
  • 网络The Theory of Everything
  1. 埃迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne),《万物理论》(TheTheoryofEverything)

    Eddie Redmayne , " The Theory of Everything "

  2. 最佳原创配乐约翰·约翰森(JohannJohannsson),《万物理论》

    Original score : Johann Johannsson , " The Theory of Everything "

  3. 最近,霍金教授在《万物理论》(TheTheoryofEverything)伦敦首映式上成为公众瞩目的中心,这是最新一部刻画霍金生平的电影,由埃迪•雷德梅尼(EddieRedmayne)主演。

    This week Professor Hawking enjoyed the limelight at the London premiere of the latest film about his life , The Theory of Everything , starring Eddie Redmayne .

  4. 新片《万物理论》着重刻画了霍金与简•怀尔德(JaneWilde)的婚姻,后者为照顾霍金和他们的3个孩子做出了超过25年的非凡奉献。

    The Theory of Everything focuses on Prof Hawking 's marriage to Jane Wilde , who looked after him and their three children with extraordinary devotion for more than 25 years .

  5. 但前提是他能胜过另一位潜在候选人埃迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne),后者凭借在《万物理论》(TheTheoryofEverything)中饰演天才斯蒂芬·霍金(StephenHawking)获得了金球奖剧情类影片最佳男主角奖。

    But only if he bests the potential nominee Eddie Redmayne , who won the Globe for best actor in a film drama for his portrayal of the genius Stephen Hawking in " The Theory of Everything . "

  6. 霍金的一生,包括他与肌萎缩侧索硬化症(亦称“ALS”或卢伽雷氏病)的战斗,已于2014年被拍摄成由埃迪·雷特梅尼领衔主演的电影《万物理论》。

    Hawking 's life , including his battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- known as ALS or Lou Gehrig 's disease -- was made into a 2014 biopic , " The Theory of Everything , " starring Eddie Redmayne

  7. 同样不出所料的是,周日获得金球奖的艾迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne)也因在《万物理论》中饰演身体残疾、心智高蹈的斯蒂芬·霍金(StephenHawking)而获得提名。

    Just as inevitably , Eddie Redmayne - a fellow winner at the Golden Globes on Sunday - was nominated for playing the physically damaged , cerebrally soaring Stephen Hawking in " The Theory of Everything . "

  8. 剧情类最佳女主角:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿,《蛋糕》;费莉希蒂·琼斯(FelicityJones),《万物理论》;朱莉安娜·摩尔,《依然是爱丽丝》;罗莎蒙德·派克(RosamundPike),《消失的爱人》;瑞茜·威瑟斯彭,《涉足荒野》

    Best Actress , DramaJennifer Aniston , " Cake " Felicity Jones , " The Theory of Everything " Julianne Moore , " Still Alice " Rosamund Pike , " Gone Girl " Reese Witherspoon , " Wild "

  9. 剧情类最佳男主角:史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(SteveCarell),《狐狸猎手》;本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch),《模仿游戏》;杰克·吉伦哈尔,《夜行者》;大卫·奥伊罗(DavidOyelowo),《塞尔玛》;埃迪·雷德梅恩(EddieRedmayne),《万物理论》

    Best Actor , DramaSteve Carell , " Foxcatcher " Benedict Cumberbatch , " The Imitation Game " Jake Gyllenhaal , " Nightcrawler " David Oyelowo , " Selma " Eddie Redmayne , " The Theory of Everything "

  10. 提名结果也反映出电影界的不列颠空袭,比如温斯坦公司(Weinsteins)的《模仿游戏》和焦点特写公司(FocusFeatures)的《万物理论》,两部影片都是讲述深受伤害的英国天才的故事,它们都在多个领域获得提名。

    A movieland version of the Battle of Britain is shaping up on the awards trail , as " The Imitation Game , " from the Weinsteins , and " The Theory of Everything , " from Focus Features - each about a deeply impaired British genius - took nominations in many of the same categories .

  11. 《万物理论》的导演马什没有获得导演奖提名。

    Mr. Marsh was not nominated as director of The Theory of Everything .

  12. 本月怀尔德和霍金共同出席了《万物理论》的首映式。

    This month the pair were pictured together at the premiere of The Theory Of Everything .

  13. 最佳剧情电影:《少年时代》、《狐狸猎手》、《模仿游戏》、《塞尔玛》、《万物理论》

    Best Picture , Drama " Boyhood " " Foxcatcher " " The Imitation Game " " Selma " " The Theory of Everything "

  14. 本尼迪克特在最佳男演员(戏剧类)的角逐中输给了英国同乡埃迪雷德梅尼,后者以自己在《万物理论》中扮演的史蒂夫霍金一角获奖。

    Benedict lost out on the Best Actor - Drama award to fellow Brit Eddie Redmayne , who won for his role as Stephen Hawking in The Theory Of Everything .

  15. 物理学的“圣杯”之一就是寻找我所谓的“万物理论”一种涵盖所有基本自然法则的终极理论。

    One of the Holy Grails in physics is to find the so-called " Theory of Everything ," the final theory that will encompass all the fundamental laws of nature .

  16. 霍金曾在2014年的奥斯卡获奖电影《万物理论》中由埃迪雷德梅尼饰演。周六那晚,73岁的他谈及了宇宙以及科学中的未解之谜。

    Hawking , 73 , who was portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Eddie Redmayne in 2014 's The Theory of Everything , spoke about the universe and mysteries of science .

  17. 在传记影片《万物理论》中,埃迪•雷德梅尼饰演英国物理学家史蒂芬•霍金。而他的表演一度让霍金本人感动流泪,称好几次都仿佛看见了自己。

    English physicist Stephen Hawking was moved to tears while watching Eddie Redmayne portray him in the biographical film The Theory of Everything , saying that at certain points he thought he was watching himself .

  18. 这些英国明星包括33岁的埃迪雷德梅恩,他在电影《万物理论》中饰演霍金而被提名奥斯卡,他的搭档31岁的菲丽希缇琼斯,以及《模仿游戏的》主演本尼迪克特康伯巴奇。

    It shows British celebrities including Eddie Redmayne , 33 , Oscar nominated for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything , his co-star Felicity Jones , 31 , and Imitation Game star Benedict Cumberbatch , 38 .

  19. 在高票房传记片《万物理论》的推动下,史蒂芬·霍金在全球的排名从第9升至第5,成为英国整体最受仰慕的男性——超过大卫·阿滕伯勒等当地名人。

    Stephen Hawking , boosted by box office hit biopic The Theory of Everything , rises to 5th place from 9th worldwide and is the most admired man overall in Britain - even including local celebrities such as David Attenborough .

  20. 这局面迫使一些宇宙学家开始放弃他们日思夜想的美梦:找到一个可以用以解释宇宙万物的统一理论。

    It has led some cosmologists to the verge of abandoning their fondest dream : a theory that can account for the universe and everything about it in a single breath .

  21. 因为如果世间万物都能用理论解释。

    Because if the universe operates by abstract rules .