疑问,克里斯蒂安•格雷(ChristianGrey)肯定会让他们提前签一份合同,承诺绝不泄露Vue电影院北芬奇利店或Odeon电影院谢菲尔德店的那间密室里发生过什么。

    No doubt Christian Grey would have had them sign a contract in advance promising never to reveal what happened inside the secret chambers of the Vue North Finchley or the Odeon Sheffield .

  26. 多米尼克和西尔万·莱维(DominiqueandSylvainLevy)在法国创立了DSL收藏公司。该公司收藏的中国近年视频和数字艺术作品正在谢菲尔德的SIA和Site画廊展示。

    As part of the joint show , recent Chinese video and digital art from Dominique and Sylvain Levy 's DSL collection in Paris are on display at Sheffield 's SIA and Site galleries .

  27. 但他仍去观看大部分比赛,而且非常讨厌当地的竞争对手谢菲尔德星期三足球俱乐部(SheffieldWednesday),还因此定制了去掉星期三的日记本:“他们有星期二A和星期二B。我讨厌星期三。”

    But he gets to most games , and such is his loathing of local rivals Sheffield Wednesday that he orders special diaries with the word removed from every week : " They have Tuesday A and Tuesday B. I hate Wednesdays . "

  28. 他的思嘉伯集团(ScarboroughGroupInternational)在欧洲大陆、加拿大、澳大利亚、香港和印度等地涉足房地产,并拥有谢菲尔德联队(SheffieldUnited)和匈牙利的费伦茨瓦罗斯(Ferencvárosi)等足球俱乐部。

    His company , Scarborough Group International , encompasses property interests in continental Europe , Canada , Australia , Hong Kong and India and owns football clubs including Sheffield United , his home city club , and Ferencvaros i of Hungary .

  29. 事实并非如此。这里说的是1989年英格兰谢菲尔德市希尔斯堡体育场(Hillsboroughstadium)惨案,当时同样发生了人员踩踏,最终有96人丧生,数百人受伤。

    It 's not : it 's a description of the 1989 Hillsborough stadium tragedy in Sheffield , England , in which 96 people died and hundreds were injured in a similar human pile-up .

  30. 蒂姆·奇科(TimChico)博士是谢菲尔德教学医院(SheffieldTeachingHospitals)的心脏科顾问医师,他说:“对于很多人来说,减少工作时间很难甚至是不可能的,而且该研究也未表明这样就可以降低中风的危险。”

    Dr Tim Chico , consultant cardiologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals , said : ' For many people , reducing their working hours would be difficult or impossible , and this study does not show that it would reduce the risk of stroke .