
  • 网络Dual Core Processor;dual-core processor;Duo;AMD;Pentium D
  1. 关于上代iPad,批评的焦点集中在其缺少前后摄像头和双核处理器,不过现在这些问题都解决了。

    The most glaring criticisms had been the lack of front and rear facing cameras and a dual core processor , both of which have been resolved .

  2. 在完成龙腾R2的研究基础上,对单片多处理器体系结构进行研究,分析了双核处理器Cache层次以及互联结构,并提出适用于龙腾D2双核处理器体系结构的协同式二级Cache的设计方案。

    Based on the successful implementation of " Longtium R2 ", this paper researched the CMP architecture , analyzed the cache hierarchy and interconnection of the dual core processor and proposed the cooperative cache , which is suitable for " Longtium D2 " microprocessor .

  3. 例如,最新的iPhone6s有一个双核处理器,并且正好能放在口袋里。

    The latest iPhone 6s , for example , has a dual-core processor and fits nicely into your pocket .

  4. 与老款NookColor相比,双核处理器和双倍的RAM无疑带来了更迅速、更流畅的操作体验。

    The dual-core processor and doubled RAM promises a faster , smoother experience .

  5. 基于EFI和双核处理器的DRMAgent

    DRM agent based on dual-core and EFI

  6. 在内核中,实现对任务的透明调度,使用户任务的运行并不用关心任务在双核处理器上的哪个CORE里运行,其运行的结果都和在单核处理器上的运行结果相一致。

    In kernel , the task scheduling is transparent to the user task . The user task run on any core can get the result as it done by a signal-core processor .

  7. 在推出双核处理器之后,GalaxySIII这次搭载的四核处理器使它成为目前最强大的智能手机。

    Following its dual-core predecessor , Galaxy S III 's quad-core version makes it the most powerful smartphone yet .

  8. 预期的改进包括一个双核处理器、一个高质量显示器和一个前视相机以及一个SD卡插槽。

    Expected improvements include a dual-core processor , a higher-quality display , a front-facing camera , and an SD card slot .

  9. •A6双核处理器,速度是iPhone4S的两倍

    • A6 dual-core processor is 2x faster iPhone 4S

  10. 基于NiosⅡ的双核处理器系统研发

    Development of Dual-core Processor System Based on Nios ⅱ

  11. 基于Blackfin双核处理器的音频系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of Audio system Based on Blackfin Dual Cores

  12. 完成了龙腾D2双核处理器中二级Cache的设计,包括整体结构的设计、硬件支持、互联机制、主控状态机的设计等。

    Completed the design of the " Longtium D2 " L2 cache , including the architecture design , hardware support , interconnection mechanism and the state machine of main controller etc.

  13. 在介绍了OMAP芯片的双核处理器结构后,阐述了该无线多媒体终端的硬件设计、软件设计,并给出两个示范性多媒体应用实例。

    After investigating the advantages of OMAP dual-core architecture , a terminal prototype with software design was constructed . Two multimedia utilities are implemented on the platform were demonstrated .

  14. 本课题使用ARM+DSP双核处理器TMS320VC5471为硬件开发平台,兼具丰富的外设资源和DSP快速运算能力。

    The dual-core processor TMS320VC5471 ( DSP + ARM ) is severed as hardware development platform . This processor has various peripherals by ARM and it also has fast calculating ability by DSP .

  15. 内置A15双核处理器,2GB内存。所以,想象一下吧,Nexus10会是一台高速的迷你平板。

    On the inside , it 'll have a A15 dual-core processor running alongside 2GB of RAM , so expect the Nexus10 to be a speedy little tablet .

  16. 系统充分利用OMAP双核处理器高性能、低功耗的优点,扩展了平台的通用接口,为同步瞄准控制器的设计提供了完善的解决方案。

    Benefiting from the high performance and low consumption of OMAP processor , the system expands its general interfaces and provides a perfect solution for the design of synchronous aiming controller .

  17. 电脑还随机带有可以夹在近(远)视眼镜上的3D眼镜。宏碁Aspire能配备英特尔酷睿2双核处理器、独立显卡、4G内存和320G硬盘。

    A clip-on piece for prescription glasses also comes with the laptop . The Acer Aspire can be loaded with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor , discrete graphics , 4 gigabytes of memory and a 320-gigabyte hard drive .

  18. 眼下超便携笔记本市场一般均采用单核处理器产品,不过华硕最近一口气推出了7款CULV笔记本,而这些笔记本均将采用新款低功耗版本的酷睿2双核处理器。

    These days , going with a consumer ultraportable laptop usually means settling for a single-core processor .

  19. GalaxyTab3系列平板电脑使用的各种双核处理器已被摒弃,取而代之的是新的1.2GHz四核处理器,内存从1GB扩大至1.5GB。

    The various dual-core CPUs from the Galaxy Tab 3 series have been dumped in favor of new 1.2 GHz quad-core processors and the tablets now get 1.5GB of RAM instead of just 1GB .

  20. 这个系统运行在AMDAthlon™7750双核处理器上,它的负载很轻,每个内核运行一个进程,不需要进行优化。

    This particular system runs on an AMD Athlon ™ 7750 dual-core processor , which is very lightly loaded , so each core ran one process , and there wasn 't any need to prioritize them .

  21. 双核处理器使应用程序运行更快,界面也更加流畅。

    Dual-core guts make for faster apps and a smoother interface .

  22. 基于双核处理器的无线多媒体终端设计

    A Wireless Multimedia Terminal Design Based on a Dual-Core Processor

  23. 数据一致性问题是双核处理器应用的重要课题。

    Data coherence is an important issue in dual-core application .

  24. 最好的办法就买双核处理器。

    The best bet is a dual-core processor .

  25. 吴肖还重申了他之前的观点,认为iPhone5将采用双核处理器。

    Wu also repeated his previous view that the next phone will include a dual-core processor .

  26. 这两款手机都配有双核处理器,不过,诺基亚在电池寿命上更胜一筹。

    Both handsets have adopted dual-core predecessors , but Nokia wins the upper hand on battery life .

  27. 双核处理器与单核处理器的硬件架构差异及影响,是研究的首要内容。

    First , the difference and influence of the hardware architecture between the dual-core and signal-core need to be studied .

  28. 处理器:双核处理器比较好。不要为提高处理速度额外花费。

    Processor : Any dual-core processor will be fine . Don 't pay a penny extra for faster processor speed .

  29. 达芬奇双核处理器将系统控制和图像算法分别处理,这种方式代表了交通检测技术的发展方向。

    Dual-core processor deals with the system control and image processing algorithms respectively , which represents the traffic detection technology development .

  30. 在更低级的层面上,单核系统上锁的开销远远低于双核处理器。

    At a lower level , locking overhead is much lower on a single core than on a dual core processor .