- dimensional electrophoresis;two-dimensional electrophoresis

Immobilized pH gradients ( IPG ) two-dimensional electrophoresis was developed to investigate the separation of proteins from early embryogenic cultures of longan .
Establishment and Optimization of Two-dimensional Electrophoresis for Proteomics of Human Gastric Cancer SGC-7901 Cells
The building of Capillary BEF / SDS PAGE Electrophoresis Technology
Establishment and preliminary analysis of the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis map of neural retinal proteome in rats
Flow cytometry results suggested that the transgenic plant was triploid . 4 . Using the Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis , we found 368 protein variances .
Whole cell proteins , membrane proteins , outer membrane proteins and extracellular proteins were extracted and performed 2-DE of different pH gradient .
Effect of Concentrations and Gradient of SDS-PAGE Gel on Proteins Separation in Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis
Differential Protein Expression in Crystalline Nickel Sulfide-induced Malignant Transformed Cells by Two Dimensional Electrophoresis
Methods The soluble antigens of the parasites were analysed by means of SDS PAGE and two dimensional gel electrophoresis .
To identify proteins responsive to high temperature in sacred lotus seeds , both treated and untreated protein samples were resolved by 2D gel electrophoresis for comparative proteomic analysis .
Methods : The contents of serum HDL subclasses in83 CHD subjects were determined by two dimensional gel electrophoresis associated with immunodetection method .
The effect of several experimental conditions on the result of ISO-DALT was investigated in this paper .
Optimization of 2-D electrophoresis map of pulmonary adenocarcinoma cell strain SPC-A1
In this paper , He-Ne laser irradiation enhanced the role of protein in leaves of wheat after UV-B Radiation damage Repair two-dimensional electrophoresis .
The nuclear proteins were extracted from the purified nuclei of TNF - α - induced apoptotic B16 cells , and then analyzed by 2-dimensional electrophoresis .
The expressed proteins in the rds retina are different in quality and quantity from that in the normal C3B mice .
Results The total proteins treated with hot SDS method were used to perform 2-DE. 2-DE patterns with high resolution and reproducibility were obtained for human serum samples .
Comparison of the differences in protein components by two-dimensional electrophoresis analysis in leaves was made between own-root and grafted cucumber plants under NaCl stress .
Analysis of differential proteome of malignant glioma SHG-44 cells after induced differentiation with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Two-dimensional electrophoresis ( 2D-PAGE ) was carried out on hemolymph proteins in S strain and R strain of German cockroach and the differences were analyzed .
Methods the protein samples were extracted from rat peripheral blood lymphocytes 24 h and 72 h after the 2 Gy total-body irradiation .
Analysis of the genomic data , the results showed ten 30K protein genes are in silkworm .
Objective To identify the different expressed proteins between the normal lens and age-related cataract by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis ( 2-DGE ) and matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ( MALDI-TOF-MS ) .
AIM : To investigate expression changes of hydrophilic proteins in acute injured mouse liver induced by a pyrrolizidine alkaloid Isoline , using two-dimensional electrophoresis technique .
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis ( 2-DE ) and peptide mass fingerprinting ( PMF ) have been the main techniques for the wheat leaf proteome analysis .
The obtained results of the mRNA differential display and two-dimensional electrophoresis of the proteins showed that the cDNAs of embryogenic calli and globular embryoids were more than those of cotyledonary embryoids and matured-cotyledonary embryoids , While the proteins were in turn .
A two dimensional electrophoretic analysis of proteins associated with photoperiod sensitive male sterility in Rice
After in_gel protein digestion , the different_expressed spots were detected by matrix_assisted laser desorption ionization_time of flight mass spectrometry ( MALDI TOF MS ) .
Two-dimensional Electrophoresis of Glutenin Subunits and Molecular Cloning of LMW-GS Coding Genes in T. Dicoccoides
The classical approach in proteomic analysis couples IEF / SDS-PAGE with mass spectrum . However , the shortcomings of IEF restrict its widespread applications .