
  • 网络marco polo bridge;lugou bridge
卢沟桥 [lú gōu qiáo]
  • [Lougouqiao] 在北京西南部,跨永定河(金时的卢沟河)上。始建于金大定二十九年(1189年),成于明昌三年(1192),清初重建。长265米,宽约8米,由11孔石拱组成,桥旁建有石栏,其上共有精刻石狮485个,姿态各殊,生动雄伟。1937年七七事变在此发生,抗日战争从此开始。为全国重点文物保护单位。其旁建有新桥

  1. 卢沟桥还以其精美的石刻艺术而闻名世界。

    Lugou Bridge is also famous for its stone sculpting art .

  2. 卢沟桥的桥栏上有许多雕刻精美的石狮子。

    There are many delicately-carved stone lions on the guardrails of Lugou bridge .

  3. 北京汛期对卢沟桥污水处理厂运行影响探讨

    Influence of flood season on Beijing Lugouqiao Wastewater Treatment Plant operation

  4. 卢沟桥事件发生在1937年7月7日。

    The Lugouqiao incident took place on July 7th , 1937 .

  5. 日本天皇裕仁与卢沟桥事变裕仁天皇侵华战争责任探析

    Towards the responsibility of Mikado Hirohito for the war against China

  6. 卢沟桥污水厂二级出水热泵系统的运行经验

    Operation Experiences of Secondary Effluent Water-source Heat Pump System of Lugouqiao WWTP

  7. 卢沟桥事变后日本转变对蒙政策原因探析

    Why Japan Switched Anti-Mongolia Policy after the Japan-China War

  8. 金朝建筑最杰出的代表是卢沟桥。

    One of the finest examples of their architecture is the Lugou Bridge .

  9. 卢沟桥事变在1937年爆发。

    The Lugouqiao Incident broke out in 1937 .

  10. 但是卢沟桥的炮声,为什么仅仅暂时地解决这个问题而没有最后地解决这个问题呢?

    But why was the question settled only temporarily and not once and for all ?

  11. 她住在卢沟桥附近,上班在北三环。

    She lives near the Lugou Bridge , works in the North Third Ring Road .

  12. 卢沟桥是根据永定河水流的特点设计的。

    Lugou Bridge was designed according to the feature of the currents of Yongding River .

  13. 这场战争始于1937年发生在北京西南部卢沟桥上的事件。

    That war started with an incident that in 1937 at the Lugou Bridge in southwestern Beijing .

  14. 卢沟桥事变前后日本侵华军事战略分析

    An Analysis the Military Strategy of Japan 's Aggression to China Before and After the Lugou Bridge Incident

  15. 卢沟桥建于1188年1192年间,是北京地区现存最古老的连拱石桥。

    Completed between 1188 and 1192 , it is the oldest existing multi-arched stone bridge in the Beijing area .

  16. “八一三”事变后参加大型话剧《保卫卢沟桥》的演出。

    After the Incident of August Thirteen , she took part in the full-length drama , Guarding Lu Gou Bridge .

  17. 卢沟桥中国军队的抗战,是中国全国性抗战的开始。

    The fight put up by the Chinese troops at Lukouchiao marked the beginning of china 's nation-wide War of resistance .

  18. 1937年7月7日,卢沟桥的枪声标志着日本侵华战争全面展开。

    Japan 's full-scale assault into China began on July 7th , 1937 following a shooting incident at the Marco Polo Bridge .

  19. 好,这里是卢沟桥医院,是奥运会指定医院。请出示您的护照。

    Hello ! This is lugouqiao hospital , which is an Olympic designated hospital . May I see your passport , please ?

  20. 卢沟桥还是“七七事变”的见证者。从那时起,中国人民开始奋起反抗日本侵略者。

    The Lugouqiao Bridge was also a witness to the July7th Incident , when the Chinese people rose against the Japanese aggressors .

  21. 1937年卢沟桥事变后,日军全面侵华,很快攻陷厦门,并两度占领福州。

    After the Lugouqiao Incident in July 1937 , the Japanese invading army launched all of China , and soon occupied Xiamen and Fuzhou .

  22. (甲)七月七日卢沟桥事变,是日本帝国主义大举进攻中国本部的开始。

    A. The Lukouchiao Incident of July 7 marked the beginning of the Japanese imperialist all-out invasion of China south of the Great Wall .

  23. 为布告事:自卢沟桥事变以来,我全国爱国同胞,坚决抗战。

    Be it hereby proclaimed : Ever since the Lukouchiao Incident , all our patriotic countrymen have been firmly waging the War of Resistance .

  24. 这里,我们已经了解了卢沟桥事件的前因后果,它标志着第二次抗日战争的开端。

    Hereby , we have learned the whole story of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident , which marks the start of the second Sino-Japanese War .

  25. 本文列举了若干著名古桥&安济桥、虹桥、万安桥、卢沟桥、大渡河铁索桥、珠浦桥、程阳桥等为例,评述中国古桥的技术与艺术达到的相当高的水平。

    This article lists out many famous ancient bridges , and a review is given to the high level in technology and arts of these bridges .

  26. 1937年卢沟桥事变后,北京大学与清华大学、南开大学南迁长沙,共同组成长沙临时大学。

    After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in1937 , Peking University and Tsinghua University , Nankai University , south of Changsha , Changsha Temporary University together .

  27. 卢沟桥事变爆发后,为保护中华民族文化和教育之精华免遭灭顶之灾,华北和东南沿海的大批高等学府和一些科研院所纷纷西迁。

    After Lugouqiao Incident , many institutions of higher learning and some research institutes in North China and Southeast Coastland moved to the west in succession .

  28. 第二个转变是处于两个不同的战争过程之间的,这是一九三七年秋季(卢沟桥事变后)的事情。

    The second change in strategy took place in the autumn of 1937 ( after the Lukouchiao Incident ), at the juncture of the two different wars .

  29. 1937年7月7日,日本悍然发动了卢沟桥事件,拉开了全面侵华战争的序幕。

    In July 7 , 1937 , Japan launched " Lugou Bridge Incident " outrageously , which raised the curtain for all-out war of aggression against China .

  30. 本文主要运用博弈论模型对卢沟桥事变从一个地方性事件演变为中日两国之间的全面战争这一过程进行分析。

    The essay mainly analyzed the course of the incident from an endemic incident to a full-scale war between China and Japan with the model of Game Theory .