
shuāng yuán yīn
  • diphthong
双元音 [shuāng yuán yīn]
  • [diphthong] 一个滑移的单音节言语项,它在一个元音的发音位置上或其附近开始,并向另一元音的发音位置移动

双元音[shuāng yuán yīn]
  1. 是双元音,故不能分开。

    Is a diphthong , and therefore is not divided .

  2. 把一个简单的元音转变为双元音。

    Change from a simple vowel to a diphthong .

  3. 英语和汉语都有双元音,且包含四对相似双元音,英汉语音系统的异同使得PTHS在生成英语双元音时会受到一定影响。

    The similarities and differences between English and Chinese phonetic system will influence the diphthongs produced by PTHS to some extend .

  4. 有时你又把单词开头的辅音和双元音含糊掉。

    And then you slur by dropping initial letters and diphthongs . '

  5. 把两个连续的元音或音节收缩或紧缩成一个双元音。

    The contraction of two vowels into a diphthong .

  6. 双元音被看做是一个元音。

    A diphthong is considered one vowel sound .

  7. 双元音与词尾辅音类似,有时需要表示出来,有时则被省略。

    Dipthongs are similar to ending consonants in that sometimes they are written and sometimes omitted .

  8. 有些可以表示双元音的符号看作是一种缩写。

    Some of these signs can be considered " short-hands " in that they represent dipthongs .

  9. 发音与语调:英语发音与语调练习题,音标,双元音,单词重音测试题等

    Pronunciation and intonation : English pronunciation and intonation exercises , phonetics , diphthongs , word stress quizzes , and more

  10. 双元音在质上是不断变化的,整个滑动过程包括三个阶段:起始段,过渡段和收尾段。

    Diphthongs change in quality and the entire sliding process involves three stages : beginnging stage , transitional stage and ending stage .

  11. 希腊语中两种符号之一,表示首元音或双元音的送气发音的符号(')或不发这种送气音的符号(?)。

    Either of two marks used In Greek to Indicate aspiration of an Initial vowel or diphthong ( ' ) or the absence of such aspiration (?) .

  12. 第三部分详细描述和分析两个语音系统的单元音、双元音和带辅音的元音,通过对比找出了他们元音的异同。

    Chapter Three is concerned with the detailed descriptions and analyses of the similarities and differences about the monophthongs , the diphthongs and the vowels which have consonants of the two speech sound systems .

  13. 鉴于上述研究结果,笔者建议在今后的英语语音教学中教师要不断提高自己的英语双元音发音准确度,并借助声学软件和声学设备指导学生,从而提高他们的语音面貌。

    In view of the above results , the author recommends that teachers should constantly improve their pronunciation accuracy and help students in their acquisition of English diphthongs with the help of acoustic software and equipments .