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  • rafting;raft
放排 [fàng pái]
  • [raft] 运竹子、木材的一种方法把它们扎成排筏从水路运走

放排[fàng pái]
  1. 美国和中国是世界上最大的两个温室气体放排及碳排放国,这种排放导致地球变暖。

    The United States and China are the world 's two largest emitters of greenhouse gases , of carbon that is causing the planet to warm .

  2. 将所有的石头沿着地边整齐地放成排。

    Put all rocks in a neat row around the edges .

  3. 这周能一直把这些杂志放第一排中间吗

    Would you keep those front-row-center this week ?

  4. 我跟你说过了放三排。

    I told you three rows .

  5. 再过几天就是七月四号了,因此有一个灰蒙蒙的、骨瘦如柴的意大利小孩沿着铁轨在点放一排“鱼雷炮”。

    It was a few days before the fourth of july , and a gray , scrawny Italian child was setting torpedoes in a row along the railroad track .

  6. 煤系地层孔隙性和渗透率对煤层气的抽放、排采具有重要影响,但煤层气的生成却是其富集的先决条件。

    The porosity and permeability of coal-bearing strata have important influence to the exhaust and mining of coal bed gas , but the production of coal bed gas is precondition of its richen .

  7. 牢房中央放着一排板床,犯人都已睡了。里面大约有七十个人。

    The beds took up the middle of the cell and the prisoners were all in bed .

  8. (书架或桌子上)放在一排书后面让它们直立的撑子。

    A support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright ( on a shelf or table ) .

  9. 桌子后面放着一排玻璃杯,学生们轻嗅、小口品尝,对比一种果香红酒与另一种味道更浓郁,带有橡木清香的法国式葡萄酒。

    Behind desktops lined with glasses , the students sniffed and sipped , comparing a fruity red with a richer , oakier French-style wine .

  10. 从接待室一端的一个门口,可以看见附设的理发室,放着一排排的椅子和修脸用的水杯。

    One could see through a door at one end of the lobby to the barber-shop , with its chairs and array of shaving-mugs .

  11. 通过对处于抽穗扬花期的水稻进行人工熏气试验,考察天然气净化厂事故徘放时外排的二氧化硫落地后对水稻生长的影响。

    The effect on the rice growth in heading and flowering period by SO2 emitted from natural gas purification plant and fell to the ground has been tested through fumigation experiment .

  12. 你还能看到,在放着一排自制腌甜菜的玻璃隔板后工作的厨师闲聊时频频点头,窗台上超级松软而诱人的奶酪蛋糕正冒着气。

    and watch the cooks working behind glass shelves lined with house-made beet pickles bob their heads to rap while steam rises from superbly light and jiggly cheesecakes resting on the window ledge .

  13. 故本文在研究底部排气弹时将重点放在底排气体的能量上,对底排边界加入了速度和温度。

    A new method to treat the base bleed boundary condition is used in this article . This method puts the focus on the energy which depends on the temperature of the base bleed gas .

  14. 以提高蔬菜干制品质为目的,采用自制的微波干燥试验装置,研究了不同干燥功率、物料铺放厚度及排湿风速对干制胡萝卜丝品质和能耗的影响。

    Experiment was done to study the influence of microwave drying parameters on the quality of dried sliced carrot and energy consumption with home-made microwave drying and testing device by different heating power , thickness of materials and airflow rate .

  15. 放个容器在排油口下面接油(2)。

    Place a suitable container under the drain screw ( 2 ) .

  16. 自然崩落法放矿与计算机排产方法的探讨

    A study on ore drawing and computer-based production scheduling in block caving method

  17. 福特说:像商店里一样把文胸放在抽屉里排成一行。

    Line them up in a drawer , like they 'd do in the store , says Forte .

  18. 在自然崩落法相关研究的基础上,探讨了自然崩落法放矿控制的排产优化问题;

    Based on interrelated researches of spontaneous caving method , the optimization of ore drawing scheduling and controlling of spontaneous caving method s was studied .