
  • 网络Sussex
  1. 萨塞克斯郡的警方表示,不会就此事件采取任何行动,也不会起诉和事件有关的任何人。

    Sussex Police said no action would be taken with it " not in anyone 's interests " to prosecute .

  2. 英格兰萨塞克斯郡刘易斯市的善良人们,在交易中使用刘易斯镑,它实际上是一种在刘易斯市的一些商场里通用的代金券。

    Nice people in Lewes a town in the English county of Sussex trade in the Lewes pound , which is actually a voucher valid to spend in a few Lewes shops .

  3. 我跟萨塞克斯郡的很多学校有联系。

    I 'm in contact with a number of schools in sussex .

  4. 英格兰东萨塞克斯郡的赫斯特蒙索城堡已经对这个为期三天的盛会进行了安排,目的是让“麻瓜们”有机会体验男女巫师是什么样子。

    Herstmonceux Castle in East Sussex has organised the magical three day event , which is aiming to give muggles the chance to experience what it would be like to be a witch or wizard .

  5. 今年46岁的戴夫,住在东萨塞克斯郡巴特尔附近的一个180英亩的大农场里,他把家里的车改装成了一条大狗,以纪念他刚刚去世的狗狗弗洛斯。

    Mr Issac , 46 , who lives on an 180-acre farm near Battle in East Sussex , converted the family car into a working sheep dog in tribute to his dog which had recently died .

  6. 这一切都始于70年代早期。我算是一个狂热的先驱,我先到了多风的萨塞克斯郡的伊斯特本,然后去了多雨的苏格兰的爱丁堡,最后是雄伟的伦敦。

    It all started back in the early ' 70s . I was one of the enthusiastic pioneers , the first time in Eastbourne , in windy Sussex , and then in Edinburgh , in rainy Scotland , and finally in majestic London .