
  • 网络The Sahel;Sahelian;Sahil
  1. 俄罗斯、希腊和波兰的白鸛飞到南非,而西班牙、突尼斯和德国的白鹳只飞到萨赫勒地带。

    The Russian , Greek and Polish storks flew as far as South Africa , while those from Spain , Tunisia and Germany flew only as far as the Sahel .

  2. 伊比利亚半岛上的垃圾填埋场长期吸引着当地的白鹳,但这项研究中贴有标签的所有西班牙白鹳都飞越撒哈拉沙漠来到萨赫勒西部。

    Landfill sites on the Iberian peninsula have long attracted local white storks , but all of the Spanish birds tagged in the study flew across the Sahara desert to the western Sahel .

  3. 试论萨赫勒(Sahel)地带沙漠化的原因

    A study on the causes of the desertification the region of Sahel

  4. 多年来,一位名叫托尼里纳乌多(tonyrinaudo)的农业顾问帮助萨赫勒地区人们了解树木的价值和养护。

    Over the years , an agricultural adviser named Tony rinaudo has helped people in the Sahel learn about the value and care of trees .

  5. 它在这个地区是独一无二的,融合了伊斯兰艺术和沙漠建筑的特点——一种不可模仿的萨赫勒(Sahel)沙漠美学——一在全世界都是独具一格的。

    It is unique to the region and represents a distinctive marriage of Islamic and desert architecture - an inimitable Sahel desert aesthetic - not to be found anywhere else in the world .

  6. 萨赫勒地区草地综合管理培训方案;

    Igoss ; integrated grasslands management training programme in the sahel ;

  7. 萨赫勒旱地非政府组织工作队萨赫勒地区国家间抗旱常设委员会

    Task Force of Sahelian Dryland NGOs Permanent Inter-State Committee on

  8. 设立萨赫勒国际抗旱常设委员会公约;

    Convention establishing a permanent inter-state drought control committee for the sahel ;

  9. 尼日尔位于撒哈拉以南的萨赫勒地区。

    Niger is located in the Sahel desert south of the Sahara .

  10. 尼日尔位于撒哈拉沙漠南部萨赫勒地区。

    Niger is d in the Sahel area south of the Sahara .

  11. 萨赫勒旱灾控制国家间委员会;

    Inter-state Committee on drought control in the sahel ;

  12. 西非萨赫勒地带是世界上最严重的荒漠化地区。

    Sahel in West Africa is the most serious desertified zone in the world .

  13. 萨赫勒科技信息和文献网

    Sahelian Scientific and Technological Information and Documentation Network

  14. 难民如潮水般涌入本已备受干旱和贫穷困扰的萨赫勒地区。

    Refugees have flooded the Sahel region , which is suffering from drought and pervasive poverty .

  15. 本研究解决萨赫勒流动牧民社区中人口数据缺乏的问题。

    This study addresses the lack of demographic data on mobile pastoral communities in the Sahel .

  16. 自2018年以来,萨赫勒中部的境内流离失所人数增加了20倍。

    The number of internally displaced people in the Central Sahel has risen 20-fold since 2018 .

  17. 由于西非人口激增,萨赫勒地区将可能变成沙漠。

    The Sahel would be turned into a desert by the soaring population of West Africa .

  18. 萨赫勒区域财务管理项目

    Sahel Regional Financial Management Project

  19. 萨赫勒和撒哈拉国家集团

    Sahel and Sahara States Grouping

  20. 2012年,中国向萨赫勒地区有关国家提供了粮食援助。

    In 2012 , China granted food aid to affected countries in the Sahel region of Africa .

  21. 去年,为应对萨赫勒地区的需求,联合国呼吁募捐6.3亿美元。

    Last year , a 6.3-billion-U.S. dollar appeal was made to respond to needs in the Sahel .

  22. 联合国监测萨赫勒区域天然能源与可再生能源及环境训练班

    United Nations Training Course on Monitoring Natural and Renewable Energy Resources and the Environment in the Sahel Region

  23. 萨赫勒地区国家间抗旱常设委员会

    Permanent Inter-State Committee on

  24. 在萨赫勒地带的城市,带着圆屋顶和尖塔的伊斯兰建筑令人叹为观止。

    In the Sahel cities , the architecture of Islam , with its domes and minarets , is breathtaking .

  25. 这项声明说,盗取萨赫勒地区天然资源的外国公司,理所当然地成为穆斯林自由战士的攻击目标。

    The statement said foreign companies exploiting the natural resources of the Sahel are legitimate targets of Muslim freedom fighters .

  26. 导致许多人畜死亡的萨赫勒危机是其典型的例子。

    The Sahelian Crisis which brought so many people and their herds to death is the best example for this .

  27. 帕利表示,这次袭击的打击目标只有圣战分子,没有直长机参与行动。这起空袭是法国军队旨在打击非洲萨赫勒地区伊斯兰极端分子的更大规模行动的一部分。

    Parly says only jihadis were targeted and hit in the strike , and no helicopters were engaged in the operation .

  28. 例如,萨赫勒地区流行性脑炎和流行性脑膜炎,甚至是黄热病等老疫苗的持续供应。

    For example : Japanese encephalitis , epidemic meningitis in the Sahel , even sustaining delivery of old vaccines like yellow fever .

  29. 我们深为关注北非特别是萨赫勒地区以及几内亚湾的不稳定局势。

    We express our deep concern with instability stretching from North Africa , in particular the Sahel , and the Gulf of Guinea .

  30. 粮农组织/环境规划署非洲干旱地区进程萨赫勒国家间抗旱常设委员会成员国可持续森林管理标准及指标国家协调员讨论会。

    FAO / UNEP Workshop of National Coordinators for Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in CILSS Member Countries , Dry-Zone Africa Process .