
  • 网络Luhansk;Lugansk
  1. 战争注定会对乌克兰产生如此巨大的影响,因为受影响最大的顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克地区过去贡献乌克兰GDP的16%。

    The war was bound to have such a big impact , since Donetsk and Lugansk the most affected regions used to generate 16 per cent of GDP .

  2. 近日,叛军据称在俄军的支持下,在他们现有的据点顿涅茨克(Donetsk)和卢甘斯克(Lugansk)附近发动反攻,部分逆转了乌克兰政府军近期在战场上取得的进展。

    Rebels also allegedly supported by Russian forces have launched a counter-offensive in recent days around their existing strongholds of Donetsk and Lugansk , partly reversing recent Ukrainian progress .

  3. NPR新闻的科瑞·弗林托夫前往卢甘斯克带来报道。

    NPR 's Corey Flintoff went to Luhansk , compiled this reports .

  4. 顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克将有自己的警察和司法制度。

    Donetsk and Lugansk would have their own police and legal systems .

  5. 乌克兰东部的顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克地区同样抵制了投票。

    Opposition groups in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk also blocked the vote .

  6. 乌克兰政府称顿涅茨克市和卢甘斯克市进行的投票是非法的。

    The vote which the Ukrainian government called illegal took place in 2 cities , Donetsk and Luhansk .

  7. 自称为卢甘斯克人民共和国的领导人表示,爆炸可能是由战斗机袭击引起。

    Leaders of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People 's Republic say a " fighter jet attack " is possibly behind the explosion .

  8. 联合国观察员表示,有越来越多的顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克平民被武装组织和乌克兰政府之间的战火所围困。

    UN monitors say civilians in Donetsk and Luhansk increasingly are caught in the crossfire between armed groups and the Ukrainian government .

  9. 协议签署前,乌克兰的卢甘斯克和顿涅茨克地区在周末举行公投之后宣布独立。

    The deals comes on the heels of the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk declaring independence in referendums held over the weekend .

  10. 乌克兰东部城市卢甘斯克由反对派控制的当地政府大楼发生爆炸,至少造成5人死亡。

    At least five people have been killed in an explosion at a rebel-held local administration building in Ukraine 's eastern city of Lugansk .

  11. 卢甘斯克是叛军在乌克兰东部的剩余据点之一,几周以来该市一直被乌克兰政府军包围,市内剩余居民处于断电断水状态。

    Lugansk is one of few remaining rebel strongholds in eastern Ukraine and has been encircled by Ukrainian forces for several weeks , leaving its remaining residents without power and running water .

  12. 现在,不仅俄罗斯吞并了克里米亚,而且顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克还有可能脱离乌克兰独立。在顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克,亲俄罗斯的分裂势力已经宣布成立独立的“人民共和国”。

    Today we have not only the annexation of Crimea by Russia but also the potential secession from Ukraine of Donetsk and Lugansk , where pro-Russian separatists have proclaimed independent " people 's republics . "