
  • 网络CyberPsychology;Cyber Psychology
  1. 她的研究结果发表在《网络心理学,行为和社交网络》一文里。

    Her findings were published recently in Cyberpsychology , Behavior and Social Networking .

  2. 信息管理的交叉学科&网络心理学

    A Cross Discipline of Information Management & Cyberpsychology

  3. 入侵检测系统在网络心理学中的应用

    The application of intrusion detection system in the network psychology

  4. 刊登在《网络心理学、行为与社交网》上的这项发现还表明,自卑的人往往比其他人更频繁地登陆主页。

    The findings , published in the journal Cyberpsychology , Behaviour And Social Networking , also suggested that those with low self-esteem also checked their Facebook pages more regularly than normal .

  5. 本文由七部分组成:第一部分为研究综述,回顾了隐喻的相关理论和关于网络成瘾心理学相关研究,并介绍了隐喻治疗研究的内容。

    In this part , researches on relative theories and psychological studies on metaphor and internet addictions were reviewed .

  6. 人脸识别技术是一个非常活跃的研究领域,它覆盖了数字图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉、神经网络、心理学、生理学、数学等诸多学科的内容,近年来得到了广泛的关注。

    Face recognition technology is a very active research field . It covers digital image process , pattern recognition , computer vision , neural networks , psychics , physiology , mathematics and many other knowledge , and has obtained the widespread attention in recent years .

  7. 基于网络的西方心理学史教学设计

    The Designing of the Teaching for Western Psychology History under Web-based

  8. 城市贫困群体社会支持网络构建的心理学思考

    A psychological approach to the construction of social supporting network for the urban disadvantaged

  9. 网络教育与心理学基础

    Web-based education and educational psychology

  10. 本研究试图从心理学角度对中学生网婚现象进行剖析,为中学生网婚行为的量化研究提供理论推测,为及时预防中学生沉迷网络关系提供心理学视角与相关策略。

    This study attempts to analyze the phenomenon that middle-school students participating in net marriage , then provide a theoretic extrapolation for quantitative study , and provide relative strategy for promptly preventing adolescences from indulging in network relationships .

  11. 多媒体网络教学中的心理学问题

    The Psychologic Problems in The Multimedia Network Teaching

  12. 网络使用方面的心理学研究因此成为国外近年来心理学研究的热点问题之一。

    This makes the psychological aspects of Internet use one of the focuses of psychological research .

  13. 网络使用和网络成瘾行为的心理学研究

    Psychological Research of Internet Usage and Internet Addiction Behavior

  14. 网络在现实生活中的影响越来越大,网络使用方面的心理学研究因此成为国外近年来心理学研究的热点问题之一。

    The influence of the Internet has increased in recent years . This makes the psychological aspects of Internet use a key focus of psychological research .