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  • 网络online water army;online “water army”;online ‘water army;online ?water army
  1. “网络水军”是指那些被花钱雇来在网上发贴的人。

    The phrase " Online Water Army " refers to the hordes of people out there that are paid to post comments on the Internet .

  2. 在新媒体发展的背景下,小成本电影运用创新性的营销模式(SoLoMo模式)赢得了更加广阔的播映平台,但同时又面对盗版侵权和网络水军等新的挑战。

    Under the background of the development of new media , small-budget films using innovative marketing model ( SoLoMo Model ) won a broader platform and was challenged by the pirated and Internet army at the same time .

  3. 他们利用一些公共媒体,如论坛和博客来影响公众舆论。“网络水军”有专职和兼职之分。

    These part-time or full-time workers make use of social media websites , forums and blogs to influence public opinion .

  4. 管理中国互联网的秩序被“网络水军”和他们伪造的丰富信息严重扰乱了。

    The sense of order that rules the Chinese Internet has been seriously scrambled by " water army ," and their profusion of fake information .

  5. 专家极力主张重点监督那些公关公司或雇佣网络水军的销售商,这样才能从源头杜绝这一现象。

    Experts have urged the supervision to focus on those public relationship companies or sellers who employ online ghostwriters , and thus stop the problem at its source .

  6. 亚马逊表示,它已经进行了一项暗访,包括在“五元”网站上从承诺提供给五星好评的网络水军的人那里购买虚假用户评论。

    Amazon said it had conducted an investigation , which included purchasing fake customer reviews on Fiverr from people who promised five-star ratings and offered to allow purchasers to write reviews .

  7. 网络水军的存在与发展并不仅仅取决于某个单一因素,而是由其生存发展所依托的生态系统来决定的。

    The existence and development of the network of the Navy does not depend on a single factor , but by its survival and development by relying on the " ecosystem " to decide .

  8. 由互联网媒介而衍生的网络水军,正以其巨大的影响力在互联网媒介上一路高歌猛进,推动及策划了一起又一起的网络热点事件,彰显了其背后强大的力量。

    By the Internet media and derivative of the NCS , with its huge influence on the Internet media on a road stride forward singing militant songs , promote and network events orchestrated together , show its powerful force behind .

  9. 一方面,基于日前热议的网络水军概念,引入水话题的概念,结合话题传播图,对纯粹追求商业利益的营销和炒作性话题传播现象进行识别。

    On one hand , based on the hot-discussed concept of " water army ", we introduce the concept of " water topic ", and indentify the phenomenon of pure pursuit of commercial interests and speculation topics with the help of the diffusion map .

  10. 根据网络水军的生存特性,笔者通过卧底的方式潜入网络这片虚拟的田野,对网络水军群体进行深入的体验和认知,从而为在网络上找寻网络水军遗留的蛛丝马迹提供便利。

    According to the characteristics of the network the life , through the " undercover " mode into the network this piece of virtual " field ", In-depth experience and cognition on Usenet groups , so as to provide convenience to find traces left on the Internet network .

  11. 个体网络消费者作为强大的网络水军的一员,在面临网络消费情景时其行为模式和心理过程是如何受到网络群体的影响,又是如何变化?这些正是本文试图探讨的问题。

    When individual online consumers are in the face of online consumption scenarios , whether are their patterns of behavior and mental processes effect by the information received from other consumers and how to change ?