
  • 网络Quanzhou;quanzhou county
  1. 全州县降雪天气分析

    Analysis of Snowing Weather in Quanzhou County

  2. 广西全州县1997~2005年输入性疟疾调查

    Survey of imported malaria in Quanzhou County of Guangxi in 1997 ~ 2005

  3. 广西全州县清元矿业有限公司,是一家拥有雄厚的技术力量和先进的生产设备工艺,具备完善的质量保证体系;

    Guangxi Quanzhou Qinyuan Mining Limited Liability Company is a comprehensive enterprise involving in fields of mineral exploitation , mineral products processing , smelting as well as chemical industry .

  4. 希拉里带着委员会开始了全州75个县的听证之旅,这就是典型的希拉里。

    Typical Hillary , she held listening tours in all 75 counties with our committee .

  5. 随着大火从墨西哥边境经洛杉矶一路向北席卷到了圣芭芭拉市.加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格周日晚间宣布全州七个县进入紧急状态。

    With fires raging from the Mexico border through Los Angeles and northward to Santa Barbara , California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in seven counties Sunday night .