
yī xué xīn lǐ xué
  • Medical Psychology;medicopsychology
  1. 目的:以医学心理学研究方法研究问题学生的矫治,探讨干预模式的构建。

    Objective : To rescue the problematic students , we hope to develop a treatment model , on the basis of applying the research method of medicopsychology .

  2. 以医学心理学研究方法构建问题学生矫治模式的探索

    The Exploration on how to Construct the Treatment Model of the Problematic Students by Medicopsychology Research Method

  3. 编制陆军义务兵生活事件问卷(简称LEI-CSLA),为义务兵心理干预、部队科学管理和军事医学心理学研究提供一个有效的测评工具;

    To develop a Life Events Inventory for Compulsory Servicemen of Land Army ( LEI-CSLA ) for psycho-medical study of armymen , administration of military units and psychological intervention , ( iii ) .

  4. 体验式教学法在《医学心理学》中的应用

    A Study on Application of the Experiencing Teaching in Medical Psychology

  5. 学习医学心理学可以促进医学生心理健康。

    Conclusion Learning medical psychology could improve mental health of students .

  6. 学习医学心理学对医学生心理健康的影响

    The effect of learning medical psychology on mental health of students

  7. 从一个癔症患者的治愈看医学心理学的应用

    The application of medical psychology to the cure of a hysteria case

  8. 医护人员在临床工作中应用医学心理学知识的情况调查

    An Investigation of Medical Psychology Knowledge Applied in Clinics by Medical Staff

  9. 医学心理学在成人错牙合畸形正畸治疗中的应用与研究

    Application and Research of Psychology on the Adult Orthodontic Treatment

  10. 专科层次《医学心理学》课程教学改革研究

    Study on the teaching reform of the course of medical psychology at college level

  11. 医学心理学三十年

    30 years of Chinese Medical Psychology

  12. 漫谈开设医学心理学课程

    On Offering Medical Psychology Course

  13. 全科医师医学心理学知识现状调查与培训对策的思考

    The Consideration about the Present Investigation of Medical Psychological Knowledge of General Practitioners and the Training Countermeasure

  14. 基于身心统一观的医学心理学教学改革探讨论《千金要方》中的医学心理学思想

    An Approach to the Medical Psychology Teaching Reform Based on " Physical and Mental Unity " Concept

  15. 结果了解医学心理学研究中的动物模型制作和使用方法。

    Results The methods of make and use of these animal models in the medical psychological studies are elaborated on .

  16. 重视医学心理学在口腔粘膜病和牙病治疗教学中的应用

    Focusing on the appliance of medical psychology in treating the illness of the mucous membrane of oral cavity and tooth disease

  17. 四川名老中医杜自明骨伤学术思想及治疗经验的总结论《千金要方》中的医学心理学思想

    The Summary of Bone Wound Academic Thought and Treatment Experience from Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor Du Zi-ming in Sichuan Province

  18. 单位:两所大学医学心理学和精神医学专业研究机构和一所市级医院的心理科。

    SETTING : The research institute of medical psychology and psychiatric specialty in two universities and a psychiatric department in a city hospital .

  19. 文章介绍了病案导学式教学法,探讨了该教学方法在医学心理学教学中的应用,以及教师角色的构建。

    The paper introduces the teaching method , and discusses its application in medical psychology teaching and the construction of the teachers role .

  20. 利兹大学的医学心理学教授安德鲁·希尔表示,职业女性很清楚社会对肥胖人群存有偏见。

    Professional women are aware of a bias against those who are overweight , according to Andrew Hill , professor of medical psychology at Leeds University .

  21. 七情学说本身是一个非常有价值的医学心理学命题,是中国古代医家对生活和临床实践经验的概括和总结。

    The theory of seven emotions itself is a very valuable medical psychology proposition and a generalization of life and clinical experience concluded by ancient Chinese doctors .

  22. 通过医学心理学的学习使学生认识到心理社会因素在疾病的发生、发展和变化过程中的作用规律;

    Studying medical psychology is to enable students to understand psychological and social factors in the occurrence of diseases , the development and the change process function rule ;

  23. 研究精神因素在慢性疼痛病因学、症状学及治疗中的作用是疼痛科、医学心理学、精神病学等学科共同面临的紧迫任务。

    Researching on mental factors in the etiology of chronic pain , symptomatology and treatment is the urgent tasks of pain Branch , medical psychology , psychiatry and other disciplines .

  24. 本文在简要论述医学心理学主要内容的基础上指出,现代综合性的医疗方法,对医务工作者和医学教育工作者提出了新的要求。

    The paper points out on the basis of brief exposition to medical psychology that the modern comprehensive medical methods have put forward the new demand to the doctors and medical teacher .

  25. 参照《医学心理学》上的方法,设制了一套工具,对127名住院的精神分裂症病人和100名中学生的嗅、视、触、听、重量、温度及平衡觉的暗示性作了测量。

    With a self-designed measuring method . we compared the sensational susceptibility to smell , sight , touch , hearing , heat , weight and balance of 127 schizophrenic in-patients and of 100 normal subjects .

  26. 第二章从心理学的角度进行分析,讨论了社会心理学、行为心理学、建筑环境心理学和医学心理学对医疗环境设计的影响。

    The second chapter is researched from the angle of psychology the effect to the plan of Medical environment caused by social psychology , psychology of action , psychology of architecture environment , and medical psychology .

  27. 德国慕尼黑大学医学心理学研究所时间生物学教授提尔·罗内伯格表示,从原始细菌到人类,每个生物体都有一个生物因素决定的内在生物钟。

    Every organism from primitive bacteria to human beings have a biologically determined , internal body clock , said Till Roenneberg , a professor of chronobiology at the Institute of Medical Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich .

  28. 军事应激反应的重要性,不仅在于它的军事医学心理学意义,还在于它的军事意义,因为战斗应激性卫生减员的预防和处理是否得当,可以影响士气和战斗力。

    The importance of military stress reaction lies not only in its significance of military medical psychology but also in its military significance , for whether fighting stress causing noneffectives is properly prevented and handled influences morale and combat effectiveness .

  29. 论现代运动医学与心理学的综合

    On the Integration of Modern Sports Medicine and Psychology

  30. 目的:研究屈光手术前后的社会医学和心理学问题。

    Objective : We studied the social and psychological state in patients receiving refractive surgery .