
  1. 随着冷兵器时代的结束,传统武术逐步趋向衰落。

    By the end of the cool weaponry time , traditional Wushu declines gradually .

  2. 冷兵器时代的战争,分析爆发的起因是复杂的。

    The wars in era of cold weapon , the reason of burst in analysis is complicate .

  3. 广义的兵器是指冷兵器时代所有的作战装备。

    Gerenally the weapons refer to all the weapons and equipment during the age of cold steel .

  4. 寨堡是一种带有军事性目的和很强防御功能的建筑形式,在冷兵器时代常见。

    Fortress is an architectural form for military affairs and defense , which can be frequently seen during Cold Weaponry Times .

  5. 晚清冷兵器时代的结束,使拳术跃居诸艺之冠;

    With the cold weapon era ending in the late Qing Dynasty , the Chinese boxing leapt to the highest in all arts ;

  6. 在冷兵器时代,除用毒烟以防敌突城穿穴外,还将毒物涂敷在刀矛剑戟及箭头上。

    During the period of cold weapon in addition to toxic fumigation , poisons were also spread on spears , swords and arrows .

  7. 在冷兵器时代和以冷兵器为主要兵器的时代,军事需要主导了武术的发展。

    In the era of cold weapons and of using cold weapons as the dominant , the military needs decide the development of Wushu .

  8. 冷兵器时代,武术与军事武艺相互交融与渗透,两个方向相互促进且并行不悖。

    In the cold weapon age , Wushu and military groups mingled and penetrated each other with the two forces running in parellel without conflicts .

  9. 令人惊讶的是这些原理不仅在那个刀箭的冷兵器时代是如此的准确,而且仍然在以电脑制导武器的现今年代显得如此正确。

    It 's amazing that the principles which were so true in the age of the sword and arrow are still so true in the age of computerized guided weapons .

  10. 人类历史上经历了漫长的冷兵器时代,刀作为兵器,更作为生产工具开辟了人类漫长的发展历程。

    Mankind has experienced a long history of cold weapons , sword as weapons , and also as a production tool to open up the long course of development of human .

  11. 它是中国古代系统总结战役理论与实践的开山之作,引领了冷兵器时代战略战术变革的方向。

    It is the first work to systematically summarize battle theory and practice in ancient China , which leads the reform direction of strategy and tactics in the cold weapon age .

  12. 随着冷兵器时代的结束,火器的出现成为武术发展的分水岭,武术价值、功能也逐渐的随之弱化。

    With cold armament times being over , the firearm turn up , it becomes the watershed that martial art develops , martial art value , function also gradually reduction of being up to .

  13. 中国古代城墙是出现于冷兵器时代用于城市周边防御的大型构筑物,是城市的主要防御体系,是中国建筑文化的重要遗存。

    The ancient Chinese city wall is a great defence used to during the cold weapon days around city , it is the major defence system of city , the important heritage of Chinese architecture culture .

  14. 在中国冷兵器时代,城池是战争中非常有效的抵御手段,自先秦至隋唐,其一直在军事争夺战中扮演着重要的角色。

    During the age of cold steel in China , city was very effective against the war means . From the Qin Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties , the city had played an important role in the military .

  15. 随着时光的流逝,武术在冷兵器时代所独具的技击攻防功能己渐去渐远,但其健身功能却在目前作为群众体育一项重要项目,在广大群众中日益盛行。

    Over time , the unique offensive and defensive functions of martial arts in the cold arm era have faded away but its fitness function is increasingly popular in the masses , and martial arts presently become a major project in mass sports .