
  • 网络ten thousand buddhas monastery;Wanfo Temple;Buddha Temple
  1. 香港万佛寺旁边的一家店里甚至有纸做的麦当劳超值套餐卖,套餐里有薯条、饮料和一包叫做“ChickenMuNeggtc”(“麦乐鸡”的错误拼写。——译注)的东西。

    One store , next to Hong Kong 's Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery , even sells paper replicas of McDonald 's value meals , complete with fries , soda and a package of something called " Chicken MuNeggtc . "

  2. 成都万佛寺梁代造像艺术特色的形成元代丝绸纹样的艺术特色及尚金习俗

    The Background of the Liang 's Art in Wan Fosi Temple , Sichuan Province On the Artistry and Gold - worship Custom of Silk Pattern during the Yuan Dynasty

  3. 1954年四川省成都市万佛寺出土了两件南朝梁浮雕作品,对其图像国内外学者们均有研究,但未作全面的考论,定名亦不准确。

    Two relief sculptures dated in the Liang Dynasty ( 502-557 ) were unearthed in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple in Chengdu , Sichuan Province in 1954 . The sculptures have brought various scholars ' attention at home and abroad .