
lú bǐ
  • rupee
卢比 [lú bǐ]
  • [rupee] 印度等国的货币单位

卢比[lú bǐ]
  1. 印度已将卢比贬值了约11%。

    India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent

  2. 女:即使印度卢比继续下跌,JOMotors也不会吃亏。

    W : Well , JO Motors won 't lose out if the Indian Rupee falls further .

  3. 每户都领到6,000卢比的救济金。

    Each family is being given a cash handout of six thousand rupees .

  4. 外国投资者将被允许将利润额超过10亿卢比的部分调回国内。

    Foreign investors are to be allowed to repatriate profits over one billion rupees .

  5. 他一天挣20卢比。

    He earns 20 rupees a day .

  6. 4,000名妇女每人放入10个卢比,如果我算得对的话,总数将达到4万卢比。

    4,000 women put in ten rupees each , which if my arithmetic is right adds up to 40,000 rupees .

  7. 古鲁巴朗也开始进了3d电视的货,每台要95000卢比,(1700美元)。

    Mr gurubaran has started stocking 3D televisions that cost 95000 rupees ( $ 1700 ) a pop .

  8. 2013年,印尼卢比兑美元汇率下跌20%,而美联储(Fed)正在逐步退出量化宽松政策。

    The rupiah fell by a fifth against the US dollar in 2013 . And the Federal Reserve is tapering .

  9. CyberMediaResearch数据显示,去年苹果在高端智能手机(售价高于3万卢比)品类的市场份额达到44%,仅比三星少2个百分点。

    According to CyberMedia Research , Apple 's share of sales in the premium smartphone segment - with prices above Rs30000 - rose to 44 per cent last year , only 2 percentage points behind the South Korean group .

  10. “自由251”是一款安卓智能手机,由RingingBells公司推出,售价仅为251卢比(约为2.77英镑)。

    Freedom 251 is an Android phone advertised by Ringing Bells at 251 rupees ( 2.77 pound ) .

  11. 女:就是说JOMotors承诺用现在的汇率出售印度卢比。

    W : Well , it means that JO Motors enters into a commitment to sell Indian Rupees at the present rate .

  12. 印度清算公司(clearingcorporationofindia)于2002年成立,目前已开始清算卢比外汇衍生品,并正在向清算本地利率掉期合约发展。

    The Clearing Corporation of India , which was established in 2002 , has started clearing rupee foreign exchange derivatives and is moving towards the clearing of local interest rate swaps .

  13. 卢比汇率的急升反映了印度储备银行RBI货币政策的突然改变。

    The jump in the rupee reflects an abrupt change in policy by the RBI .

  14. 其他方面,尽管今年迄今为止印度卢比兑美元汇率已累计升值11%,加之政府数次试图限制资本流入,但印度央行(reservebankofindia)所面临的压力并未减轻。

    Elsewhere , pressure on the Reserve Bank of India has not eased despite an 11 per cent rise in the rupee so far this year against the dollar and several attempts at restricting capital inflows .

  15. 交易商表示,过去两周里,印度央行(reservebankofindia)为防止印度卢比兑美元升值,已经至少三次干预汇市,其中包括周四的一次。

    The Reserve Bank of India has intervened in the foreign exchange market at least three times during the past fortnight to prevent the rupee appreciating against the dollar , including on Thursday , traders said .

  16. 最后,我又另外花了6000卢比,点了一份escampur,这是一种浇有一堆五颜六色的明胶啫哩、水果切块和椰奶的刨冰。

    I finished it off with some es campur , shaved ice and crazily colorful gelatins , fruit and coconut milk for an additional 6000 rupiah .

  17. 德国内政部长托马斯•德•迈齐埃(ThomasdeMaizière)表示,卢比茨与恐怖主义不存在已知联系。

    Thomas de Maizi è re , Germany 's interior minister , said that Lubitz had no known links to terrorism .

  18. 首先是画宫博物馆(PuriLukisanMuseum)(门票售价8.5万卢比),在一片绿意盎然的土地上初步了解了一下巴厘岛的艺术。

    First , the Puri Lukisan Museum ( 85000 rupiah ) , which offers an introduction to Balinese art on lush grounds .

  19. 在令人捧腹的一幕中,PK企图用一张印着印度货币卢比上相同图案的海报买胡萝卜。

    One scene in which he tries to use a poster printed with the Indian rupee currency symbol to buy carrots is outrageously funny .

  20. 这款手机的制造成本大约是1180卢比,但是RingingBells公司声称,他们和手机中预装程序的公司有合作,因此可以得到补贴,从而降低手机的售价。

    The phone costs about 1180 rupees to make , and Ringing Bells claims to subsidise it via tie-ups with some of the apps that will be pre-installed .

  21. 卡拉奇证券交易所(karachistockexchange)的股票价格比起今年4月的历史最高点低了近40%,自1月以来,卢比贬值超过30%。

    Share prices on Karachi Stock Exchange are about 40 per cent below their all-time high in April this year , while the rupee has lost more than 30 per cent of its value since January .

  22. 饮酒也被列为非法行为,举办DJ音乐派对的人现在将面临1.1万卢比(合125英镑)的罚款。

    Alcohol has also been outlawed while throwing a ' DJ party ' will now carry a fine of 11,000 rupees ( 125 ) .

  23. 达美乐比萨在印度的业务由孟买上市的JubilantFoodworks运营,其去年收入达到162亿卢比,超过了麦当劳。

    Domino 's , which in India is operated by Mumbai-listed Jubilant Foodworks , surpassed McDonald 's with revenues of Rs16.2bn .

  24. 印度文化部规定,在泰姬陵(tajmahal)和其他文化遗址必须用一种特定的硬通货卢比购票。

    The culture ministry ordered the Taj Mahal and other heritage sites to insist on payment in a proper hard currency the rupee .

  25. 印度市场售出的手机70%价格在100美元以下,而无补贴版iPhone5的售价高达45500卢比(约合845美元),简直堪比奢侈品。

    Seventy percent of the mobiles sold in the country cost less than $ 100 , which makes selling unsubsidized iPhones the iPhone 5 starts at 45,500 rupees ( $ 845 ) especially daunting .

  26. 昨日,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)再次敦促印度减少从伊朗进口石油。印度已经在使用卢比结算从伊朗购买的石油。

    India , which already settles its oil purchases from Iran in rupees , was again urged yesterday by Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , to reduce its imports .

  27. 过去一年印度卢比对美元大幅下跌,部分原因在于投资者对印度高额经常项目赤字的担忧情绪日益强烈。目前印度经常项目赤字占GDP的比重约为4%。

    The country 's currency , the rupee , has tumbled against the dollar in the past year , partly due to growing investor concerns about India 's high current-account deficit , which is roughly 4 % of GDP .

  28. 汇丰(HSBC)在最近发给客户的简报中指出,随着资金流入当地股市,印度卢比和台湾台币等股市导向程度较高的货币表现更好。

    In a recent note to clients , HSBC said the more equity-oriented currencies such as the Indian rupee and the Taiwanese dollar had outperformed as money had flowed into local stock markets .

  29. 警方称,遭泄露的考题经由通讯软件WhatsApp“流通”,售价仅为1000卢比(约合人民币97元)。

    The leaked paper was sold for as little as 1000 rupees ( roughly RMB97 ) on the WhatsApp messaging service , police said .

  30. 密斯特里表示,塔塔钢铁(TataSteel)欧洲业务以及塔塔汽车(TataMotors)、塔塔电力(TataPower)、印度酒店(IndianHotels)和塔塔电信(TataTeleservices)等业务可能面临1.2万亿卢比(合180亿美元)的资产减记。

    Mr Mistry said Tata Steel Europe and four other group businesses - Tata Motors , Tata Power , Indian Hotels and Tata Teleservices - faced potential asset writedowns of Rs1.2tn ( $ 18bn ) .