
  • 网络Anti satellite missile;asat;antisatellite missile;ALASM
  1. 2007年的今天,中国首次成功进行反卫星导弹试验。

    2007 – China conducts the first successful anti-satellite missile test .

  2. 中国通过摧毁他的一个气象卫星试验一种反卫星导弹。

    China tested an anti-satellite missile by destroying one of its weather satellites .

  3. 中国否认最近的地面反卫星导弹测试会引发国际空间武器竞赛。

    China denies that a recent test of a ground-based anti-satellite missile could trigger an international space arms race .

  4. 但他表示,中国最近的反卫星导弹试验与快速增长的军费预算传达了不同的信息。

    But he said China 's recent anti-satellite missile test and the rapid expansion in its military budget was sending mixed signals .

  5. 最后还分析了反卫星导弹的5个初始发射参数对拦截高度和拦截速度的影响。

    After analyzing the influence of 5 initial launch parameters to the intercept height and velocity , the interception capability of the missile is estimated .

  6. 上周日本首相安培晋三强烈要求中国遵守诺言,在反卫星导弹试验后不要搞太空军事化。

    The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has urged China to stick to its promise not to militarize space following its test of an anti-satellite missile last week .

  7. 另一位美国高官表示,中国之前的导弹试射“基本上是成功的”,其主要目的是测试这个反卫星导弹系统的组成部分,为最终试验做准备。

    Another senior administration official said the earlier missile launches were " mostly successful " but were intended to test parts of the anti-satellite system before conducting a final test .

  8. 中国陆基反卫星导弹一发射就会被发现,目标卫星有足够的时间进行变轨和规避,在实战中难以命中任何卫星。

    China launched a land-based anti-satellite missile will be found , the goal of the satellite have enough time to swing and to avoid in real hard to hit any of the satellite .

  9. 首先建立了固体火箭发动机的质量计算模型和性能计算模型,分析了优化指标、设计变量和约束条件,并在此基础上建立了直接上升式反卫星导弹的发动机优化数学模型。

    Adopting the optimization rules applied to SRM , design variables and constraints are determined from the computational model of the mass and the performance for the SRM , then the optimization model of the SRM of ASAT ( anti-satellite missile ) is built .

  10. 这份2005年以来澳大利亚的首份国防蓝本将中国开发的新军事能力(例如今年1月试射的反卫星导弹)视为具有分裂性,同时称,美国作为占主宰地位的军事大国令亚太地区受益。

    The defence blueprint , Australia 's first since 2005 , labels China 's development of new capabilities such as the anti-satellite missile it tested in January as disruptive and says the Asia-Pacific region has benefited from the US being the predominant military power .

  11. 而中国的反卫星系统恰恰以陆基激光武器和陆基反卫星导弹为核心,因此中国反卫星系统不实用,最好拆除。

    China 's land-based anti-satellite system is precisely to land-based anti-satellite laser weapons and missiles at the core , the Chinese anti-satellite system is not practical , it is best to remove .