
  • 网络The Philosopher's Stone;touchstone
点金石 [diǎn jīn shí]
  • (1) [philosophers'egg]∶含盐、硫黄和水银的构成点金石的最早的物质

  • (2) [magisterium]∶教会的教育力量或职能

  • (3) [philosophers stone;philosophers stone] 见哲人石

  1. 他一整天都是这么做的,但一块点金石也没有找到。

    He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone .

  2. 疯人褐色的头发蓬乱纠结,粘满泥土,他仍然在孤寂的海岸上游荡,搜寻着他的点金石。

    Even so on the lonely shore the madman with dusty tawny locks still roamed in search of the touchstone .

  3. 点金石(旧时炼金术士认为能使金属变成黄金的物质)。

    Philosopher 's stone ( it was formerly believed by alchemists , would change any metal into gold )

  4. 在16世纪,有人提出所谓的博洛尼亚石头实际上是点金石。

    In the 1600s , it was even suggested that the so-called Bologna stones were actually philosopher 's stones .

  5. 纸条上的文字解释说:点金石就隐藏在千千万万看上去与它一模一样的普通卵石中。

    The writing explained that it was lying among thousands and thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it .

  6. 于是,这个人变卖了自己的一点财物,购买了一些简单的用品,然后在海边安寨扎营,开始从数不清的卵石中找寻点金石的下落。

    So the man sold his few belongings , bought some simple supplies , camped on the seashore , and began testing pebbles .

  7. 炼金术士到处寻找点金石,据说那是能把贱金属变成金银的东西。

    Alchemists searched for the Philosophers ' Stone , which was supposed to be capable of turning base metals into gold or silver .

  8. 他形成了一个很强的习惯把捡起的每一块鹅卵石扔进大海,以至于当他捡起他一直想要的点金石也扔进了大海。

    He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble into the sea that when the one he wanted came along he stil threw it away .

  9. 拾起小石去碰碰那条链子,然后不看看变化与否,又把它扔掉,这已成了习惯;就是这样,这疯子找到了又失掉了那块点金石。

    It had grown into a habit , to pick up pebbles and touch the chain , and to throw them away without looking to see if a change had come ; thus the madman found and lost the touchstone .