
  • 网络fuyuan;Fuyuan county
  1. 富源县岩溶地区石漠化现状与治理对策

    Status Quo of Desertification and Countermeasures for Control in Fuyuan County

  2. 富源县旅游发展规划研究

    The Research on the Planning of Tourism Development in Fuyuan County

  3. 富源县旅游业发展与客源市场开拓

    On the Tourism Development and the Tourist Market Promotion of Fuyuan County

  4. 云南富源县阿依村肺癌的流行病学特征及环境致癌因素研究

    A study on epidemiological characteristics and environmental carcinogenic factors of lung cancer in Ayi village Fuyuan county , Yunnan

  5. 富源县地处云南省东部,享有云南东大门之称,区位条件十分优越,并且拥有较为独特的旅游资源。

    Fuyuan county lies in the east of Yunnan province , and it named East gate of Yunnan . There are lots of special tourist resources in Fuyuan .

  6. 据当地政府消息,富源县有五人死于泥石流,一人溺死于洪水。自上周六到本周一,该县降雨量达到120毫米。

    Five people were killed by rock-mud flow and one drowned in floodwaters in Fuyuan County , which had a precipitation of120 millimeters from Saturday to Monday , according to the local government .