
fǎn shè shí
  • reflex time
  1. 条件下,各向异性P波反射时距具有各向同性P波反射时距近似的曲线特征。

    Under certain conditions , the time-distance curve of reflected P-wave in anisotropic media has similar feature compared with isotropic case .

  2. 用参数SV/Pp探讨了家兔颈动脉窦压力感受反射时动脉顺应性的变化。

    Using the parameter SV / Pp to reflect the arterial compliance , the variation in rabbit arterial systemic compliance during carotid sinus baroreceptor reflex is studied .

  3. 不可否认,Groovy针对Map的这种便捷语法非常酷,但这也是在对Map使用反射时引起一些常见问题的原因。

    Although this Groovy shortcut syntax for Maps is undeniably cool , it is also the source of a common gotcha when you use reflection on Maps .

  4. 结果12例中5例消融时为房颤心律,迷走反射时平均最长RR间期为4025.42±1774.35ms。

    Results 5 patients were with AF when undergoing catheter ablation , the mean RR interval was 4 025.42 ± 1 774.35 ms during vagal reflex .

  5. 左手介质具有不同的电磁特性,光入射到RHM-LHM界面上发生全反射时,将会发生一些违反常规的现象。

    The electromagnetic features of the left hand media are different . When completely reflecting light on the surface of RHM-LHM , the unusual phenomenon will appear .

  6. 光在金属表面反射时位相跃变的研究

    Investigation of phase jump for reflecting of light on metal surfaces

  7. 糖尿病患者的跟腱反射时延长

    Delay of the Achilles reflex times ( art ) in diabetes

  8. 光在界面上反射时的附加光程差

    The Annexation Optical Path Difference of the Light on the Light-interface

  9. 还研究了全反射时的反射和透射系数。

    It is also studied the reflectance and transmittance in TIR .

  10. 论光在介质表面反射时的半波损失问题&兼与张静江先生商榷

    The Discussion about Half - wave Loss in Reflection Surface

  11. 光波场在2种介质界面反射时的半波损失

    Half-wave loss when light waves are reflected at interface of two mediums

  12. 部分偏振光经界面反射时的偏振度分析

    Analysis on polarization degree of reflected partial polarized light beam from interface

  13. 关于光波反射时位相突变的讨论

    A discussion on the phase jump of light wave reflection

  14. 任意偏振态光束全反射时的侧向和横向位移

    Lateral and Transverse Shift of Arbitrarily Polarized Beam in Total Internal Reflection

  15. 讨论了发生全反射时隐失波的特性。

    The characteristics of evanescent wave of the total reflection were discussed .

  16. 椭圆偏振光折反射时的状态变化

    A change of state of elliptically polarized light when refracting and reflecting

  17. 结论大鼠肺牵张反射时心率减慢;

    Conclusion Pulmonary stretch reflex can reduce heart rate .

  18. 空气冲击波遇运动刚壁反射时壁面超压的计算

    Overpressure calculation on the reflection of air shock waves with moving rigid wall

  19. 超声空化场反射时的声致荧光像

    Sono Fluorescent Image in Reflecting an Ultrasonic Cavitation Field

  20. 考虑地面反射时单极天线方向性的矩量法分析

    Methods of Moment on Monopole Antenna Directivity With

  21. 全反射时的倏逝波

    Evanescent waves of the total internal reflection phenomenon

  22. 全反射时的表面波特性

    The Characteristic of Surface Wave in Total Reflection

  23. 光在发生全反射时的倏逝波

    The Evanescent Wave on Total Reflection of Light

  24. 利用等色级纹研究光在金属表面反射时的位相跃变

    Use QF fringes of equal chromatic order to study the change of phase at metallic reflection

  25. 在不考虑下垫面的反射时,利用迭代法来计算天空亮度。

    The iterative method is used to calculate sky radiance without the reflectance from underlying surface .

  26. 平行光束在单层弱吸收Ⅱ型界面上反射时的纵向位移

    The Longitudinal Displacement of Parallel Beam Reflected from a Single Layer Weakly Absorbing Type-II Dielectric Interface

  27. 因此声波在地表进行反射时,会保留更多的能量。

    Thus , acoustic waves retain more of their energy when they reflect off the ground .

  28. 光束在弱吸收介质板上反射时,会产生纵向位移。

    The finite-sized light beam reflected from a weakly absorbing dielectric slab would experience a longitudinal displacement .

  29. 一侧带涂层镜反射时三层吸收性介质耦合换热

    Transient coupled heat transfer in a three-layer absorbing composite with one surface being coated and specular reflection

  30. 推倒了光从楔形薄膜反射时反射波复振幅的解析表达。

    The analytical expression for the complex amplitude of light reflected from a wedge-shaped thin film is derived .