
fànɡ shè xìnɡ diǎn
  • radioactive iodine;radioiodine;RAI
  1. 由于甲状腺癌特异性表达钠碘转运蛋白(hNIS),因此放射性碘治疗是比较有效的疗法。

    Radioiodine therapy , the most effective form of systemic radiotherapy available , is currently useful only for thyroid cancer because of thyroid-specific expression of the human sodium iodide symporter ( hNIS ) .

  2. 放射性碘在大鼠甲状腺内的滞留模式及剂量估算

    Retention pattern of radioiodine in rat thyroid and its dose evaluation

  3. 放射性碘-125辐射对液态AFP基因结构的影响

    Influence of radiation of radioactive iodine-125 on DNA structure of liquid AFP

  4. 放射性碘标记AnnexinV进行体内凋亡显像的研究

    Primary Study of Imaging Apoptosis with Radioiodine Labeled-Annexin V

  5. PWR核电站严重事故情况下放射性碘化学和安全喷淋

    Radioactive iodine chemistry and sefety spray in PWR plant severe accidents

  6. 目的制备聚乙二醇(PEG)修饰超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)衍生物并对其进行放射性碘标记。

    OBJECTIVE : To prepare the SOD derivative with PEG and its labeling with I ~ ( 125 ) .

  7. 脑显像剂IMP的放射性碘标记及动物实验

    The preparation and animal testing of 125-i-imp as a scintigraphic agent for brain

  8. 放射性碘标记人工合成RGD肽拮抗物的设计与分子特性的计算机分析与模拟研究

    Study of molecular models and characters of an RGD-containing antagonist for radioiodine-labeling

  9. 结论:放射性碘131I治疗Graves病可以使甲状腺自身抗体水平降低,放射性碘疗法可以促进自身免疫状态的缓解和修复。

    Conclusion Radioiodine treatment for Graves ' disease could reduce the levels of thyroid autoantibodies with amelioration of autoimmunity status .

  10. Graves病患者放射性碘治疗后TGA,TMA的动态变化及临床意义

    Dynamic Changes of Serum Levels of TGA and TMA and the Clinical Significance After Radioiodine Treatment for Patients with Graves ' Disease

  11. 目的研究应用放射性碘(131I)治疗分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)对患者肝肾功能的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of radioactive iodine ( 131I ) therapy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma ( DTC ) on liver and renal function .

  12. 目的回顾性分析放射性碘(131I)治疗儿童和青少年分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)的特点及其疗效。

    Objective To investigate the characteristics and outcomes of radioactive iodine ( 131I ) therapy in children and adolescents with differentiated thyroid carcinoma ( DTC ) .

  13. 目的应用放射性碘(131I)扫描研究含碘造影剂对分化型甲状腺癌患者肺转移病灶131I治疗效果的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of iodinated contrast media on therapeutic effect of131I in patients with pulmonary metastases from differentiated thyroid carcinoma .

  14. 目的研究腺叶切除不完全的分化型甲状腺癌(DTC)患者实施放射性碘(131I)清除甲状腺组织(清甲)治疗的效果。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of radioactive iodine ( 131I ) thyroid remnant ablation in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma ( DTC ) after partial thyroidectomy .

  15. 目的探讨重组钠碘同向转运体(NIS)基因杆状病毒介导甲状腺癌细胞放射性碘治疗的可行性。

    Objective To explore the radiotherapy of thyroid cancers by delivering the sodium / iodide symporter ( NIS ) gene into the tumor cells using baculoviral vector .

  16. DQ-2型气载放射性碘采样器的研制

    Development of DQ-2 type airborne radioiodine sampler

  17. 目的:为了解螺旋藻对放射性碘的促排作用效果,观察了螺旋藻对大鼠甲状腺滞留131I的促排作用。

    Objective : To study the facilitating effect of Spirulina Platensis ( SP ) on excretion of radioactive iodine , we observed the 131 I excretion to the thyroid on the SP administered rats .

  18. NIS在甲状腺的病理生理中发挥着关键性作用,它实现了甲状腺组织摄取碘并进行甲状腺激素的生物合成,实现了甲状腺功能亢进和分化型甲状腺癌的显像诊断和放射性碘治疗。

    NIS plays key roles in thyroid pathophysiology as the route by which iodide reaches the gland for thyroid hormone biosynthesis and as a means for diagnostic scintigraphic imaging and for radioiodide therapy in hyperthyroidism and thyoid cancer .

  19. 该课题利用重组腺病毒技术将hNIS基因感染前列腺癌后再给予放射性碘治疗来探索一种崭新的基因疗法。

    Here we explore the efficacy of a novel form of gene therapy using adenovirus-mediated hNIS gene transfer followed by radioiodine administration for treatment of prostate cancer .

  20. 4月6日,东京电力公司(TEPCO)设法止住从损坏反应堆之一流出的高污染水,有一个海水样本显示:流出的高污染水造成了放射性碘超标750万倍。

    By April 6th TEPCO had managed to staunch the leakage of highly contaminated water from one of the damaged reactors that had produced levels of radioactive iodine 7.5m times the legal limit in one sample of seawater .

  21. 离心超滤技术适合放射性碘标记蛋白质的纯化。

    Ultrafiltration is suitable for purification of the radioiodine labeled protein .

  22. 放射性碘在地质材料中吸附和迁移的研究

    Studies of sorption and migration of radioactive iodine on geological materials

  23. 一些多肽激素放射性碘标记条件的探讨

    An approach of some conditions for polypeptide hormones labelling with radioactive iodine

  24. 放射性碘在一周内会失去一半威力。

    Radioactive iodine loses half its strength in a week .

  25. 浸渍活性炭的制备及其捕集气态放射性碘的研究

    Preparation and performance study of impregnated charcoal used for removing gaseous radioiodine

  26. 放射性碘在盐环境中的吸附和迁移行为

    Studies of sorption and migration of radioactive iodine in a salt environment

  27. 放射性碘生物危害及其医学防护的研究

    Study of biological effects of radioiodine and its medical protection

  28. 这种药片可以使甲状腺充满非放射性碘。

    The pills flood the thyroid gland with non-radioactive iodine .

  29. 核事故应急条件下放射性碘内污染快速判断方法的研究

    A Study on Tacho-judgement of Irradiated Iodine Internal Contamination in Nuclear Accident Stringency

  30. 核紧急情况之下,放射性碘很可能被释放出来。

    Radioactive iodine can be released during nuclear emergencies .