
shuāng xīng
  • double star;binary star;binary system;dicoaster
双星 [shuāng xīng]
  • (1) [double star]∶很靠近同一视线的两颗恒星,用望远镜观测就能分辨

  • (2) [dicoaster]∶一种星状的球石粒

  • (3) [binary star; binary system]∶两颗星在相互引力作用下互相绕转的恒星系统,可分成三类以上

双星[shuāng xīng]
  1. 对于GPS系统为节约投资和提高精度采用双频双星卫星接收机和增加基准点数、优化基点布置的方法;

    In order to reduce investment and improve accuracy of GPS , sigle frequency & double star system may be adopted .

  2. 基于双星计划TC-1卫星观测的近地磁尾动力学研究

    Study on the Near-Earth Magnetotail Dynamics : Based on Double Star TC-1 Spacecraft Observations

  3. 有的星表还提供了运动,是否变光以及双星、聚星等等的资料。

    Some catalogs provide data on motions , variability , duplicity , etc.

  4. 从平近点角决定目视双星轨道要素T和P的一种方法

    The orbit determination of visual binary star with mean anomaly

  5. 双星/罗兰C组合导航方式研究

    The realizable modes for integrated RDSS / LORAN-C

  6. 双星X射线源与中子星的自转减速

    The X-ray source in binary stars and the spin down of neutron stars

  7. X射线源&双星同样也是发现黑洞候选体的地方。

    Binary X-ray sources are also places to find strong black hole candidates .

  8. X射线脉冲双星的吸积矩理论

    The Accretion Torque Theory of X ~ Ray Pulsars

  9. GPS和类GPS测距技术在双星编队星座状态确定中的联合应用

    Double-Satellite Formation Constellation States Determination With GPS and " GPS-like " Ranging Technology

  10. 脉冲星、X射线双星以及γ射线爆源,都可能存在着这种第二类磁场。

    Its properties implied from pulsars , X-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursts are discussed .

  11. 存在于x射线天文学中的,很令人着迷的应用,即,x射线双星。

    I want to discuss a fascinating application that we have in x-ray astronomy .

  12. 食双星RTPer光变和视向速度曲线统一解

    Simultaneous solution of light and radial velocity curves for eclipsing binary RT per

  13. 确定大熊W型双星质量比的一个近似方法

    An Approach Method to Determine the Mass Ratio for W UMa Binaries

  14. 本文研究了H自适应滤波,并将其应用到惯导/双星组合导航系统中。

    H ∞ adaptive filtering and its application to INS / DS integrated navigation system are studied .

  15. X射线脉冲双星的观测特性

    The Observational Characteristics of X-Ray Pulsars

  16. 模块化数字式气压高度表的研制和GPS双星定位方案预研

    Development of Modular & Digital Atmospheric Pressure Altimeter and Preliminary Research of Positioning Method with GPS Double-star

  17. 通常,黑洞X射线双星的态主要分为硬态,软态以及静态。

    The states of the black hole binaries generally consist of low-hard state , high-soft sate and quiescent state .

  18. 重负载下双星LANⅠ类系统模型的性能再评价

    Performance Revaluation of ⅰ Type System Model for Double-Star LAN Based on Heavy Load

  19. SINS/北斗双星组合导航系统研究

    Research on SINS / Double Satellite Position Integrated Navigation System

  20. 双向WDM星形单跳网双星波长重用扩容

    Enlarging the Capacities of Bidirectional WDM Star Single-hop Networks by Wavelength Reuse

  21. 最后,我们介绍了MR关系在天体物理学上的运用。MR关系在天体物理的应用主要是两个方面,一个是在黑洞双星上的应用,另一个是关于类星体射电二分的应用。

    Finally , we discuss the application of MR relation in astrophysics , which is focused on black hole binaries and radio dichotomy of quasars .

  22. 并对已知的15个A-K型近相接不接双星的统计性质作了讨论。

    15A-K type near-contact detached binary systems are collected and a discussion about the statistical characteristics of them is also presented .

  23. 基于双星定位系统辅助的Doppler/SINS组合导航系统研究

    Study on the Doppler / SINS Integrated Navigation System Based on the Assistance of Double-Star Positioning System

  24. 通过MonteCarlo仿真,给出了基于双星定位的扩展卡尔曼滤波算法对目标的弹道参数估计的结果。

    Trajectory parameters EKF estimation result based on two satellites positioning is given by Monte Carlo simulation .

  25. 相接双星金牛座AH

    The Contact Binary System AH Tau

  26. 简并双星的形成途径及其Monte-Carlo分析

    Channels for the Formation of Double Degenerates and a Monte Carlo Analysis

  27. 您可以下载一款名为“PulsatingScience”的3维可视软件来探索脉冲双星系统中的多普勒效应。

    Explore the Doppler effect in a binary pulsar system by downloading the " Pulsating Science " 3D visualisation software .

  28. WUMa型相接双星RZCom的CCD测光研究

    A CCD study of W UMa contact binary RZ Com

  29. 密近双星轨道周期的准周期/不规则变化(典型的相对变化幅度为△P/P-10-7-10-5)也只能用磁活动来解释。

    Quasi-periodic / irregular orbital period variations ( with typical relative amplitude of △ P / P - 10-7 - 10-5 ) can be only explained by magnetic activity .

  30. 活动双星ARLac的周期研究

    Period study of the active binary system ar lac