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lěng mò
  • indifferent;coldness;apathy;aloof;apathetic;unconcerned;lethargy;disinterest;cold and detached;be cold and detached;irresponsive;tepid;thinly
冷漠 [lěng mò]
  • (1) [be cold and detached; unconcerned]∶[对人、对事] 冷淡,不关注

  • 他的显赫的地位使他成为一个孤独而冷漠的人

  • (2) [indifferent;irresponsive;tepid]∶冷淡的,呆呆的,没有生气

  • 态度稳重谨严,对人彬彬有礼,但显得冷漠

冷漠[lěng mò]
  1. 在这种关爱的过程中,简由一个冷漠的女儿,冷漠的妻子转变为一个富有情感的人。

    In caring for these people Jane transforms from an unconcerned wife and daughter to a sensitive soul .

  2. 听说你正在找我,奥格尔维没精打采,态度冷漠地说。

    " I hear you were looking for me ," Ogilvie said . It was a flat statement , unconcerned .

  3. 他外表冷漠,心地却十分善良。

    Beneath his gruff exterior , he 's really very kind-hearted .

  4. 疾病使她冷漠,不愿见人。

    The illness made her apathetic and unwilling to meet people .

  5. 她把自己的真实感情掩藏在一副冷漠的外表后面。

    She hid her true feelings behind a shield of cold indifference .

  6. 他说话的冷漠语气让她很伤心。

    She was hurt by the coldness in his voice .

  7. 他用冷漠的眼光盯着她。

    He was staring at her with cold eyes .

  8. 艾丽斯似乎对整个经过十分冷漠。

    Alice seemed totally unmoved by the whole experience .

  9. “你只能怪你自己。”她冷漠地说。

    ' You 've only got yourself to blame , ' she said unsympathetically .

  10. 她养成一副冷漠的外表。

    She had developed a shell of indifference .

  11. 他那平日冷漠的灰眼睛突然亮了起来。

    His usually dead grey eyes were sparkling .

  12. 他的冷漠使她觉得他不爱她。

    His remoteness made her feel unloved .

  13. 她说话时一副冷漠若无其事的样子。

    She spoke with icy calm .

  14. 她似乎很冷漠且不感兴趣。

    She seemed cold and uninterested .

  15. 她曾随口提到过,当时她的冷漠很让他吃惊。

    She 'd mentioned it casually once , surprising him by her unconcern

  16. 英国男人常被认为是矜持而冷漠的。

    British men are often seen as being reserved and unemotional

  17. 当然,托马斯沉着、冷漠,不易激动。

    Thomas , of course , was cool and aloof and imperturbable .

  18. 这是多么懒惰、冷漠、不敬业的态度!

    Of all the lazy , indifferent , unbusinesslike attitudes to have !

  19. 她身上透着一股冷漠,让他不寒而栗。

    There was a coldness in her that chilled him

  20. 他自制、矜持和冷漠得几乎有些不近人情。

    His self-control , reserve and aloofness were almost inhuman

  21. 他身材高大,肌肉发达,一双眼睛冷漠无情。

    He was big and brawny with soulless eyes .

  22. 他有着族长式的慷慨大方,同时却又冷漠无情。

    His patriarchal generosity is counterbalanced by his ruthlessness .

  23. 冷漠是英国地方民主制度长期以来难以推广的祸根。

    Apathy is the long-standing curse of British local democracy

  24. 突然他又笑了,这次笑得冷漠、刺耳。

    Suddenly he laughed again , this time with a cold , sharp tone

  25. 我发现她相当严厉,拒人于千里之外,近乎冷漠。

    I found her a rather austere , distant , somewhat cold person .

  26. 他们向我谈到了孤立无助和公众的冷漠。

    They told me about isolation and public apathy .

  27. 其中把他描绘成了一个冷漠无情的人。

    It portrays him as cold and uncaring .

  28. 他一句话也不说,显得疏远而冷漠。

    He was mute , distant , and indifferent

  29. 他是我见过的最冷漠的人之一。

    He was one of the least warm human beings I had ever met .

  30. 流行音乐唱片可能会是冷漠而且愤世嫉俗的。

    Pop records can be crass and cynical .