
  • 网络Pashtun;Pushtuns;Pakhtoon
  1. 我们普什图人喜欢皮鞋,但讨厌鞋匠;

    We Pashtuns love shoes but don 't love the cobbler ;

  2. 不论有多不方便,我们普什图人都不能拒绝任何亲戚或朋友。

    We Pashtuns cannot turn away relatives or friends , however inconvenient .

  3. 拓帕通常讲的是爱情故事,或是怎样成为一个普什图人。

    They were usually about love or being a Pashtun . '

  4. 父亲总说普什图人的血液里流淌着英雄的基因。

    My father always says that heroism is in the Pashtun DNA .

  5. 普什图人是由三分之一阿富汗人和三分之二的巴基斯坦组成的。

    The Pashtun people are one-thirds of Afganastan and two-thirds of Parkistan .

  6. 这不是我们会做的事,骄傲的普什图人更是如此。

    We couldn 't do that , especially not as proud Pashtuns .

  7. 在发生重大危机的时候,我们普什图人有传统的解决办法。

    In times of crisis we Pashtuns resort to the old trusted ways ,

  8. 普什图人要他们的女儿与儿子接受教育。

    Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons .

  9. 他和大多数普什图人一样,有点迷信。

    Like most Pashtuns he is a bit superstitious .

  10. 这又是一个关于普什图人好客传统的感人事例。

    It was an astonishing example of Pashtun hospitality .

  11. 这是普什图人史上最大的一次移民潮。

    This was the biggest exodus in Pashtun history .

  12. 但塔利班就在附近,而且他们跟我们一样是普什图人。

    But the Taliban were just around the corner and were Pashtuns like us .

  13. 美国争取不到反叛乱战略所依赖的足够数量的普什图人。

    America cannot win over sufficient numbers of the Afghan Pashtun on whom coin depends .

  14. 数以百计的普什图人被迫离开他们原来的村庄范围内由当地塔吉克巴格兰省。

    Hundreds of Pashtuns were forced to leave their original villages by local Tajiks within Baghlan province .

  15. 我的母亲总是会遮起她的头脸,但穿罩袍不是我们普什图人习俗的一部分。

    My mother always covers her head but the burqa is not part of our Pashtun tradition .

  16. 莫妮巴说得很好:我们普什图人极具宗教热忱。

    Moniba put it well . ' We Pashtuns are a religion-loving people , " she said .

  17. 但他们远道而来,而且热情好客又是我们普什图人的传统,所以我们无法拒绝。

    But they had come a long way and it 's hard for us as Pashtuns to refuse hospitality .

  18. 我们过着很朴实的生活——我们普什图人喜欢坐在地板而非椅子上。

    We didn 't lead a life of luxury - we Pashtuns prefer to sit on floors rather than chairs .

  19. 我们看到的穆哈吉尔地区全都非常整洁而有条理,而普什图人的地区则是肮脏又混乱。

    The mohajir areas we saw all seemed very organised and neat whereas the Pashtun areas were dirty and chaotic .

  20. 他成为巴克同(普什图人的另一个称呼)学生联合会[2]的秘书长,他向联合会提出诉求,要求普什图人的平等权。

    He was made general secretary of the Pakhtoon Students Federation ( PSF ) , which wanted equal rights for Pashtuns .

  21. 可惜卡拉奇也是一个充满暴力的城市,穆哈吉尔人和普什图人之间常常爆发冲突。

    Unfortunately , Karachi has also become a very violent city and there is always fighting between the mohajirs and Pashtuns .

  22. 我还记得祖母以前经常背诵的一首拓帕:“普什图人不会自愿离开他的土地。

    I remembered the tapa my grandmother used to recite : ' No Pashtun leaves his land of his own sweet will .

  23. 政府安全部队以塔吉克人、乌兹别克人和哈扎拉人为主,中央政府得不到普什图人的支持。

    The government security forces themselves are largely Tajik , Uzbek and Hazara , with little Pashtun support for the central government .

  24. 从普什图人手中夺走他的来复枪就如同夺走他的性命。

    Taking a rifle away from a Pashtun is like taking away his life , so he could not disarm the tribes .

  25. 就像卡塔克希望普什图人能团结起来抵御外辱一样,我们也要团结起来,抵御冷漠。

    Just as Khattak had wanted the Pashtuns to unite against a foreign enemy , so we needed to unite against ignorance .

  26. 普什图人深信“复仇之石永不枯烂”。如果你做了错事,就要直面由此带来的后果。

    We Pashtuns know the stone of revenge never decays , and when you do something wrong you will face the music .

  27. 普什图人组成了全国最大的宗教团体,同时掌握着多数反抗者,但他们不愿签约受到雇佣。

    Pushtuns , members of the country 's largest ethnic group , to which most insurgents belong , are loth to sign up .

  28. 所以,我出生时,已是骄傲的巴基斯坦之女。不过,像所有的斯瓦特人一样,我也会首先认为自己是斯瓦特人和普什图人,然后才是巴基斯坦人。

    So I was born a proud daughter of Pakistan , though like all Swatis I thought of myself first as Swati and then Pashtun , before Pakistani .

  29. 但有些人的确很支持他们,因为虔诚的普什图人对于美国人入侵阿富汗,还推翻了塔利班政权感到非常气愤。

    But some people supported them because the very religious Pashtuns were angry at the American invasion of Afghanistan and the removal of the Taliban from power there .

  30. 我们甚至有句谚语说:“一个普什图人花二十年复仇,其他人会说这还早着呢。”

    There is no time limit . We have a saying : ' The Pashtun took revenge after twenty years and another said it was taken too soon . "