
  • 网络Lulong County
  1. 以GDP预测为例,首先建立了卢龙县国内生产总值预测的灰色模型,对2005~2020年卢龙县国内生产总值作了预测;

    Gray model of GDP forecast in Lulong county was established and its GDP in 2005 ~ 2020 were forecasted .

  2. 2004&2007年河北省卢龙县涂阳肺结核流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Smear-positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Lulong County of Hebei Province during 2004-2007

  3. 结论卢龙县婴幼儿轮状病毒腹泻主要受温度的影响,与温度呈负相关,不受湿度和降雨量的影响。

    Rotavirus diarrhea is not affected by humidity and rainfall .

  4. 目的对河北省卢龙县农村人口中儿童轮状病毒腹泻流行情况进行调查。

    Objective To investigate the epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea among children in rural population .

  5. 卢龙县低山丘陵区灌丛的聚类分析

    The cluster analysis of deciduous broad-leaved brush-wood in the Hilly District in Lulong County

  6. 卢龙县1998年婴幼儿腹泻轮状病毒血清型调查

    The predomination of rotavirus G3 serotype among children with diarrhea in Lulong County in 1998

  7. 河北省卢龙县1999~2001年婴幼儿杯状病毒腹泻流行病学研究

    Epidemiological study of human caliciviruses among children with acute diarrhea in Lulong county , 1999-2001

  8. 县区土地利用分区研究&以河北省卢龙县为例

    Study on Land-using Division of County Area

  9. 河北省卢龙县2008年2106例妇科病普查结果分析

    Analysis of Census Results of 2106 Cases of Gynecological Diseases in Lulong County of Hebei Province in 2008

  10. 目的探索河北省卢龙县轮状病毒腹泻与气象因素之间的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between rotavirus diarrhea and weather factors in Lulong County , Hebei Province .

  11. 实地考察了秦皇岛市下辖的三区四县(北戴河区、山海关区、海港区、昌黎县、抚宁县、卢龙县、青龙县)农田杂草的种类、分布、危害及主要杂草的生育期。

    The kinds , distribution , harm and growing periods of farmland weeds in Qinhuangdao area were given on the spot investigation .

  12. 本文对城乡用地空间布局优化进行研究,首先提出城乡用地空间优化布局的目标,并通过对卢龙县城乡用地现状进行分析,指出卢龙县城乡用地利用中存在的问题。

    First , make sure the target of urban and rural land-use space layout , through lulong situation analysis , point out the urban and rural land-use problems .

  13. 总规划面积为687平方公里。分布在秦皇岛市的海港区、北戴河区、山海关区、昌黎县、抚宁县和卢龙县。

    With a total planning area is687 square kilometers , they are dotted in Qinhuangdao 's Haigang District , Beidaihe District , Shanhaiguan District , Changli County , Funing County and Lulong County .

  14. 方法采用病毒核酸电泳和酶免疫方法对卢龙县1998年轮状病毒腹泻发病季节采集的非菌性腹泻粪便标本进行轮状病毒检测。

    Methods 120 stool specimens collected from children with diarrhea during the winter of 1998 in Lulong County , Hebei Province were examined for rotavirus by PAGE and ELISA and for serotype by ELISA and PCR .

  15. 在此基础上,以解决耕地保护和经济发展之间矛盾为出发点,尝试构建城乡用地空间布局优化研究方法,并以河北省卢龙县为例进行了实证研究。

    On this basis , take the contradiction between the cultivated land protection and economic development as the starting point , trying to build urban land space layout optimization theory method in hebei province , and take Lulong County as an example .