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  1. 近日,中国知名流行歌手萨顶顶在电视音乐晚会上因拿倒麦克风而无意中暴露了自己假唱这一尴尬的事实。

    A well-known Chinese pop star accidentally revealed she was lip-synching instead of singing during a televised concert by brandishing her microphone the wrong way around .

  2. 伴随着一段开场舞,萨顶顶开始进行演唱,但是这时她才意识到麦克风拿倒了。

    Opening the song with a section of interpretive dance , the star only realized she was holding her microphone upside down when she began singing .

  3. 微博上的其他用户认为,萨顶顶犯错并非偶然,而是为了揭露导演要求其假唱的事实。

    Others on Weibo argued Sa Dingding made her error on purpose to expose that she was asked to lip-sync by the director of the show .

  4. 这段视频还显示,萨顶顶随即露出了不好意思的笑容,她迅速修正了她的错误继续表演,就如真正的专业歌手一样,好像什么都没有发生过。

    The video shows Sa smiling sheepishly as she quickly reverses her mistake before carrying on with her performance like a true professional as if nothing had happened .

  5. 据报道,节目播出后,萨顶顶通过其个人新浪微博告诉她的160万粉丝:“下次我会提高我的演技”。

    After the broadcast ended , Sa reportedly took to Sina Weibo to tell her 1.6 million followers : ' Next time I 'll sharpen up my acting skills ' .

  6. 据人民网报道,32岁的萨顶顶是来自内蒙古的民乐歌手和词曲作家,在CCTV-15音乐频道播出的元宵晚会上的表演中发生了拿倒话筒的尴尬一幕。

    Sa Dingding , a 32-year-old folk singer-songwriter from Inner Mongolia , was performing at the Lantern Festival Gala broadcast on channel CCTV 15 when the embarrassing faux-pas occurred , according to a report by People 's Daily Online .