
  • 网络The Global Empire
  1. 当然了,扎克伯格在刚开始打造他的全球帝国时已经是一个传奇人物了。

    Of course Zuckerberg was already something of a prodigy when he started his global empire .

  2. 在后来的朝代更迭中,中国滑向衰落,而伦敦则跃升为一个全球帝国的首都,继而又成为一个主要的国际金融中心。

    Under later dynasties , the Middle Kingdom slipped into decline , while London rose to become capital of a global empire and then a leading international financial centre .

  3. 从薯条的粗细到汉堡上放几根酸黄瓜,麦当劳以产品的一致性为招牌,打造了一个全球帝国。

    McDonald 's has built a global empire based on the consistency of its products , down to the thickness of fries and the number of pickles on a sandwich .

  4. 在英格兰约克郡的中心地段,一家规模不大的家族企业却经营着一个全球帝国——他们的产品不是钢铁,也不是机械,而是军装和礼服。

    From the heart of Yorkshire , England , a tiny , family firm is running a global empire - not in steel or machinery , but in military uniforms and ceremonial clothing .

  5. 区别在于,在后越战时代,作为全球帝国主义强国地位的唯一潜在对手,苏联正处于末端衰落期(回顾历史得出的结论)。

    The difference is that in the post-Vietnam era the only potential rival for the role of global imperial power - the Soviet Union - was ( we see in retrospect ) in terminal decline .

  6. 他掌握着庞大的全球传媒帝国

    He controls an international media empire .

  7. 李嘉诚是为数不多打造了真正意义的全球商业帝国的香港大亨之一。

    Mr Li is one of only a few Hong Kong tycoons to have built truly global empires .

  8. 除此之外,默多克现在还必须担忧,危机有可能蔓延到其全球媒体帝国其他部分。

    Beyond this , Mr Murdoch must now fear the risk of contagion to the rest of his global empire .

  9. 他定期都会前往他全球电脑帝国的这个遥远地区。

    I was covering Michael Dell on one of his periodic expeditions to the far reaches of his global computer empire .

  10. 的确,英国曾经是产业革命的诞生地、号称世界的制造车间、殖民地遍布全球的雄伟帝国。

    Britain was , of course , the birthplace of the industrial revolution , " the workshop of the world " and an imperial power whose colonies stretched around the globe .

  11. 但它却意味着美国将非常不愿意在全球进一步推行“帝国”式冒险行动。

    But it does mean that the US will be very reluctant to undertake further " imperial " ventures around the world .