
yī xué yuàn
  • medical school;medical college;faculty of medicine
  1. 你得学习成绩优良才能进入医学院。

    You have to do well academically to get into medical school .

  2. 她勤奋苦读,终于进了医学院。

    The end result of her hard work was a place at medical school .

  3. 他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。

    He was one of the founders of the university 's medical faculty .

  4. 如果父母们想给孩子看最好的外科医生,他们会前往博洛尼亚的医学院。

    If parents wanted to entrust their child to the best surgeons , they traveled to Bologna 's medical school

  5. 这所医院附属于一家医学院。

    The hospital is attached to a medical college .

  6. 我的姐姐在医学院上学。

    My sister studies at a medical college .

  7. 耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学医学院目前都开设了以iPad为基础的无纸化课程。

    Medical schools at Yale and Stanford now have paperless , iPad-based curriculums .

  8. 在南加州,洛玛·琳达大学医学院正在为其生活方式医学专业(这是使用食物来治疗疾病的一个正式专业)的住院医师提供专门的培训。

    In Southern California , Loma Linda University School of Medicine is offering specialized training for its resident physicians in Lifestyle Medicine — that is a formal specialty in using food to treat disease .

  9. “这是一种不同的治疗疾病的范式,”帮忙运营洛玛·琳达大学医学院家庭和预防医学住院医师项目的布伦达·雷亚博士说。

    " It 's a different paradigm of how to treat disease , " says Dr. Brenda Rea , who helps run the family and preventive medicine residency program at Loma Linda University School of Medicine .

  10. 哈佛大学医学院的科学家玛格丽特·利文斯通是这样描述这个实验的:他们给笼里的猴子提供了触摸屏。

    Here 's how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone , who led the team , described the experiment : In their cages the monkeys were provided with touch screens .

  11. 布朗大学医学院睡眠研究员玛丽·卡斯卡顿博士说:"越来越多的孩子睡觉时开着电视,不睡觉的机会增加了,用在家庭作业、互联网和手机上的时间增加了。"。

    " More children are going to bed with TVs on , and there are more opportunities to stay awake , with more homework , the Internet and the phone , " says Dr . Mary Carskadon , a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School .

  12. 施劳格是哈佛医学院的一名医生,负责治疗中风患者。

    Schlaug , a doctor at Harvard Medical School , works with strokepatients .

  13. 这是丹娜法伯癌症研究所(Dana-FarberCancerInstitute)、哈佛医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的研究人员,以及来自英国弗朗西斯·克里克研究所(FrancisCrickInstitute)及伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的同事们正在进行的研究。

    That 's what researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School , along with UK colleagues from the Francis Crick Institute and University College London , are working on .

  14. 你们选择了在梅哈瑞医学院学医,在北卡罗莱纳农工州立大学学工程,因为你们想要领导和服务。

    You chose to study medicine at Meharry , and engineering at NC A & T , because you want to lead and serve .

  15. 英国皇家精神科医学院表示,这项研究证明了确保女性在怀孕期间和怀孕后获得心理健康服务的重要性。

    The Royal College of Psychiatrists6 said the study showed the importance of ensuring women had access to mental health services during and after pregnancy .

  16. 且各处一流的医学院都正在开始研究这些治疗方法,看它们如何产生效果,以及我们能从这些方法中学到什么。

    And blue-chip medical colleges everywhere are starting to study these things to find out how they work , and what we might learn from them .

  17. 哈佛医学院的微生物学家亚历山大·库斯迪最初感兴趣的是,糖尿病患者的肠道微生物与没有糖尿病者的有何不同——想法是,调整微生物群可能有助于治疗糖尿病。

    Aleksandar Kostic , a microbiologist at Harvard Medical School , was initially6 interested in how the gut7 microbes of people with diabetes8 might differ from folks without the condition — the idea being that tweaking the microbiome might help to treat the disease .

  18. 佩奇补充说,他在声音健康研究院(VoiceHealthInstitute)资助了一个研究项目,该项目将由哈佛大学医学院(HarvardMedicalSchool)的柴特斯(StevenZeitels)领导。

    Mr. Page added that he was funding a research program at the Voice Health Institute that will be led by Steven Zeitels of Harvard Medical School .

  19. 川北医学院心理咨询师学员SCL-90的测评分析

    Investigation of the Mental Health State of the North Sichuan Medical Students of the Psychological Counseling Using SCL-90

  20. 结果①20例慢性乙肝患者样本中,7例淋巴细胞与精子样本均见HBV汕头大学医学院硕士学位论文DNA阳性带;

    Results 1 . The positive bands of HBV DNA were observed in both of lymphocyte and sperm samples from seven of twenty cases with chronic hepatitis B infection .

  21. 研究报告的共同作者之一、俄勒冈州波特兰美国自然医学院(NationalCollegeofNaturalMedicine)的免疫学家茨维奇(HeatherZwickey)说,显然黄耆确实能够刺激人的免疫系统。

    ' Certainly it does work to stimulate your immune system , 'says study co-author Heather Zwickey , an immunologist at National College of Natural Medicine in Portland , Ore.

  22. 这具尸体证实是耶鲁大学医学院药理学研究生AnnieLe,她于9月8日被报称失踪。

    The body belonged to Annie Le , a graduate student in pharmacology at Yale University Medical School who was reported missing Sept.8 .

  23. 当代以来,唱主角的则是分子生物学家乔恩•卡巴特-津恩(JonKabat-Zinn),他在麻省大学医学院(UniversityofMassachusettsMedicalSchool)率先推行基于正念的减压疗法。

    More recently , Jon Kabat-Zinn , a molecular biologist who pioneered mindfulness based stress reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical School , takes centre stage .

  24. 这个药物是由一位世界领先的肥胖症专家,伦敦帝国理工学院哈默史密斯医学院的SteveBloom教授研发的。

    The drug is being developed by one of the world 's leading obesity experts , Professor Steve Bloom at Imperial College London 's Hammersmith Hospital campus .

  25. 他是Yeshiva大学AlbertEinstein医学院的一名流行病与人群健康专业的副教授。

    Cohen , an associate professor of epidemiology and population health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University .

  26. 方法:使用温州医学院研制的激光视网膜MTF测定仪测量近视眼视网膜CSF;

    Methods : We first measured the optical retinal image quality of myopic eyes using a retinal MTF tester , which was invented at Wenzhou Medical College .

  27. 细胞培养及分组:体外培养永生化小鼠足细胞系(由哈佛医学院PeterMundel教授惠赠)。

    Cell culture . Conditionally immortalized mouse podocytes were kindly provided by Professor Peter Mundel ( Harvard Medical School ) .

  28. 方法:对第四军医大学口腔医学院修复科1985-05~1993-06期间1056例患者1232件PFM修复体的临床资料进行调查分析。

    Methods : The clinical data of 1232 PFM prostheses in 1056 cases from May , 1985 to June , 1993 were investigated and analyzed .

  29. 里斯本NOVA大学医学院加建南楼多功能室,里斯本,葡萄牙

    Polyvalent rooms of the South Annex of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidade Nova de lisboa , lisbon , portugal , 2005

  30. 第二部分介绍了宁波大学医学院的基本情况、采用PBL模式的必要性和可行性,并着重介绍了宁波大学医学院教育模式改革的目标和总体设计。

    The second part introduced the basic situation of Ningbo University School of Medicine , and necessity and feasibility , and importantly introduced teaching mode reform and total design .