- 网络Grazing area;pasturing area;grazing district;grazing district,spread,range;rangeregion

It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture
Absolute value of ammonium N , amino acid N , acid hydrolyzed N was higher in ungrazing sites than that in grazing sites , but the proportion to total N didn 't show significant differences .
When stocking rates were 1.3 and 1 . 5 sheep / half year / ha the aboveground net productivities of Artemisia frigida in the grazing plots were higher ( P < 0 . 05 ) than that in the ungrazing plot , which is called over-compensatory growth of plant .
Wyoming is a natural grazing country and cannot be eaten out .
Another spring , reducing sugar of 3 kinds of plants were higher in the banning grazing area and delaying grazing area .
The results were as follows : ( 1 ) 3 delaying grazing could improve several indexes that were better than free grazing .
Rotational grazing enhanced the community standing crops above ground and the tendency of root moving upward was less than that in continuous area .
The richness index , evenness index and diversity index were all found higher in the rotational grazing and check plot than in the continuous grazing area .
The control area and light grazing area is with low activity of oil polyphenol oxidase and high activity of soil urease , catalase , and protease .
Total N , total P , available P , available K , alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen and organic matter contents were apparently increased in the soil under rotational grazing .
The composition plants of the sheep diet was more abundant in CO than in RG . The crude protein , crude fat of diet were higher in CG than RG .
Compared with the free grazing area , the plant population important value were highest in banning grazing area , indicating the plant community employed better stability and adaptability to environment .
As the rainy season arrives in different parts of Africa 's largest country , so the traditional competition for the best grazing areas for cattle and other livestock becomes more intense .
For instance , many areas in northwest China should concentrate on growing forage grass in order to expand animal husbandry . Wyoming is a natural grazing country and cannot be eaten out .
In the rotational grazing the surface soil hardness and bulk density were decreased , soil moisture and porosity were increased , soil nitrogen , phosphorus , potassium and organic matter were high .
The density , height , coverage and importance value of dominant species in plant community in rotational grazing were higher than that in continuous grazing ( P < 0.05 ) in the two years .
P. anserina presented higher in its leaf number , stolon length , aboveground biomass , stolon biomass , flower number , reproductive biomass , sexual reproductive effort and vegetative growth effort with grazing than without grazing .
The standing crop of community and Leymus chinensis in the rotational grazing area were higher than that in the continuous grazing area , the peak time of stand crop in two grazing systems which compared with check plot were lagged .
The main results were shown as follows : 1 . The height , cover , above present biomass , richness , edible forages , and diversity of the community in grazing plot of the sand grassland were lower than that of the high plain grassland .
The whole park is divided into seven functions in the course of planning , including high-efficiency agriculture demonstration areas , grazing areas , eco-recreation areas , ecological forest recreation areas , characteristic culture areas , ecological holiday resort areas and modern agricultural production zone . 4 .
However , differences in compensatory growth were found in main plant populations , in which net primary productions were different in the two grazing systems .
Aboveground biomass of every treatment for the same period in 2003 was more than that in 2004 , respectively , and aboveground average biomass and its annual changes were significantly different under different stocking rate ( P < 0.05 ) .
Herders can face limited access to grazing and watering areas .
Abstract Forest grazing is a tradition in arid zones .
Compared to the higher stocking rate plots , the biting rate was lower in lower stocking rate plots , but the total foraging time was stable in all stocking rate plots .