
  • 网络Zacatecas;ZCL
  1. 这一切表明,如果要让这些计划有利于萨卡特卡斯等地区的长期发展,我们需要进行认真思考。

    All of this indicates that some hard thinking is needed if such schemes are to contribute to long-term development in areas such as Zacatecas .

  2. 去年,萨卡特卡斯州的日报《映像》在它的一个记者被一个黑手党绑架的情况下,被迫报道了一篇袭击军队的文章。

    Imagen , a daily in the state of Zacatecas , ran an article last year attacking the army on the orders of a mafia that had kidnapped one of its reporters .