
shuānɡ biān ɡuān xì
  • bilateral relations
  1. 布什(Bush)政府将此项立法视为让美国国会发泄不满、同时又不会令美中双边关系出现裂痕的最好机会。

    The legislation is viewed by the Bush administration as the best chance for Congress to let off some steam without blowing a hole in bilateral relations with Beijing .

  2. 周二上午,我国外交部副部长张志军与ChikaoKawai就两国双边关系,特别是双方因钓鱼岛事件导致的紧张关系进行了磋商。

    On Tuesday morning , China 's Vice Foreign Minister , Zhang Zhijun , held a consultation with him on bilateral relations , with particular focus on the tensions over the Diaoyu Islands .

  3. 新型大国关系、双边关系、多边关系、经济关系……APEC会议是一个极其重要的国际外交舞台。

    A new model for relations between major countries , including bilateral and multilateral relations . The APEC meeting is an important scene on the global diplomatic stage .

  4. 一些银行家还担心,双边关系的任何恶化,都将会降低美国投行被选为有利可图的中国农业银行首次公开发行(ipo)顾问的机会。

    Some bankers also fear that any deterioration in bilateral ties would reduce the chances of a US investment bank being chosen to advise on the lucrative initial public offering of Agricultural Bank .

  5. 两国集团(G2)是全球最重要的双边关系;占全球产出的31%,全球贸易的四分之一。

    The G2 is the world 's most important bilateral relationship ; it accounts for 31 per cent of world output and a quarter of its trade .

  6. 今年夏天他还冒犯了中国,当时他暗示,英中双边关系将由副首相尼克克莱格(nickclegg)处理。

    He also managed to offend the Chinese in the summer by suggesting that the bilateral relationship would be handled by his deputy , Nick Clegg .

  7. 下面是一些围城内人的小提示,可以帮助你融洽今后的双边关系。

    Here are some insider tips to help nurture future interactions .

  8. 他把双边关系称作是双赢的局面。

    He described relations between the sides as a win-win situation .

  9. 中国和阿曼同意加强合作,进一步发展双边关系。

    China and Oman have enhance cooperation and further develop bilateral relations .

  10. 会议旨在修复双边关系。

    The meeting was intended to patch up relations between the two sides .

  11. 在此次访问中,中国发出双边关系回暖的信号。

    With the visit , China signaled a warming in the bilateral relationship .

  12. 在中国和约旦的双边关系方面,中方希望重点加强哪些领域的合作?

    In what areas does China want to enhance the cooperation with Jordan ?

  13. 中日关系是中国最本对的双边关系之一。

    Sino-Japanese relations is one of the most important bilateral relationship of China .

  14. 双边关系发展现状、双边与多边合作模式。

    Bilateral relations development present situation , both sides and multilateral cooperation pattern .

  15. 在复交和解时期,双边关系平稳发展,高层互访不断,经贸与技术合作不断加深。

    The reconciliation period was the time of steady development of bilateral relations .

  16. 韩日关系对彼此而言都是十分重要的双边关系,同时,它又是一种非常错综复杂的关系。

    The ROK-Japan bilateral relationship is both vital and complicated for each other .

  17. 高中英语教学中的五对双边关系

    Five Bilateral Relationships in High School English Teaching

  18. 巴林和以色列签署了一系列重要协议,使双边关系正式化。

    Bahrain and Israel have signed a series of key agreements formalizing bilateral ties .

  19. 但从去年的伊朗大选开始,双边关系变得更加复杂。

    But bilateral relations have grown more complicated since the Iranian election last year .

  20. 他说,目前的会谈有可能给双边关系造成很大影响。

    He says the current discussions could " greatly effect " the bilateral relationship .

  21. 北京和非洲各国保持着最紧密和最牢固的双边关系,其中就有苏丹的首都碚土穆。

    Beijing and Khartoum keep one of the closest bilateral relations on the continent .

  22. 中日安全困境是导致双边关系出现重大战略性变化的真正根源。

    That is an origin leading to the great strategic changes in bilateral relationship .

  23. 中东在中国战略中的重要性及双边关系

    Importance of the Middle East in China 's Strategy and an Inquiry into Bilateral Relations

  24. 经贸关系一直是中美双边关系的主体,它如何演变发展对中美双边关系有着重大影响。

    Economic and trade relationship has always been the main body of Sino-US bilateral relationship .

  25. 自1965年结束了短暂的结盟以来,两国的双边关系一直颇为紧张。

    Bilateral ties have been prickly since the two ended a brief Union in 1965 .

  26. 美国与越南加强双边关系是一件值得庆祝之事。

    That the US and Vietnam are forging stronger ties is something to be celebrated .

  27. 他补充道,现在旅游业是双边关系中发展最快的领域。

    He adds , tourism is now the fastest growing area of the bilateral ties .

  28. 中美关系是中国和谐外交中最重要的一组双边关系。

    Harmonious Sino-US relation is one of the most important bilateral foreign relations for China .

  29. 印度与日本之间的双边关系是影响亚洲地区格局的重要因素。

    The relationship between India and Japan is an important factor influencing Asian political arrangements .

  30. 面向新世纪的中智双边关系

    Sino-Chilean Relations towards the New Century